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Martial Arts whats needed


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Thunder Kick and Eagle's Claw.  Thunder Kick is your typical tier one power, meh.  Eagle's Claw is just plain terrible, especially for a tier nine power.  If you must skip another attack, pick either Cobra Strike or Crane Kick.  They're the exact same power, just with different animations and one does a stun while another can accept a Force Feedback +recharge IO.

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You can skip either crane kick or cobra strike. They have the same damage, animation time, and recharge if I recall correctly. Crane kick just knocks them back whereas cobra strike stuns them. I think most people take cobra strike. 

Even though I do take cobra strike instead, crane kick looks cooler. 

I also never take thunder kick. 

You’ll find a split opinion on eagles claw. I take it 100% of the time. It defines the set in my opinion and I wouldn’t take martial arts as a set without it.  It does have a long animations, but it is fun and it does decent damage.  It offers a nice boost to crit chance after use so your next attack will crit most of the time.

Edited by Saikochoro
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Put a KB>KD (or Overwhelming Force) in Crane Kick.


I ran a build without Eagles Claw for a while. It's probably better from a DPS standpoint, but I just found it boring. Eagles Claw adds some flash. I can still run a an attack chain of Storm, Cobra, Crane and CAK with no gaps, but it's fun to throw in some color with Eagle's Claw.

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