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Memories of the past; hopes for the future


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When I started playing CoH back in 04, I never knew this game would have made a large impact in my life. I have made quite a lot of friends. But when I was forced to leave the game in 09; I had at least a means to keep in touch. When the game was shuttered; it literally knocked me for a loop. Eventually I learned to move on; but thoughts of the characters I made and how much details I put into their backgrounds crept up from time to time; and the regret that I didn’t made a larger impact on the community as a whole.


People reading have to understand that I suffer from chronic depression and a social anxiety disorder and City of Heroes was an outlet for me to be a part of something bigger than myself. Now with Homecoming; I now have a chance to alleviate that one regret and hopefully make a lot of friends beyond the SG my main (Simika) calls home.


This post was written to get these thoughts of my chest and I appreciate those who read this.

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This game always meant a lot to me as well.  I could just never really let it go.  I played a couple of other things after it went away, but it was always what I yearned to play.  When Icon came around, it sparked an ember of hope, and provided such a wave of nostalgia, but ultimately felt lonely.  When Paragon Chat came along, we moved a step closer to the game we remembered.  By that time, I had used the character creator, and save file function to re-create all of my favorite mains.  That ember of hope was fanned higher, and the nostalgia factor went through the roof.  But, in my mind, I figured this probably as far as it would go, unless the SEGs team was successful in re-engineering the game, which was going to take years.


Then, like a super nova, the game burst back into existence a little over a year ago, and I felt as if the universe had granted me a rare second chance to experience something I truly loved again.  I have played regularly since then, with no end in sight.  We all have our reasons for feeling about the game as we do.  Those reasons run the spectrum from nostalgic, to a release that allows them to cope with life in ways that nothing else does.  So, I am even more grateful that it is back, and the good that comes from folks gathering here to play together.  If only the world at large could better approximate the vibe created by this game.

Edited by Abraxus
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What was no more, is REBORN!

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6 hours ago, Crazyleo said:

I suffer from chronic depression and a social anxiety disorder and City of Heroes was an outlet for me


Ditto on SAD.  I've spent most of my life incapable of socializing.  Even without being able to play, Co*'s resurrection has allowed me to converse more in the last few months than I had in the previous seven years.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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