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Hello!  Last night my toon, Ice/Rad/Energy Tanker, led Eochai through the streets of Peregrine Island without a hitch.  Even stopped at some ToT doors and cleared some TRICKS while Eochai stomped, threw fireballs, and even sent his Streng after me.  My health barely dinged, and recovered immediately.
Today, I did some solo radio missions at +4/8, and was faceplanted by Arachnos baddies, but just the psi types caused me issues.
In Permafrost, I have Aegis Resist/End, Resist/Rech, Resist, Unb Guard +7.5 HP, StdFst Prot KB Prot, Glad Arm TP +Def All
Should I remove one of the Aegis or the Unb Guard and replace with the Aegis Psi/Stat Res proc OR choose incarnate Barrier under the Destiny slot, or replace an enhancement AND get Barrier?
I was originally going for the Ageless in Destiny, I like having the Endurance boost, but oh well, if I can fix the Psi issue.
Thanks for any suggestions!

Posted (edited)

The Arachnos is not just about Psi damage, their real impact is the Defence and recharge debuff stacking.


As Ice armor tanker, you should not have issue with the recharge debuff but (correct me if i m wrong cause i never rolled a ice armor on tanker), i see on mid's only 51,9% defence debuff resistance.


So even if you are soft cap (45+ def), any enemy have at least 5% chance to hit you : as a ice armor, you have no psi def nor psi resistance, so the psi attack debuff your defenceS and you finish naked with your 90% cold resistance...


the issue is that the best set to upgrade both psi def and res is Impervium... which is a resistance set.


I think is should be doable but at what cost ?


Tanker - Ice Armor - Radiation Melee ice def test.mxdFetching info...


this "build" have the 45% psi def and with Ageless Radial you ll be cap Defence Debuff Resistance for 1 minute and after at 73% : which should be enough to hold some classic arachnos in +4x8.


But to be honnest, take this as a test, i would never pay so many IO+5 for such "result".

  On 10/18/2020 at 1:23 AM, seaborndan said:

Should I remove one of the Aegis or the Unb Guard and replace with the Aegis Psi/Stat Res proc OR choose incarnate Barrier under the Destiny slot, or replace an enhancement AND get Barrier?


Barrier will make you immortal for more or less 1 minute then it's only 5% def and res ALL.


Edit : after thinking a bit, i would go with a good devastating blow to have a 100% Heal Siphon every rotation cause taunt is not so usefull on a ice armor being already the king of agro.


Tanker - Ice Armor - Radiation Melee ice def test2.mxdFetching info...


But that's still ugly 😕

Edited by Tsuko

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Drats.  It's never a simple solution with these character builds.  LOL 
I had a build going when I found one in these forums very similar, so combined them to get the one below.   Turns out to be very nice at taking damage, just the Arachnos threw me off.  Haven't had issues, other than endurance, with Carnies.  Haven't tested with Freaks or Malta, yet.
This toon would be used mostly for team missions and such, so I'll just pack a lot of purple inspirations in the tray and email.  I really don't think I'll ever do the +5 enhancement slotting. 
Thanks for your help!  Those are nice builds, which I'll keep in my file.


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Posted (edited)
  On 10/18/2020 at 8:17 AM, seaborndan said:

Drats.  It's never a simple solution with these character builds.  LOL 
I had a build going when I found one in these forums very similar, so combined them to get the one below.   Turns out to be very nice at taking damage, just the Arachnos threw me off.  Haven't had issues, other than endurance, with Carnies.  Haven't tested with Freaks or Malta, yet.
This toon would be used mostly for team missions and such, so I'll just pack a lot of purple inspirations in the tray and email.  I really don't think I'll ever do the +5 enhancement slotting. 
Thanks for your help!  Those are nice builds, which I'll keep in my file.




Edited by Tsuko

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  On 10/18/2020 at 1:23 AM, seaborndan said:

Arachnos baddies


Found your problem! Arachnos are tough. Period. Rather than trying to build for just this one enemy group, I find it better to simply alter my play style for them. Normally, I just bull through everything, even at 4x8. But, with Arachnos, I use a bit more strategy, pulling, sniping, kiting, and such.


Arachnos are NASTY opponents with multiple overlapping attack surfaces.
Debuffs out the ying-yang.  Psi damage.  Toxic damage.  Basically a nightmare scenario.  They debuff the crap out of you, THEN start whacking away with things you're generally weak to.

If you're sufficiently tough, Carnies aren't terrible, even with all the Psi.
Freaks are a joke.  Malta you just want to create a macro:

/macro Sapper, targetname sapper

And get them before they get lucky enough to bypass your defenses with that crazy-strong sap.

Once they're out of the way, Malta is just annoying with the teleporting agents.

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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