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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Why? I've been hearing complaints about difficulty since I joined in 2008. An utterly pointless complaint, Whether you're arguing "too hard" OR "too easy" Difficulty has been almost completely personal preference since 09/15/2009 (Issue 16). Back when difficulty level was "heroic. tenacious, etc" and the Wiki didn't exist, it was tougher to tune your gaming experience. Forgive the profanity But if you want a cake wakm the proper response is "what flavor and do you want comfy shoes?" If you want "Rocks fall. Everyone dies"? You got it! The nastiest, most player hostile experience I ever had was Philotic Knight's AE adventures. Absolute torture test! Took an unsuspecting Invuln tank in. They had ALL THE KB, PLUS SOME! I for bounced around like a blaster so much I HAD TO EXIT THE GAME IN WOW!
  2. Known. You can place them in your base as well. Too bad Dr. Who *the show: died a while ago and seems to have forgotten how to regenerate'
  3. If I have to roll my eyes any harder, I'm suing for assault and battery! Too easy....pffft! No such thing! If you want "more challenge", simply don't use some of the things.
  4. I have other things to set to auto.
  5. Because most of the "Sword" powers are generally noticeably slower, thus lower DPA. Granted, this isn't terribly important, when you're capped Defense and capped Resist.
  6. Wish I had access to my build library. Had some computer issues and the rig has been in the shop extraordinarily long. If I had time I'd have rebuilt the rig myself, Bur I DO NOT have time and may not for months. Considering my pay, it's ultimately cheaper to fix the system and replace problem parts by paying for it. The lost work time would be absolutely ruinous.
  7. Yeah, the export function s apparently chapping the dev's asses and wont bi fixed without kicking, screaming and getting shiv'ed at a moment's notice. It's, at this point, better to save the build file and file transfer it.
  8. Stuff like Invuln is for lazy people like us who like low maintenance builds. Shield requires a bit more in the way of active management.
  9. Straight ALL DEFENSE setups are generally flawed, Remember, resist ALWAYS takes a set percentage of damage off, based on Resistance value. Pure Defense is "all or nothing". With the RNG generally hating the living F### out of you at times.
  10. This probably isn't the BEST build available. But it pretty much ticks all the boxes you specified, Curtain Of Flames - Tanker (Shield Defense).mxd
  11. That seems to be the way of it in a lot of fields. Almost NOBODY I know is actually using their degrees for what was intended.
  12. The point is that there's really only so much one can wring from single slots. You can always argue that something is "more efficient". You have to prove it, QUANTITATIVELY though. And not just in the vacuum "This slot/these slots" aren't as efficient as something else"
  13. If you're looking for zombie-click type play? Sure. But pretty much everything you want is shallow with HMerits. And it's far more stable than the market. If I feel the need to massage my marketing e-peen, I can be patient. If I just want it now? I just get it now. I've built up billions of Inf and thousands of HMerits.
  14. No. Invuln is generally fairly durable the floor for Invuln is 67%. There are just LOTS of places to pull Resit (S/L) from Simply having more than enough is NOT hurting you in any way. But look at most high end builds. There is ALWAYS going to be an overlap of some sort. As to the SL boost? Okay? So what? The rest of the set boosts are deeply useful on an invuln. This is why I don't limit it to two slots. And if a Resist power IS only limited in such a way, something else gets chosen. Also, achieving Soft Cap Defense is relatively easy with a couple enemies in range? Is having some unnecessary slotting feeding in MORE not beneficial? Of course no, it simply makes operation in steady-state Tanking more attractive.
  15. Thank you for agreeing with my point. You're eschewing a set-defining power because you prefer to operate as a Scrapper.
  16. And entire map full of aggroed "chase your ass down and kill you PAINFULLY!" enemies. And that's just you walking into the map!
  17. * Introduces Mercedes Lackey * to shame you for the pathetic little Cossack you are...
  18. There's fairly few things you can really cram in those sections that are really useful with a multi-dimensional nature.
  19. IMNSHO, talking about "Need" with regards to Taunt for Tanks misunderstands both the point of Tanking (soft combat control). Tanks without Taunt are like petless mansterminds. CAN you do it? SURE! Like fighting a boxer with one hand tied behind your back.
  20. I agree about the ED stuff. However, my personal little foible/conceit is that you're using Fighting as a mule pool, you're better off taking Kick rather than Boxing. Differences in damage output are negligible. And kick allows you to sneak in a Force Feedback proc. Sure, it only a tiny speed boost. But it's something USEFUL to to your whole build, rather than just dropping in a damage proc without real augmentation. Consuming valuable slots and set bonuses that can be shoe-horned in elsewhere.
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