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Further Device Revamp

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The least used power in Devices, if not the entire game, is Time Bomb.  Even in solo play it is basically a useless skill.  Trip Mine while not super viable in group play where you are moving at a rapid rate, it does have a fair amount of use if soloing missions.  You can stack trip mines and with enough you can one shot most elite bosses in the game.  Time Bomb though has no real use even solo as you cant even stack it like you can with Trip Mine. 


I would like to see a replacement for Time Bomb.  New ability Sticky Grenade.  Short range (20 the same as Taser), targeted AOE with a small radius of effect.  Medium damage with a knockup effect.  This would give Devices an ability more suited towards group play, that can be used in conjunction with Taser for close up mobs, and act as an AOE version of Taser.  Damage should be approx the same as Taser (base 109), with a mixture of lethal and fire the same as Trip Mine.  

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I've heard ideas about turning the power into a toggle instead so you could remotely detonate it.


Another idea is maybe making it a stationary pet.  Coupled with another power like Teleport target (or whatever the new name is) so you could teleport the bomb into a spawn, basically making it a movable trip mine.  Maybe springing off of that idea, you could give it and trip mine a special interaction so you can put a trip mine ON the Time Bomb so when you teleport it and the trip mine explodes, it causes the time bomb to explode as well.

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Ran a group of AR/Dev with friends back on Live.  One of us took Time Bomb and we'd use it to pull a mob (or what survived) down into our field of Tripmines (2 to 5 /Dev can lay quite a field), usually adding a mob or three via snipes or full auto to the ensuing chaos.  Lobbing a 'Boom' from short range would certainly have been interesting way to start the show.

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I used to run a fire/dev back on live and I only tried it once and then speced out of it ASAP. 

I don’t think the power needs to change much other than placement. Make it ranged and keep the rest the same. Gives you a chance to use it in group play. 

The theme could be it’s teleported because it’s volatile and throwing it would set it off.  

Can’t be any more overpowered than Elec/Shield brutes and their 2 tele-nukes. 


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  • 2 weeks later
On 10/31/2020 at 9:15 PM, Doomguide2005 said:

Like the idea, but you're replacing the Tier 8 which does Extreme damage.

True but my thinking was that Time Bomb has such high damage because it has so much going against it otherwise.  i think the devs gave it such high damage because they needed to give it something in order for anyone to even think about taking it.  It seemed that with all the other improvements I gave it (AoE damage and a knock up) that the damage would be balanced where I suggested.  If however testing shows that it should be raised then I certainly wouldnt be opposed to that.  Think of the damage number and AoE radius as starting points and they can be adjusted as testing and balance dictate.

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