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I want to try and make my second character a mage type that uses fire and ice powers to hit mobs from a distance, I already have a melee spines/fire scrapper.


Not having ever played this game I am not familiar with thing enough to know how to build things so would appreciate some help or critiques.


Now I tend to play solo unless doing a TF or Trial.


I looked through the old forum on the waybackmachine and found this which I am kind of following.



Guide to the Fire/Ice Blaster

Welcome to my i11 guide to the Fire Blast primary and Ice Manipulation secondary. I made my Fire/Ice Blaster Camo Fire back in December 2005 and have loved playing him since. I chose the build based on my love of fire and the interesting effects of the ice secondary. I didn’t know the build would work out to be as good as it really is today. I will break down each powers in the 2 sets, with some help from Mids’ Hero Designer and my own experiences.


Don’t worry, I’m not good with numbers either. I won’t provide all that confusing math some other people do.


If you are looking for a certain word/phrase, remember that windows users can hold down the ctrl key and hit f, type in a word in the box that pops up, and click Find Next. It will search for the word/phrase that you typed, making it easier to browse this lengthy guide.


Power Availability Charts:

Fire Blast:

1- Flares

1- Fire Blast

2- Fire Ball

6- Rain of Fire

8- Fire Breath

12- Aim

18- Blaze

26- Blazing Bolt

32- Inferno


Ice Manipulation:

1- Chilblain

2- Frozen Fists

4- Ice Sword

10- Chilling Embrace

16- Build Up

20- Ice Patch

28- Shiver

35- Freezing Touch

38- Frozen Aura




Fire Blast


*Flares , If this was i10 or earlier, I would say this is a skippable power and you should only get it if you find that you have a hole in your attack chain. But since the Defiance update a little after i11 and the shortened animation time, I would say it’s something good to get when you can, although it isn’t a top priority. This power helps a lot to build up your Defiance, providing you with better damage. Also, thanks to Defiance, you can use this power while mez’d (Held, Slept, Stunned, etc.) to greatly add to your DPS. Top it off with a cheap endurance cost and it’s a decent power. This is a single target attack that does minor fire damage.


Recommended Slotting:1 end, 1 acc, and 3 dmg. If using IO sets, I recommend looking through the ranged damage sets and using this power for extra set bonuses.


*Fire Blast , Now here is a power you will be using a lot. I VERY highly recommend this as your starting power. The endurance cost is a little higher than Flares, but I find it to be worth the damage. It also helps to stack Defiance quite well. This is a single target attack that does moderate fire damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 3 dmg, 1 end, 1 recharge. If using IO sets, I recommend the Thunderstrike set.


*Fire Ball , The Fire Blast set is known for it’s great AoE capabilities, and this power along with Fire Breath is why. It is a targeted AoE attack, which means it will get your target and anyone around it within 15 feet. As explained later, this power is great for a “mini nuke”. It does moderate fire and smashing damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 3 dmg, 1-2 end, 1 recharge. If using IO sets, I recommend the Detonation set.


*Rain of Fire , This is definitely a situational power. I am personally not a big fan of it, but some people take it for the occasional time that it’s useful. It is location AoE, meaning that you choose where to place it (a marker comes up around your mouse when you click on the power in your tray) and it lasts for 15 seconds, damaging anyone in it. The unfortunate part is that it has a fear effect, meaning that enemies will run away from it, although slowly since it also has a –speed effect. It does minor fire damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1-2 endurance


*Fire Breath , This power and Fire Ball work great together. It is a cone, meaning it will hit your target and anyone in a 40 foot range and in a 30 degree arc. Remember that the farther you are from an enemy you are, the larger the arc is. I will explain later how this power can be used with Fire Ball to make a “mini nuke”. This does moderate DoT fire damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 3 dmg, 1-2 end, 1 recharge. If using IO sets, I recommend Air Burst or Detonation.


*Aim , This is a click power which lasts 10 seconds and has a 90 second recharge. It temporarily gives you a tohit buff of 37.5% and a damage buff of 62.5%. Only the tohit buff is enhanceable. This is a great power to use along with Build Up before Inferno or your “mini nuke”.


Recommended Slotting: 2-3 recharge


*Blaze , This is my absolute favorite power of this set. Get it at 18, no ifs, ands, or buts. It does high single target damage and, when enhanced in higher levels, can almost 1-shot a white minion. It doesn’t seem like much, but it has a cast of about 1 second, so it brings your DPS WAY up. It also helps a lot against bosses, EBs, and AVs. Some people recommend slotting range into it, but I’m against that. Damage, accuracy, and recharge are MUCH more important. This does single target high fire damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 3 dmg, 1 end, 1-2 recharge. I wouldn’t recommend using IO sets in this power, but if you do, try Thunderstrike.


*Blazing Bolt , This is a snipe power, meaning that it is very long range and does high damage, but it can be interrupted during the 3 seconds of casting time. It also has high accuracy, meaning that you don’t really have to slot it with accuracy. A great fight opener and puller.


Recommended Slotting: 1-2 end, 1 dmg. For IO sets, try Executioner’s Contract or Extreme Measures.


*Inferno , Finally, here is the power you’ve been waiting for- your nuke. This is a PBAoE power, meaning you don’t need to have a target to use it, and it will hit any enemies within 25 feet. The main drawbacks of this power is that you have to jump right in the middle of a group to use it and after use it drains all of your endurance and stops your recovery for a few seconds. Endurance inspirations still can be used though. This power should only be used right after using Aim and Build Up, or it will feel gimped. If you don’t hit any enemies, you will lose 20 endurance and no other penalties.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc optional, 3 dmg, 2-3 recharge. If using IO sets, I recommend Multi-Strike.



Ice Manipulation


*Chilblain , This power must be taken at level 1…you have no choice. It is a single target immobilize, meaning it will stop your enemy from moving, although they still can attack if they are in range. It also reduces their recharge. Great for controlling battles. It does moderate DoT cold damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 1 recharge to help control


*Frozen Fists , This is a melee power, which immediately made me skip it. If you aren’t interested in being a blapper, skip it. The only reason I would take it is for the melee IO sets. It does minor cold/smashing damage and reduces your foe’s recharge and speed.


Recommended Slotting: I haven’t really used this power, but I would say maybe 1 acc and 1 dmg


*Ice Sword , This is also a melee power. Once again, only take it if you want to be a blapper or want the melee IO sets. It does moderate cold/lethal damage and lowers your foe’s recharge and speed.


Recommended Slotting: Same as Frozen Fists, 1 acc and 1 dmg


*Chilling Embrace , Once again, a good blapper power. At first, I really didn’t want this power. But after trying it out, I found that it’s great for damage mitigation. It is a toggle, meaning you can turn it on and off, and lowers the speed, recharge, and damage of enemies within 10 feet of you.


Recommended Slotting: 1-2 end


*Build Up , Finally, a non-blapper power! This does basically the same thing as Aim, but with different numbers. It gives a 15% tohit buff and a 100% damage buff. It is a great power to use along with Aim for a nuke or “mini nuke”.


Recommended Slotting: 2-3 Recharge, 1 tohit (only if you have extra slots!!)


*Ice Patch , This is a useful power, but would be more useful if it was bigger. When you activate this power, you make a patch of ice on the floor around you. It stays in the exact spot for 30 seconds and knocks down any foes that walk on it. This is great damage mitigation. This power can not be activated while you are in the air. I would recommend getting this power when you get the chance, but it isn’t a huge priority.


Recommended Slotting: 1 end, 1-2 recharge


*Shiver , While training up my Fire/Ice Blaster I skipped this power, but I now regret that choice. This is a very useful power and I recommend picking it up when you get a chance. It is a cone power, meaning it will hit your target within a 60 foot range and hit any enemies within a 135 degree arc. That is actually a very big area it can hit and can cover almost any group of enemies you encounter. Also, although this power doesn’t do damage, it will add to your defiance. It decreases your foe’s recharge and run speed.


Recommended Slotting: 1 end, 1 recharge


*Freezing Touch , This is one of my favorite Ice Manipulation powers. It is a melee single target hold, meaning it will stop your target from moving and attacking for 11.9 seconds unenhanced. It will hold anything up to a lieutenant. To hold a boss or up, it needs to be stacked with other holds. Since the recharge is lower than the duration, it is possible to stack it for 1.9 seconds unenhanced and longer if you add recharge reduction and hold duration to it. It also does minor cold damage.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 1 hold, 1 end, 1 recharge. If using IO sets, I recommend the Ghost Widow’s Embrace or Essence of Curare sets.


*Frozen Aura , The last of the Ice Manipulation set and quite disappointing in my opinion. It is a PBAoE sleep, meaning it will effect enemies within 10 feet of you. The sad part is that it’s sleep, meaning that they can’t move or attack, but if they’re hit with any attacks, they come out of it. That is quite bad for a fire blaster that specializes in AoE attacks. I would only use this power in a tough group and take them out 1 at a time.


Recommended Slotting: 1 acc, 1 end, 1 recharge



For pools...unless it's a personal preference, I would personally drop Air Superiority and Fly for Super Jump and Acrobatics...I personally prefer SJ over Fly, and Acrobatics is always nice to have for the KB and Hold resistance. Although, I do see why you would like to keep Air Superiority for the knockdown...you could possibly drop RoF or Blazing Bolt for it, depending on what powers you think are important.


This is what I have so far.


I was wondering if I use the IO sets mentioned in the first post what combination should I use for each set?  Are there better IO sets to use that those mentioned?


I understand things like why not more than 3 damage enchancements but what is written is more for common IO I think. Not sure the break down for set IO would be like and would be more combinations like acc/dam or dam/end/ maybe even acc/da,/rech  etc etc.


For example in my spine/fire build I see combinations like this:


A) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage

(3) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge

(3) Obliteration - Damage

(13) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge

(42) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge

(43) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge




(A) Kinetic Combat - Knockdown Bonus

(46) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance

(46) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge

(50) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge



Also what power should I be looking at in the P2W NPC.  Not sure what travel and utility powers would be handy and work well with  sprint and super jump.  Most thigns seem to toggle off SJ.



This is what I have so far:


I have one enhancement  in fireball, Might of the Empire from the p2w vendor.  Made level by doing one DFB. lol


Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962



Click this DataLink to open the build!


Aviella: Level 49 Magic Blaster

Primary Power Set: Fire Blast

Secondary Power Set: Ice Manipulation

Power Pool: Leaping


Hero Profile:

Level 1: Fire Blast

  • (A) Empty
  • (3) Empty
  • (5) Empty

Level 1: Chilblain

  • (A) Empty
  • (7) Empty

Level 2: Fire Ball

  • (A) Empty
  • (3) Empty
  • (5) Empty
  • (7) Empty

Level 4: Super Jump

  • (A) Empty

Level 6: Combat Jumping

  • (A) Empty

Level 8: Fire Breath

  • (A) Empty

Level 10: [Empty]

Level 12: [Empty]

Level 14: [Empty]

Level 16: [Empty]

Level 18: [Empty]

Level 20: [Empty]

Level 22: [Empty]

Level 24: [Empty]

Level 26: [Empty]

Level 28: [Empty]

Level 30: [Empty]

Level 32: [Empty]

Level 35: [Empty]

Level 38: [Empty]

Level 41: [Empty]

Level 44: [Empty]

Level 47: [Empty]

Level 49: [Empty]

Level 1: Brawl

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Defiance

Level 1: Prestige Power Dash

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Slide

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Quick

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Rush

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Surge

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Sprint

  • (A) Empty

Level 2: Rest

  • (A) Empty

Level 4: Ninja Run

Level 2: Swift

  • (A) Empty

Level 2: Health

  • (A) Empty

Level 2: Hurdle

  • (A) Empty

Level 2: Stamina

  • (A) Empty






  On 5/28/2019 at 10:20 PM, Vanden said:

Chilling Embrace? I think you better double-check your character creator, because Blasters don’t get Chilling Embrace.

He's using an ancient guide, so it's understandable.


OP, at the very least, you should definitely take Chilling Embrace Frigid Protection at Level 10. It's your "sustain" power, and while it's a toggle, it doesn't cost any END to use, and you'll get a buttload of +Recovery just for running it. Also, a little bit of +Absorb. For a little more information on sustain powers, please refer to Novacat's thread.

  On 5/28/2019 at 11:11 PM, Fatman said:


Chilling Embrace? I think you better double-check your character creator, because Blasters don’t get Chilling Embrace.

He's using an ancient guide, so it's understandable.


OP, at the very least, you should definitely take Chilling Embrace Frigid Protection at Level 10. It's your "sustain" power, and while it's a toggle, it doesn't cost any END to use, and you'll get a buttload of +Recovery just for running it. Also, a little bit of +Absorb. For a little more information on sustain powers, please refer to Novacat's thread.


Ah yes good to know.


My first toon was a fire/ice mage. I recreated him here. There is nothing like dropping ice patch and rain of fire right on myself and watching mobs slip, slide and panic. Good times. 8)

  On 5/29/2019 at 10:50 PM, RichVR said:

My first toon was a fire/ice mage. I recreated him here. There is nothing like dropping ice patch and rain of fire right on myself and watching mobs slip, slide and panic. Good times. 8)

It's awesome. I loved Shiver too on mine. Suddenly Fire has all the mitigation in the world. End-game though, such tactics are not meta - especially if you build for soft capped defenses. I almost felt I lost a child having to spec out of Ice Patch when my Fire/Ice "grew up".

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