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Weekly Task Forces


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On 2/4/2021 at 12:47 PM, Uun said:

You mean like this?




No, not like that.  Of course the thread is there, but you have to dig around for it.  I would like to see a link on the home page that links directly to the thread.


More like taking this:


Edited by Lockpick
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5 minutes ago, Lockpick said:

No, not like that.  Of course the thread is there, but you have to dig around for it.

o.0  It's one mouse click and then scroll down a small amount.  That's hardly "having to dig around for it".

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On 2/3/2021 at 10:49 PM, twozerofoxtrot said:

Hi @Lockpick


There was a post with the rotation somewhere on the forums at one time, I'll come back and edit this if I find the link.


But in lieu of that? If you check the LFG menu and sort through the tabs, the trials and task forces highlighted in Purple are the Weeklies for that week.


Hope this helps!


Thank you.  I am aware of the LFG menu and I do know they have a thread they update.  I'll just bookmark it while I'm thinking about it.


I found the WST post after the suggestion I made.  I just had to search around for it and it took me awhile because I have not been checking the forums much recently and I couldn't easily find it.  I thought that if I was having a hard time maybe newer players would also have a hard time with it, so that is why I made the suggestion.  I know it is a trivial request, but I thought it might help new players find it easily.


I like to check for WST out of game for future planning, because I have certain characters that need certain TFs.  I have 2 that need Numina, so just wanted to check when Numina would be the WST. 

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4 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

o.0  It's one mouse click and then scroll down a small amount.  That's hardly "having to dig around for it".

I just typed a post explaining I had forgotten where it was located because I haven't been on the forums for awhile.  I also mentioned I was making the suggestion not just to help me easily find it, but also for new people or others that might have forgotten where it was located.


I haven't been on the forums for awhile because there is always someone being an ass in these threads.  Sort of like this thread.  3 replies with 1 helpful reply from @twozerofoxtrot and 2 smart ass replies providing limited value.  At least @Uun provided a link while being a smart ass.  You provided nothing of value to the thread at all.

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3 hours ago, Lockpick said:


No, not like that.  Of course the thread is there, but you have to dig around for it.  I would like to see a link on the home page that links directly to the thread.


More like taking this:


I understand now, although I'm not sure it's necessary. The four links currently listed under Announcements are for subtopics, each of which has multiple threads in it. Weekly Strike Targets is a single thread, not a subtopic. It's currently pinned 3rd from the top in Announcements. Suggesting you have to dig around for it is a stretch.

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On 2/7/2021 at 2:57 PM, Lockpick said:


Thank you.  I am aware of the LFG menu and I do know they have a thread they update.  I'll just bookmark it while I'm thinking about it.



That's what I did, bookmark it.  Problem is they then update it with a new post and suddenly your bookmark is no good.  I'd like for them to at least stop creating new posts for it and just edit the same one, unless there is some reason they really need to create a new post each time for it.


Edit:  Or at least keep the old post around and edit it with a link to the new one?

Edited by Riverdusk
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