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To me Sonic Resonance compared to all the other support sets has been at the very bottom of performance even ranking under Trick Arrow before it's buff imo. I've been thinking about how could this set be improved while trying to not make it overpowered. 


If you read all of this thank you for you attention and I apologize in advance. 


1). Inaudible Sonic Wave: Ranged single target.

The user creates energy waves that uses frequencies outside the normal range of hearing to weaken foes. This ability reduces the targets ability to heal, reduces the target defenses as well as their resistances to debuffs. Because of the nauseating sound this ability creates it also has a chance to cause a mag 2 hold(with the vomit effect like poison). Regen and hold effects are unenhanceable. Does not stack from the same user. 


2). Sonic Barrier: Ally target, resist all damage except psionics. Combining sonic barrier and sonic heaven into one shield. Does not affect self.


3).Supersonic: Sonic Cage renamed and moved from tier 6 to tier 3. Ranged single target. 

The user creates odd sound waves that confuses(mag 3) the target. 


4). Tempo: Toggle: The user sets the tempo increasing all nearby allies a recharge buff by 5% and granting protection against immobilize. Enemies that are close to the user will suffer a 10% to-hit debuff and a low chance to be held due to the vibrations.


5). Cymatics: Was Clarity renamed and moved to tier 4. Pbaoe with a 20ft. Range. Generate high energy low frequency sound waves to dramatically stimulate healing and recovery. Boost you and nearby allies regen by 150% and recovery 20 with a 90 second duration. Recharge: 240 seconds. The regen and recovery are enhanceable.


6). Sonic Dispersion: 20% resistance to all except psionics. The user and allies gain protection against holds, and stuns. Dispersion also Increases +perception and provides protection against confusion. Toggle.


7) Infrasound Sickness: Previously Sonic Siphon now renamed to Infrasound Sickness. Ranged cone, 50 degree arc with a 50ft range. The user creates a low frequency high pressure wave to weaken their enemies damage potential, reducing their chance to hit, and reduce their damage resistances. This ability also has a chance cause a mag 2 hold enemies(the vomit inducing hold). -15% damage potential reduction(all), -15% -to-hit debuff, and 20% resistance(all) debuff. Recharge: 1 minute and 30 seconds. Does not stack from the same user and the resistance debuff is unenhanceable.


8). Liquefy: Moved from tier 9 to tier 8. Location based aoe 20ft. area Reduces all targets (15 max) defenses by 20%, and resistances (all) by 30%. Many foes may fall trying to escape. 30 second duration. Recharge: 60 seconds 


9). Sound Absorption: Pbaoe, team +absorb. You absorb the sound waves in an area using them to shield yourself and allies. 25ft. Radius. 20 second duration. Recharge: 240 seconds 






5 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

Unfortunately, I can tell from the extent of your recommendation that you haven’t read up on the cottage rule. 

Oh dang I didn't, I'll have to look into it.


 I read up on the cottage rule and yea I'm pretty much advocating for a complete overhaul of the set. But if an overhaul is out of the question then I think that sonic resonance at the very least have a few other buffs/improvements.


Something like adding regen or absorb to one of sonics abilities to help supplement its resistance buff. 


I also believe that liquefy needs to have it's recharge lowered quite a bit and be moved to level 26 for defenders and 35 for corruptors/controllers.  


Even with these changes it'll be a big improvement for sonic resonance but I still like my idea with the overhaul. 😉




Posting this from another thread where Sonic Resonance came up:


Things Sonic Resonance needs:

  • Nothing, it's a pretty solid (haha!) support set and is very underrated. It's the only support set with a set-it-and-forget-it -res power.

Things that would be nice:

  • Significantly reduced activation time on Sonic Siphon along with an added secondary effect or two
  • Significantly reduced cooldown time on Liquefy. This power is an easy skip which makes builds nice, at least?
  • Some debuff resistance added to the shields.

TL;DR: Sonic Resonance is an extremely underrated set because it isn't as new and shiny as some of the more recent support sets. The VFX/SFX are annoying to some and that could stand to be reworked but mechanically the set is sound (see what I did there!?).

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8 minutes ago, Tantricsecrets said:

 I read up on the cottage rule and yea I'm pretty much advocating for a complete overhaul of the set. But if an overhaul is out of the question then I think that sonic resonance at the very least have a few other buffs/improvements.


Something like adding regen or absorb to one of sonics abilities to help supplement its resistance buff. 


I also believe that liquefy needs to have it's recharge lowered quite a bit and be moved to level 26 for defenders and 35 for corruptors/controllers.  


Even with these changes it'll be a big improvement for sonic resonance but I still like my idea with the overhaul. 😉



Yes I am down for some similar additions to sonic and to FF. Just commenting that powerset overhauls in this game are going to happen in the form of several minor tweaks, not redefining powers. Look at trick arrow. Tons of changes, and the only functionality that was totally replaced in the entire overhaul was the removal of -res from Acid Arrow; and they even dumped that same -res into Disruption Arrow to justify the move.


Good ideas, but they’re rather a play on the word sonic than being audio related. As stated many times before, adjust recharge times and all is well.

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