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Posted (edited)

Yes, I know the difference.  Sort of.  But there is knowing, and there is knowing...


First, can someone clever break out the damage modifiers these ATs are using?


Second, How good is the inherent.  Being able to pew pew with T1 and T2 is nice.  Nothing to write home about.  Scourging damage.... Yeah, that can be mentioned.  Should be mentioned.  Good enough reason to take Ice as a primary on a corruptor because of the way the T9 interacts with scourge from what I here.  Not sure.


Third, synergy on teams.  Damage is always better.  But, on a high end team running 50+ ITF or Incarnate Trials, which is more useful?  Or is it powerset specific?  Like (this is a complete guess) Kin corr > Fire Blaster > Thermal Corr > any other blaster > any other Corr?  (again, that was just a complete spitwad guess)


And so, I ask...

Edited by Snarky
Posted (edited)

As for damage scales, Corruptors get 0.75 for melee and ranged damage, Blasters get 1.0 melee and 1.125 ranged.


Scourge allows a "critical" damage hit on mobs with low hit points; for most of the game it's limited use because the hits that are most likely to Scourge are most likely to kill the mob regardless. Someone a long time ago did some math I don't feel like looking for or duplicating and said it came out to roughly a +30% increase in effective damage.


Defiance gives Blasters the ability to use their T1 and T2 blasts while mezzed and a bit of short-term +damage buff, but in reality the real boon for Blasters is strictly their modifiers. They get more hit points, more max hit points, more base damage, and with the exception of Kinetics can boost their own damage better because they get better modifiers for self +damage (better even than Defenders). If all you are looking for is more damage, the Blaster is likely going to be the one to go with, because even the Kinetic Corruptor has to have enough live targets to make Fulcrum Shift worthwhile.


As far as synergy on teams - Corruptors lose ground for damage due to their lower damage modifier and don't even really make it up with Scourge on most large targets (AV/GM). Kinetics is an exception if you're target saturated because it can put everyone on the team at their damage cap fairly quickly, but that's also only if everyone in the team stays together. The Blaster isn't helping everyone else's damage, but they also are just doing that much to to start and if everyone on the team is spread out then Fulcrum Shift is only letting the Corruptor keep up with the Blaster. Where the Corruptor really shines is when the team isn't high end because they take middling teams and make them high end (much like Defenders, who suffer from a lower damage cap).


As for Blizzard and its interaction with Scourge, it gets more chances because it's a rain power but most of the extra damage isn't there anymore: it used to have the same base damage as the Blaster version and Scourged for triple damage per tick. Now it Scourges for just over double per tick (4.4488 per Scourge tick vs a combined 3.7258 for the lethal and cold ticks at level 50). It certainly looks impressive when you see all the Scourge messages pop up, though.

Edited by siolfir
corrected pet use; it never used the same pet but used a copy of it as a baseline before Scourge was added - the same was true with Rain of Fire and Ice Storm
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I am looking at various powers in the Corruptor sets that appear to be 'game changers'  In Cold Domination there is Sleet, which can be made Perma easily.  At -22.5% Def and -30% Res is no joke.  Then the T9 is another -24% Res, and gives plentiful Endurance to the team.  The rest of the set is meh.  (i dont care to buff lol) But that is the definition of corruptor to me.  Just make your opponents life miserable.  While the Blaster brings more upfront damage, all the time (very nice, yes) The Corruptor (in this case) severely weakens the foe from a safe distance while the team works the body.  Much like Brutes vs Tanks on Armor is Corruptors vs Blasters on damage (to me)  Yes more Armor, or Damage, is good.  But if you can trade 25% of that off for...hmmm cookies, is it worth it?

3 hours ago, Snarky said:

But, on a high end team running 50+ ITF or Incarnate Trials, which is more useful?  Or is it powerset specific?  Like (this is a complete guess) Kin corr > Fire Blaster > Thermal Corr > any other blaster > any other Corr?  (again, that was just a complete spitwad guess)

6 Fire/Fire Blasters, a Fire/Kin Corruptor, and a Fire/Cold Corruptor.

  • Thanks 2

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I got a Ice Ice Corr PL'd to 35 late Sunday.  Worked today, and worked out (I have long days lol) but I did manage a mission team for 3 hard missions, Freaks and Carnies at 39 dialed up a bit.  The debuffs were interesting to work with.  It is hard to tell on a team, (and we had a kin, so no idea about real recharge 'feel' lol) but it felt like I was pretty effective, laying down a lot of AoE and debuffs, then pew pewing.  And the ST debuffs on Cold Domination are nothing to laugh off.  Infrigidate and Benumb are nothing I would want slapped on me in a fight!   Again, it was hard to tell on a team my first night on the toon, but I was not unhappy.

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