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ski timers aren't very accurate

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2 years ago ski slope timers used to record in increments of around 0.12 seconds, over the years its slowly been getting worse and worse


on indomitable right now they are recording in 1 second increments:



which is obviously not accurate at all, however on the beta server its gotten even worse to recording in 2 second increments:



i realise posting static images isnt the most accurate way to report this, but just trust me 😛


it doesn't seem to be related to server uptime (otherwise times put up soon after a server restart would show far more accuracy)


Please fix this so the competitive integrity of ski slope racing, the true endgame, can be maintained.

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Tested the ski slope on Brainstorm some more. I think it's autolowering down to the next even number.


So, if you get a time that's 32.00-33.9 it records it as 32. But 31.99 is recorded as 30.



Edited by America's Angel


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FlyingCodeMonkey and GreenKingElemental (Mr.Coyote and CoyoteNephew... AKA "Professor Pounce" and "Sir Tricks" on Angel's screenshot list.) were noticing that oddness last weekend on Everlasting. It's been frustrating Green.


(Completely aside, he's also really REALLY curious how you seem to manage to always be four seconds faster than he is, Angel. You've got a budding rival, there.  He's absolutely determined to figure it out. 😆 )

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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  • 2 months later

On Everlasting, the timer seems to be working correctly again.


What's interesting is some of the times are still showing the 2s interval scoring. So I'm guessing the timer didn't start working straight away after the server reset on Tuesday.


Curious to know what's causing this.


Screenshot below taken today on the Everlasting server at 11:44pm GMT+1.



Edited by America's Angel


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  • 2 weeks later

Looks like something may have reverted with the last update... The long slope timers are doing that "rounding to even seconds thing" again.


Last night running on Everlasting, CoyoteNephew and Mr.Coyote were consistently getting even-number :00 times. Not only are the hundredths not logging again, they never got an odd result. No 31 second runs, or  33s, or 35s in spite of many, many passes down the course. There's no way their times were THAT consistently hitting on even numbers. <_<



Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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On 6/6/2021 at 7:07 PM, Coyotedancer said:

Looks like something may have reverted with the last update... The long slope timers are doing that "rounding to even seconds thing" again.


Last night running on Everlasting, CoyoteNephew and Mr.Coyote were consistently getting even-number :00 times. Not only are the hundredths not logging again, they never got an odd result. No 31 second runs, or  33s, or 35s in spite of many, many passes down the course. There's no way their times were THAT consistently hitting on even numbers. <_<




Yeah it turns out my last post was inaccurate. The ski slopes weren't fixed, they were just rounding to the nearest 1/8th of a second.

Edited by America's Angel


My Stuff:

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