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The ability to drop contacts or mark them inactive

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Yes I realize that its the game's way of giving you instant contacts, but having Twinshot etc stalk me passed my first time doing their arcs is annoying. Nutshell, Toon 1 does the auto-introduced contact, Toon 2 on the same account shouldn't need to deal with these same contacts and it is annoying having their mugs stare at me for multiple levels while I enjoy other content in the game. For this reason, I suggest the ability to drop a contact  or alternatively the ability to mark them as "uninterested" which would throw them into their own tab under contacts.  Granted the second choice would probably be the most desirable one of the two as then you could still do them without having to go through ouroboros unless you've out leveled them naturally. 

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Heck, one of my fondest memories of the game is no two characters seemed to follow the same storyline. Yes, most got the god awful referral mishes,  but that was way before  they found better ways of introducing new zones and contacts to us. 

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I personally miss the referral missions, because now those zones (Hollows, Striga, Croatoa) are empty, because you have to actually go to the contact (or dig through the "Find Contact" list of a million First/Night Ward contacts..)

If there was a simple thing were you can have the referral missions back, and then choose to not do them, it would make things a lot easier then "Here is twinshot, she is going to harass you for 20 levels, kthxbye"

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