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The Utility Belt pool was one that was on the radar for Paragon before the snap.   There were 4 new pools and HC has implemented 2 of the 4.




  • Implemented
    • Experimentation
    • Force of Will
  • Pending
    • Gadgetry
    • Utility Belt


Utility Belt Pool from Paragon Wiki

  Power Level Effect
UtilityBelt Bolas.png Bolas 4 Ranged, Foe Immobilize, Knockdown
UtilityBelt PoisonedDagger.png Poisoned Dagger 4 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Light DoT(Toxic), -DMG
UtilityBelt Freerunning.png Freerunning 4 Toggle: Self, +Jump, +Run Speed, +Special
UtilityBelt FlyingStrike.png Flying Strike 14 Charge (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
UtilityBelt LifeSupportSystem.png Life Support System 14 Self, +HP, +Heal Over Time, +Special



I believe this pool could be tweaked to leverage existing power animations with the intent to get the pool implemented quickly.  I assume the reason for the delays is due to animations, so my thoughts are:


Bolas - Make it like the Tear Gas Grenade Day Job Power and change it from Bolas to Tear Gas Grenade

Poisoned Dagger - Use Envenomed Dagger

Freerunning - Use Athletic Run

Flying Strike - I'm not sure what to use here.  Maybe Savage Leap?

Life Support Systems - Use the animation for Unrelenting


Any thoughts?


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Posted (edited)

Alternatively, using the net prop/FX from Net Arrow as a replacement for the Bolas power would fit the same purpose and serve as a thematic second best.



Edited by Tyrannical
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My brain has this stupid hot-wired assumption that I need to keep reminding myself to disregard . . . 

Anyone familiar with Heroes of Might and Magic V?  The "Slow" visual effect/animation?  My stupid brain keeps trying to convince me that animation exists in City of Heroes, and it keeps going "well, just do a reskin of that to make it look like rope."
Stop it, brain!


But, yeah.
It's probably best to rename and re-contextualize Bolas into some sort of Oil Slick Grenade or something.  Keep the mechanics of the Power the same, but deliver it as something which we already have assets available to visually represent accurately.

Everything else seems largely doable as-is otherwise.


I always figured "Utility Belt" was more of a preparation tactic moreso than just "non-meta human" pool.


My past suggestion for the Utility Belt pool was adding a feature linked somewhat to the alt-build system where you can take a temp power and create an alternate version to be stored in a "slot" on your utility belt with the limitation that you need to go to an NPC to change that particular slotted power to make it less gamable but offer flexibility to be usable for a variety of situations.  Imagine the craziness you could accomplish if you had a lesser version of any temp power outside of nukes in that slot?


I think another cool stipulation is it'd have to be a temp power you already possess or have possessed.  It'd be somewhat like a "blue magic" type of mechanic but for temp powers and if you wanted to double up on that effect, have the temp power + the utility belt power.

Posted (edited)

Turn Freerun into Grapple/parkour and sure

in addition to current effects, add a Short range teleport

get a hover buff, and if mechanically possible, allow said hover buff to allow for the player to jump midair once per grapple

Edited by kelika2
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