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super reflex


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Hello sorry for my writing, but i am french i use google translate.


it would be necessary to increase the super reflex pool to be able to use it in pvp, it is too low it would have to be increased please.


best regards Ridicc.
Edited by ridiccc
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Fighting pool ?  Its fine as its, its filler for stats not for god mode


Super Reflex power set ?  Its nerfed in PVP because reason, its over powering if people can't hit you without fair balance.  PVE build, with 45% soft cap smashing/lethal defense I can avoid 3/4 of the damage in game from swords (lethal), smashing (mace), and split damage like cold (cold/lethal) or energy (energy/smashing).  

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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Les super réflexes sont déjà un ensemble de puissance basé sur la défense extrêmement durable. C'est le seul ensemble de pouvoirs qui peut atteindre le sommet de la résistance aux affaiblissements de la défense. Le seul pouvoir qui mérite d'être changé serait "Elude" pour donner à l'ensemble un rebond d'urgence. Super Reflexes esquive déjà beaucoup d'effets comme le drain d'endurance et l'affaiblissement de régénération.


Super reflexes is already an extremely durable defense based power set. It is the only power set that can reach the peak of defense debuff resistance. The only power worth changing would be "Elude" to give the set more of an emergency rebound. Super Reflexes already dodges a lot of effects like endurance drain, and regen debuff.

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12 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Les super réflexes sont déjà un ensemble de puissance basé sur la défense extrêmement durable. C'est le seul ensemble de pouvoirs qui peut atteindre le sommet de la résistance aux affaiblissements de la défense. Le seul pouvoir qui mérite d'être changé serait "Elude" pour donner à l'ensemble un rebond d'urgence. Super Reflexes esquive déjà beaucoup d'effets comme le drain d'endurance et l'affaiblissement de régénération.


Super reflexes is already an extremely durable defense based power set. It is the only power set that can reach the peak of defense debuff resistance. The only power worth changing would be "Elude" to give the set more of an emergency rebound. Super Reflexes already dodges a lot of effects like endurance drain, and regen debuff.

I don’t think his concern is about PvE SR. Which does indeed need zero help.

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It can be used in PvP as is pretty reasonably. I've known a few ppl that have done well on it. Is it top tier no, but its not trash tier either. Then again its melee in pvp and I was always more of a ranged dps/support(emp) pvp player back in my hey day before I had to go to the retirement home.

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Hi @Ridicc.


Good news - there are some buffs to Super Reflexes already being tested on the beta server.


You can read about them in this thread: 


These are the SR changes we are currently testing:


  • Super Reflexes PvP tweaks (All ATs):

    • Lowered the activation period of powers with scaling resistance from 2s to 0.5s (all ATs)

    • Increased PvP Elusivity in Focused Fighting, Focused Senses and Evasion to 20%.
    • Reverted scaling resistance and scaling elusivity changes from last patch.
    • Added Toxic Resistance to all scaling resistance powers (all ATs)
    • Bug Fix: Corrected Brute's Evasion elusivity duration. It was set to 0.75s when it was supposed to be 2.25s. This resulted in AoE elusivity dropping out between each 2s tick application.


This means that an SR player will have 40% elusivity when Elude is active, compared to an EA or Nijitsu player who will only have 30%.

Edited by America's Angel
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Il y a 17 heures, America's Angel a dit :



Bonne nouvelle - il y a déjà quelques améliorations de Super Reflexes en cours de test sur le serveur bêta.


Vous pouvez en savoir plus à leur sujet dans ce fil de discussion :


Voici les changements de RS que nous testons actuellement :



Cela signifie qu'un joueur SR aura 40 % d'insaisissivité lorsque Elude est actif, par rapport à un joueur EA ou Nijitsu qui n'aura que 30 %.

Thank you 

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On 6/17/2021 at 2:35 AM, Outrider_01 said:

Super Reflex power set ?  Its nerfed in PVP because reason, its over powering if people can't hit you without fair balance.

On 6/17/2021 at 5:48 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

It can be used in PvP as is pretty reasonably. I've known a few ppl that have done well on it. Is it top tier no, but its not trash tier either. Then again its melee in pvp and I was always more of a ranged dps/support(emp) pvp player back in my hey day before I had to go to the retirement home.


Regen, Rad Armour, Energy Aura, and Ninjitsu all balance pretty well relative to each other in PvP.


Super Reflexes is inferior to Energy Aura and Ninjitsu due to its lack of heal and inferior resists.


This is why we're testing out buffs to SR on the test server. To try and address this balance concern, and have another top tier set.



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7 hours ago, America's Angel said:

Super Reflexes is inferior to Energy Aura and Ninjitsu due to its lack of heal and inferior resists.

lol might as well homogenize them.  SR is different, not inferior.  Can it use buffs? sure, but not comparative to EA or Ninjutsu that basically turns SR into Ninjutsu or EA.  You want to play those 2, go ahead....I see far more SR players then the other 2.


 the topic of the post seems to be PVP not lack of a heal or resists nor do the test server changes you suggest to check out have anything to do with a heal or resist.  It suggests resist bonus or PVP elusively changes.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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6 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

lol might as well homogenize them.  SR is different, not inferior.  Can it use buffs? sure, but not comparative to EA or Ninjutsu that basically turns SR into Ninjutsu or EA.  You want to play those 2, go ahead....I see far more SR players then the other 2.


 the topic of the post seems to be PVP not lack of a heal or resists nor do the test server changes you suggest to check out have anything to do with a heal or resist.  It suggests resist bonus or PVP elusively changes.


SR is objectively inferior to EA and Ninjitsu in PvP due to having:

  • No heal/+HP power
  • Worse resists
  • No +end power to combat the -recovery debuff from the T9 crash.

These first two bullet points means that SR has lower HPS than EA or Ninjitsu in PvP. (I.e. it dies quicker.) This is why you don't see players using SR in PvP.


We're looking to fix that.


Now, the first two bullet points in my list (heals and resist) are to do with damage mitigation. As we cannot add a heal or resists to SR, we are exploring increasing elusivity and improving scaling resistance. The hope is that the extra elusivity/better scaling resistance will help add enough HPS to SR, so that the mitigation gap between SR and EA/Ninjitsu no longer exists.

I don't think we're there yet. But it's a step in the right direction.


If anyone is interested in testing this on Brainstorm, please feel free to send me a DM.

Edited by America's Angel


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