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A GRAND idea for a Supergroup and I need your help!!!


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Okay, I have to shoot my idea out to the community and see what takes hold… so here goes:


I am looking for a friend or two. Lol – yes this is a “help wanted” add of sorts. Really, I would like to find a couple of like-minded individuals (veteran or new player alike) in order to start a Supergroup with (and just play more regularly with). This will be the core group who will then plan on creating a large, dynamic, and interactive S.G.!!!!


I know that an S.G. has no real meaning at this point in the life of a dead game… with a new life… but whatever, if any, meaning that it ever did have, was so that people would join your S.G. and play in “SG mode” to earn prestige and influence which bought and created a better base. Well, we don’t have that. So let’s make our own fun!


I like to roleplay and I know the CoH community does as well. I also really like clan/guild websites that have ranks and medals that automatically award for service or time spent in the clan/guild or for special awards and activity awards, etc.. I like that stuff and have always aimed to recreate it on a smaller scale and much more personalized. It’s a way for me to learn a programming language (development-side) and fill the gnawing feeling on my design-brain in order to satisfy that urge to create something digitally.


So, here is what I have planned for this Supergroup:


The name: “The 5 Elements”

The mission: To roleplay with a dynamic group of like-minded, interactive people. Organize events using forums and discord, connected to our own personal website (being developed right now), and with plenty of extra-curricular “stuff” awesome-gaming “clans” get into! (Much of this development is personal (and already created or in the works) but very well worth hearing out what I’m thinking and how the idea is growing).

The way we do this: Join up with me then let’s brainstorm and let me bounce my ideas off you, show you what I already have in the works, and YOU come up with what YOU like. The aims to form a really tight core leadership for our Supergroup, and then grow!

The Reason: This game is back and it is tons of fun. I like designing websites and starting clans for every game I play (it’s just a fun hobby, but sometimes it takes off and has a lasting impact). I know for certain this game has fantastic roleplaying. I would like to count on that with some of the custom systems and events I/we could plan for our Supergroup.

So, let me know if you are interested… what you think… and so on. Contact me here, on these forums, privately, or just respond to this thread. You could, perhaps… wish to email me or discord me further. Inquire if so.


- Thanks


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The name: “The 5 Elements”

So I assume you're thinking Eastern mysticism, with a name like that? Water, Fire, Air (Storm), Wood (Plant), Metal (weapons of some sort maybe, or some kind of electric or magnetic powerset? Or just an armored character?) I expect? Or is it just a 'here's the name and we'll work on the concept' thing?


I might be in, if a few others express interest and either that's the concept or we can figure out something that works.

EDIT: If this is a RP group, it might fly better on Everlasting, though, since there is some RPer population on Excelsior but Everlasting is the 'officially unofficial' RP server so probably more of a RP pop and less of a non-RPer pop.

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The name: “The 5 Elements”

So I assume you're thinking Eastern mysticism, with a name like that? Water, Fire, Air (Storm), Wood (Plant), Metal (weapons of some sort maybe, or some kind of electric or magnetic powerset? Or just an armored character?) I expect? Or is it just a 'here's the name and we'll work on the concept' thing?


I might be in, if a few others express interest and either that's the concept or we can figure out something that works.

EDIT: If this is a RP group, it might fly better on Everlasting, though, since there is some RPer population on Excelsior but Everlasting is the 'officially unofficial' RP server so probably more of a RP pop and less of a non-RPer pop.


Yeah, that is part of the idea - to group and class according to an archetype. But it goes deeper than that. I'm formulating my ideas a bit better and going to post them soon.

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Why not just create/reserve it now and start promoting. Put the requirements in the group description and list it in the SG invite thread for that server?

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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  • 2 weeks later

Why not just create/reserve it now and start promoting. Put the requirements in the group description and list it in the SG invite thread for that server?


Good call - I've been developing on the website a bit so I didn't want to open for the public to see till I had some things organized a bit more. Although... I have been posted the site here, and the site is still not finished its time... =)




Name of Supergroup: The 5 Elements – [5E]

SG Officers: Open recruitment for much-needed officer positions. A unique website with a rewarding interactive system JUST for playing the way you like to play! We aim to cater for each style of play.

SG Outline: Please visit: https://coh5elements.wixsite.com/homepage on our website. (Under major construction but I want to publish it so maybe others can give me some suggestions?)

Server: Excelsior

SG Website: https://coh5elements.wixsite.com/homepage

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