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Can't shop with P2W vendor during TF


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When I try, I get the dialogue contacts give you when you're on a TF. This means I can't renew my xp buffs, my temp powers, make emergency purchases when I realize that I can't actually kill the Clockwork King solo because 150% regen debuff is apparently nothing to him, etc. It's extremely annoying.

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I had the same issue with having forgotten to buy envenomed daggers before soloing a synapse. Was thinking all those kill all's would have been for naught but was able to get him with a Shivan finally. I'd imagine worst case scenario would be your flight pack running out on a shard tf.

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It's a bug because its a vendor. Any other vendor in the game can be accessed during a TF except this one. Whether I'm trying to solo an AV or not is honestly irrelevant. It's just how I discovered the problem.


Still not a bug, clearly says its locked out as you are on a TF, again, I would advise placing in suggestions.

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So just to clarify something, this is due to the way that the P2W vendor is implemented. Basically most NPCs with dialogue can't be interacted with while you're on a TF (Trainers and Field Analysts are an exception). For example you also can't have Null the Gull change your speed boost settings while on a TF.


I'm not sure how practical it would be to change this, I suspect it's more complex than you might think but I'll admit I've never looked at the code so I'm making a guess.

Defender Smash!

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