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Costumes - how to load, on a Mac.

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I recently got a lot of my old costumes in files.

The only thing I need, is to put them in the Costumes folder.... But where is that on a Mac?

I can't even find a folder with the City of Heroes stuff in it.. Only the Island Rum.


Do anyone know?



- Speedrunner, farmer, plvler, etc.

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If you have no idea where you put the City of Heroes application, you can do a Spotlight search for CoH. When you get the results, though, rather than double-click on the CoH application (which will just launch CoH directly without going through the Island Rum updater), scroll to the bottom of your search results list and select "Show All in Finder". This opens a Finder window that will let you do a contextual-click (right-click or command-click, depending on how many buttons your mouse has) on the CoH icon, which brings up the contextual menu for that application. You want "Show Package Contents".


This should open up a Finder window containing the contents of the application package that is City of Heroes on MacOS X. The folder you want is "drive_c", which acts as the C: drive for everything that the CoH Windows app expects to find on the local drive. From there, you can just follow whatever instructions you might get from an online source that's referring to the location on Windows.


The specific path you're looking for to put your costume files is drive_c, then Program Files, then coh, and finally Costumes.


Hope that helps!




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If you can't find it any other way, then run the game through Island Rum, which should cause the City of Heroes program to appear on your Dock.  Then you can right-click (Control-click) on the icon in your Dock to open the surrounding folder.  Then right-click the City of Heroes program to Show Package Contents -> drive_c -> Program Files -> coh -> costumes.

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  • 1 year later

Hi, late to the party here.


There is no costumes directory in my drive_c/ Program Files/coh.  I also have hidden files shown, just in case. Spotlight or standard searches yield no results for costume files.


Might something have changed?  I'm sure I've accessed costumes and e-mailed them to others in the past.


In case its a clue, a   -find command of the exact costume name in terminal yields:


find: /dev/fd/3: Not a directory

find: /dev/fd/4: Not a directory


the dir fd shows the contents:

0 1 2 3 4 5


Would love a lead.


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Got it, Thanks.  I agree, it should be.  A few updates back, I stopped having a CoH Folder in applications that held all the data.  It became an application itself, which came and went during the 64-bit migration.  This is how it settled, a coh directory containing a minimal file, and essentially the contents of the old CoH dir as an application, CoH.


Package contents are as they were as when a directory, however no costume files.  When I save the costume within the game, it does show the path it will use to save as said, into a Costumes directory.  It is just not there, again, nor are the files locatable via search. 


If I delete and re-download CoH, it reconstructs this way again.






Edited by Techulon
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