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Bobby Curtins arc in Nerva


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First of all, I really enjoy this arc. I know this one and the one in Independence Port were the first new content that HC put together, and they're both pretty cool. If you have not given them a try, do so! Bobby is a Rogue alignment contact and the Indy Port one is a Vigilante alignment contact. Shauna... Shauna something. Brown? Brawn? Something.


Do them!


I just ran the Bobby Curtins arc this morning again, and I'd like to throw out a couple ideas/suggestions.


At the end of the fight with the real thief (no spoilers), you have four choices: attack, release, sell, and take. But there's only one badge! No matter what you pick here, you get the same badge.


1. Can there not be four badges? At least two different badges? The arc in Indy Port has two different options to pick from at the end and there are two different badges for it.


In the epilog of the arc, you see a fencer in St. Martial to get rid of the stuff. (Again, no spoilers.) He tells you it may take awhile to sell the stuff and that he will contact you when he does. But that's it. You never hear from him again. How about we do a little thing like the Mortimer Kal SF, but not as powerful obviously.


2. Give the character a minor temp power associated with the stuff you're trying to fence. Then at 50, once you unlock your Alpha slot, the fencer contacts you and you can cash in that temp power for 10 Incarnate Threads. Again, nothing major, just completion to the story. My reasons for this suggestion are below.



Spoilers here...


The real thief is Arc Flash. After beating her, you have the option to trade the diamond for her magic bracers, which are what gives her electricity powers. She tells you that the bracers were found in an archeological site in Greece by her father. She identifies the bracers as having belonged to a minor deity name Astrape who was a handmaiden to Zeus. My head canon makes me think Zeus put a little tiny bit of his power in the bracers, like with the Antikythera from the Pantera's Box story arc.


That's why I suggest a minor temp power associated with the bracers and then being able to trade the item for a few Threads after you unlock your Alpha.

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Love this. Anything that helps both tie-back and close off existing story threads is 100000% awesome in my book, especially because it seems both a decent reward and lower-side needed components.

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@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
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4 hours ago, Crasical said:

you DO get a temp power for taking the bracers, or at least I got one from doing the arc

They may have been overlevel when they finished; there are other arcs -- Stephanie Peebles in Striga is one, where if you're too high a level when you complete the last mission, you don't get the temp power normally awarded.

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