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Um...are you lost?


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Um... are you lost?

No, they're CoT/Hellions/Sky Raiders.


I... think that one belongs in the CoH Dad Jokes thread... I feel both accomplished and dirty.


I was going to make that joke... But I decided not to. It was too much of a groaner, and I knew it.


But that's exactly what makes it a dad joke.

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But that's exactly what makes it a dad joke.


Not in my family. It's not nearly witty enough for a Dad Joke one liner in my family. Nor does it have a punch line that isn't obvious. Which isn't to say groaners never happen. They are just of higher quality. Or they play on the fact the other person is an idiot.


As an example of the last type, my dad was once waiting for the pizza he'd ordered from a local pub that makes really good pizzas but doesn't deliver. He had with him a hot/cold insulation bag to put the pizza in for the trip home. As he waited some incredibly nosy woman asked him what the bag was, so he told her it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. Simple, understandable, and exactly what the bag it's self says in big easy to see and read letters. The woman next asked what he had in it, a question which was none of her business. Without missing a beat Dad told her "A cup of coffee and two Popsicles." She believed him, and everyone else that heard his answer started laughing. When she realized the joke, she got rather angry and stormed off due to being made to look a fool.

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But that's exactly what makes it a dad joke.


Not in my family.


As someone explained in the thread about dad jokes, "dad joke" isn't a subjective thing. There is no "not in my family". A dad joke is a dad joke. If your dad doesn't tell the types of jokes that fall into that category, that doesn't make them not dad jokes. Just means he doesn't tell dad jokes.

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