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New MM Powerset...Angel Summoning


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I'm liking @Pbuckley818's response. I've always liked the stories and portrayals where they shift from a Heaven-Hell conflict to a "Light"-"Darkness" conflict because in those cases neither side is good or evil, just alien. (Not alien as in from outer space, but as in foreign to our reality.) And in those cases, either side's forces doing things to help or harm flows because they aren't the embodiments of anything, they are simply forces from an otherworldly group that finds humanity potentially useful or in the way. His comment that the angels are actually angels but are forcibly bound and are unwillingly being made to perform acts of evil when played by a villain works too.


So if the "Angel Summoning" were "Celestial Summoning" or anything else not particularly evocative of angels per se but still in reference to the perception of, I'd be fine with the portrayal.


Again, my focus and opposition, and this is probably my bias speaking, is derived from the OP's opening reference to biblical angels.

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Heroes had dark powers long before CoV was even released, so I think we can move passed the whole "MMs are evil" thing.  That being said, I think some sort of "mystic or fantasy warriors" set, along with pet customization, would solve these issues;


Have 2 of the T1s use a sword & shield, with the 3rd using a mace/hammer & shield, plus some sort of heal other ability.


Have the T2s be archers.


Have the T3 be some sort of ranged damage/control/buffer.


You now encompass so many different ideas & concepts, Angels among them...

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I've never really thought about it before, but why is it that we have Dark Magic powersets and Demon Summoning but no light powerset and no Angel Summoning?


It does seem a bit one-sided, doesn't it?

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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Because the energy sets are typically considered "light" sets. Dark sets use negative energy. Energy sets use energy. So it is a name thing, not an oversight.


Edit: And the Bots MM literally uses light. The MM is armed with a laser "rifle" as opposed to the beam rifle (which can still be considered a light attack), and the bots fire lasers.

Edited by Rudra
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