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elec/elec - am I just new to blaster, or is it as good as it feels?


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good mix of ranged and melee. perfectly viable ST chain in /elec.


decent pbaoe. thunderous strike a bit slow on the wind up, but aside its nice to have a couple hitters to supplement dynamo.


the voltaic sentinel is alright so far. if nothing else its filling while I'm occupied with a full menu of skills.


did I get lucky picking elec/elec?


it seems quick, and good @ ~30.

Edited by honoroit
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i dont like how voltaic gets detoggled if you get cc'd, annoying to resummon. but aside, its good.


thunderous blast seems to delete mob groups, and the zappy dot pbaoe one.


whats good dps (dont say fire)?


its gonna be nice for set bonuses having a good melee for hecatomb, a good pbaoe, a good ranged aoe, a good ranged, and even a pet. hell, i can put the fancy end ones that have damage in dynamo.

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12 hours ago, honoroit said:

whats good dps (dont say fire)?




I dont like how voltaic gets detoggled if you get cc'd, annoying to resummon. but aside, its good.

Yeah, it's one of those powers that are nice to have (free DPS) but not necessarily a must. Some of my Elec toons skip it due to the fact that they're built for fast paced teams - in this specific scenario pets just can't keep up. Yes, you could toggle on/off but that's just inconvenient.

However, in radio teams, soloing, or exempd TFs I really like my trusty VS. 

I'd say stick w it at least until L50 and then make a decision.


Edited by Crowcus Pocus
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Warning: This post may contain an opinion.

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I think you can only fairly judge blasters after playing through 40-50. Low-mid level blasters are completely overpowered (nukes at 26 - lol, lmao even), while 40-50 has more troublesome mobs for blasters, such as nemesis vengeance and master illusionists.


However, blasters in general are in a very good spot now, and are one of the ATs that benefit the most from the current meta of high dps, mass aoe, fast moving teams.


17 hours ago, honoroit said:

whats good dps (dont say fire)?


With quick snipes and crashless nukes, plus the ability to diversify damtypes and round out attack chains with a well-chosen 2ndary, the blaster primaries are far closer to each other in ST and aoe than they ever were on live. You don't need to worry about this until you get heavily into dps optimization.

Edited by Zect
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  • 3 weeks later

I'm enjoying the heck out of it right now. One odd question - I went Elec/Elec/Elec: wondering about dropping Tough and Weave in a respec and just getting the Elec resist in favour of more offensive powers. Whatcha think?


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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1 hour ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

I'm enjoying the heck out of it right now. One odd question - I went Elec/Elec/Elec: wondering about dropping Tough and Weave in a respec and just getting the Elec resist in favour of more offensive powers. Whatcha think?

If the resulting survivability fits your needs then so be it. Perhaps you try it on the test servers first to see if you like it.


Ultimately, at the end of the day the most important thing is to build your characters how you will find to be fun.

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3 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

I'm enjoying the heck out of it right now. One odd question - I went Elec/Elec/Elec: wondering about dropping Tough and Weave in a respec and just getting the Elec resist in favour of more offensive powers. Whatcha think?


The answer to this will depend on what attacks you are picking in place of tough/weave, as well as what attacks you currently have.


Taking more attacks increases offensive power if you are replacing low-dpa attacks with high-dpa ones, or if the new attacks fill up your attack chain (i.e. prevent a situation where you are stuck doing nothing for a few seconds because all your attacks are recharging, resulting in unspent animation time - this is a sign that you either have too little rech or too few attacks). They may slightly increase offensive power if they can mule offensive set bonuses (usually rech).


Taking more attacks does not increase offensive power if you already have fully developed attack chains using all the highest-dpa attacks.


Blasters typically have "too many" attacks available to them, and a common build error is taking more attacks than effectively contribute to offensive power. Well-slotted attacks are very slot-intensive, and you only have 67 to assign.


With that said, challenge or concept builds that trade combat power to better express a concept as a thing. I do have toughless weaveless blasters - but I don't pretend they are a performance improvement.

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weave is an lotg slot, you can think of the tax that way. 


and tough can hold the 4 or so res uniques youll want until you move any you want to a patrol/epic pool armor for mild set bonus, which is typical.


its just a build tax.


point made in prior post by @Zect I'd echo: if its off recharge and superfluous, it better be typed for set bonuses worth that, or filler (like kick, 99.9999999% of the time.)  otherwise its loss as situational at best.  becsuse, of essence, its not used...or use prevents use of a superior alternate means.


TLDR; whatever works 😀

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i like elec/elec, and have mone at 30 some.  it does good damge, but I have no frame of reference, and am comparing with dominator dmg levels I'm used to.


good as it is...I'm debating stripping the character and re-rolling seismic/earth.


i have a seismic/kin corruptor... which should serve as a comparator...


a seismic / earth seems to look good across the board, and honestly, kinda like a what i bet an earth/earth dom wishes it could be in todays steamroll meta.


anyone got s seismic/earth, or /earth? any decent?



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Electric blast is good but it's generally a little more of a defensive primary with a caveat. If say your character cannot drain the opponents endurance bar fast enough before it can do a ranged attack or get some melee attacks in (or dies), your character is going to have a bad time which is why enhancements, and defensives can go a long way.

Edited by Ashford
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