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Ouroboros madness


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So….my latest mad project…..


I am taking my new Dark Dark Tank through all badges in Ouro.  

My base plan is to use build two to tailor all the enhancers and slots etc to that level range.  I started with a build for 15 or less.  Today I dux all Blue through 9, then switched Red. I did all Red up to 14 and the Ouro challenge badges 1-15. Tomorrow I will do Blue 10-14 and Gold to that cap as well. (All Gold, there are badges for completing all Gold). For Blue and Red it is just arcs that get me badges. 

I already have my build for 15-19 content in MiDs.  Just got to get there


Now one of the things about being an OCD completionist in games is nothing is easy.  Like, are you sure you have done everything in this range before you respec?  The “in game sequential” list was drawn up by someone who meant “these are most of the badges of this type, probably all, typed out in a sequence from top of the page to bottom”.  Sigh, time to start another spreadsheet and list every F-ing badge.  Made more “interesting” by the fact that Ouro does not always correspond to the normal level range of a contact…

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