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Going to attempt Psy/Bio. Thoughts?


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Hey all!

   So the last scrapper I played was StJ/SD. I enjoyed it, and like the StJ animations. Now I'm ready to move on to my next. I figured I'd go Psy for a few reasons:

- I don't see many

- Seems like Psi brings some control/mitigation, which will help with survivability

- I want kind of a "retribution/vengeance is mine/pay for your sins" type of toon, and Psi attacks seem to fit the bill (wrecking havoc on the mind and body per se)


I thought about going DA, but it would be a TON of work to get high resists, and try to offset the horrible end costs (even with using TotE:chance for end). so, I went with Bio. I know Bio (have several Bio toons,plus see sig 😃 ). If the SHTF, I can go Defensive and rely on Psi's control/mitigation to give me time to recoup.


 What's anyone's opinion about this?

Would you put the S. Critical Strikes in Mass Levitate, then S. Scrapper's Strike in Greater Psi Blade? My thinking is that with the S. Critical Strikes(50% Crit Proc) in Mass Levitate, you'd have a much better chance of it going off since you're hitting more foes, then follow that up with G. Psi Blade for some really good damage.


 Even in Offensive Stancve, I can get my F/C/E/N.E defenses to the soft cap, so I should be able to just jump in and "go to town".


Appreciate anyone's thoughts/inputs/ideas.


- x

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I've got a Psi/SR courtesy of the slot machine challenge a few months back. Currently at lvl 39 or 40. Psi melee is OK, but I don't find the animations very engaging. The attack chain is gappy early, especially if you skip Mental Strike. I'm still on the fence about Boggle. I use it occasionally, but most of the time it's unnecessary. I put Critical Strikes in Telekinetic Blow and Scrapper's Strike in Mass Levitate, but I like your idea too. Only issue is you'll have to throw ML into your attack chain against AVs. I've never tried Bio, so can't say much about that (obviously SR is very solid).

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I have only one psi scrapper at 50, a Psi/Ice who is pretty amazing but I stopped playing once it got to 50.


One thing I noticed about psi, and this may be good or bad depending on your personal viewpoint, is that once I got Mass Levitate everything changed, and it became all about Mass Levitate.  I have it slotted at endgame with the 1,5,6 of Superior Critical Strike, lvl 53 Nucleolus, Fury of the Glad -res proc, and FF +recharge.  Critical Strike and FF proc pretty much every time, and yes, following up with greater psi blade is pretty nuts.





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On 6/22/2023 at 6:43 PM, Xandyr said:

Would you put the S. Critical Strikes in Mass Levitate, then S. Scrapper's Strike in Greater Psi Blade? My thinking is that with the S. Critical Strikes(50% Crit Proc) in Mass Levitate, you'd have a much better chance of it going off since you're hitting more foes, then follow that up with G. Psi Blade for some really good damage.


YMMV: I'm not really a fan of putting ATO2 in an AoE as it means keeping the AoE in-chain when taking on an AV/Monster/Etc where single target attacks are more desirable. ML in particular has a sort of long activation time. ML is a great place for a FF: %+rech though if you've got the slotting room for it.


Having said that I was never quite happy with ATO2 placement on my Psi/SD, but that is likely because she is swords only and TKB would be a better spot for it than PB.


Also, remember that GPB can slot two purple %dmg procs: the melee one and the holds one.


Don't sleep on that hold in GPB either - when Insight is up the duration is quite long, long enough to use a %hold in one of your other single target attacks and a third in a ranged option from an Epic/Patron pool if you take one to stack those up. A Scrapper than can potentially stack mag-9 of single target hold is quite hilarious.

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13 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

YMMV: I'm not really a fan of putting ATO2 in an AoE as it means keeping the AoE in-chain when taking on an AV/Monster/Etc where single target attacks are more desirable. ML in particular has a sort of long activation time. ML is a great place for a FF: %+rech though if you've got the slotting room for it.


Lately, I've been considering using Character Build 1/2 for general/ST.  Mostly considering, since who has time to re-outfit all those 50s?!  Mass Levitate is indeed a great place to put any proc that affects the user rather than the target!


One thing I love, LOVE, about top tier attacks with a hold (or stun, or even immobilize) component is that you have so many options for top end frankenslotting.  If there is a purple set, it's going to have an A/R piece, and for hold you match it with the 4.5PPM damage proc for a set bonus of 4% recovery.  Here's an example with the A/R and proc from Unbreakable Constraint, the 1,2,4 pieces from superior Critical Strikes (I generally like to split that set for twice the defense bonus), and a lvl 53 D/E DSO.  





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7 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

One thing I love, LOVE, about top tier attacks with a hold (or stun, or even immobilize) component is that you have so many options for top end frankenslotting.  If there is a purple set, it's going to have an A/R piece, and for hold you match it with the 4.5PPM damage proc for a set bonus of 4% recovery.  Here's an example with the A/R and proc from Unbreakable Constraint, the 1,2,4 pieces from superior Critical Strikes (I generally like to split that set for twice the defense bonus), and a lvl 53 D/E DSO.  


Yup. Any build chasing typed defense should definitely be splitting that set for the bonus. Doubling the 2.5% for Melee is still decent for chasing positional defense, but I'm less inclined to go that route in that case.


Been a long time since I played around with the PM/SD Scrappy. I wonder if peppering in DSOs might change the build up a bit. Hmm.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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