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I will be walking around and then suddenly the it will go backward instead of going forward. and I am not sure what to do to fix that any ideasa

Posted (edited)

First thing that comes to mind is Sticky Keys.


Windows: https://superuser.com/questions/484454/how-can-i-kill-murder-fully-disable-stickykeys -- The location will depend on your Windows. 
7/8: Control Panel, Accessibility Settings. 
10: Settings, Ease of Access Center. 
11: Settings, Accessibility, Keyboard.
Same idea across all versions -- Find Sticky Keys. Then uncheck everything/turn it all off. Even the Keyboard Shortcut (which is pressing SHIFT five times in a row.  If you have a macro set on SHIFT, or bump it on accident on a reduced laptop or mini-keyboard, this is easy to turn on by accident.)


Mac also has a Sticky Keys mode, which is in System Preferences or Settings under Accessibility.  Only one switch.


Linux, you'll need to find out from your user support community.  Gnome, KDE, Mate, Cinnamon, XFCE, LXQT, etc. all have different approaches. It gets more confusing when distros like Ubuntu have a separately maintained distro using each of these desktops.


Sticky Keys would only apply if everything around you is moving normally. 


If your gameplay has low frame rate and you're stuck moving in a direction with choppy frame rate, you may have a network issue.  (Type "/netgraph 1" in chat, look at the lower right.  Is the graph full of yellow/red spikes or blocks?  Check your network out.  Green and flat, or with tall spikes or blocks that are green?  Something else is causing the issue.  Type "/netgraph 0" to shut that graph off.)


If your movement still sticks, your system could be lagging out.  Try opening Options in-game to turn graphics or resolution down.


Fastest way to turn graphics down: use Minimum, Performance or Recommended mode, click Apply Now, then under Advanced Settings click Enable and suit to taste.  (If you're on an NVidia or AMD card that's been sold new since 2017, start with Recommended, don't use Minimum/Performance.) 

A tutorial on using NetGraph and GraphFPS can be found here:


Edited by Tock

Formerly a bunch of things that didn't work out.  Inactive account.  Not likely to return.


Does the camera change direction also? Or, is the toon just running backwards all of a sudden with the camera still facing in the direction the toon was originally running?


If the camera changes direction it may be a mouse problem. The Laser may be failing or the mouse is randomly preforming a diagnostic in the middle of gameplay. 

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.


The camera does not change direction the character just runs backwards and I have to keep pressing the button to make it go forward and it takes a while fo rit to do it

Posted (edited)

Try "/showfps 1" and look at the number in the corner.  If it's below 30, consider turning your graphics down in the Menu > Options page.  (You can type "/showfps 0" in chat to turn it off.)


Before reducing Screen/UI Resolution or using 3D Resolution Scaling, try turn down or off the following:



Particle Physics Quality (Low)

World Texture Quality (Low)

Character Texture Quality (Low)

World Detail (80% or less)

Character Detail (80% or less)

Max Particle Count (10000-15000. Note less than 10,000 makes powers difficult to see)

Vertical Sync (Disable)

Environment Reflections

Shader Quality (Low)

Water Effects (Off)

Shadow Quality (Off)


If you can move normally after changing those, let us know.  Then you can slowly turn up those options until you have a good balance of looks and movement.


If not, give 3D Resolution Scaling a shot (really makes the game ugly, but often works.)

If it still happens, we'll need to know more about your computer for better advice.  What processor, graphics card, and OS do you use?

Edited by Tock

Formerly a bunch of things that didn't work out.  Inactive account.  Not likely to return.

2 hours ago, savair said:

The camera does not change direction the character just runs backwards and I have to keep pressing the button to make it go forward and it takes a while fo rit to do it

Okay, what happens if you tap autorun? Does it just keep going forwards as it should? Could it be making you rubberband? Maybe you've got backwards bound to a key or a macro somewhere? Perhaps on your mouse setup?

Boycott American.

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