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Lazy Toons


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I feel like MMs comes in two flavors


"Set pets to aggressive, put someone on follow and watch a movie"


" So much micro that your APM leaves top Starcraft players in the dust"


and there is like no in between.

Kaika DB/INVUN Stalker                                                 Unluck AR/Nin Blaster

Riot Siren Bio/Dark Tank                                                      Ria Greenheart Axe/Sheild scrapper

Blue Meteor Em/Rad Scrapper                                             Fio Rune  FIre/Rad Stalker 

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On 8/11/2023 at 8:51 AM, ZemX said:


Savage or Electric for melee set paired with Shield for armor would give you two combat teleport attacks.  Plus Spring Attack from Leaping Pool would make three tele attacks.  Fourth non-attack would be Combat TP itself, I suppose.

I can verify this.  Savage/Shield scrap, tight build and no epic but it works.  Not a super powered character, but it was on a theme concept of using the teleport attacks.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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39 minutes ago, Outrider_01 said:

I can verify this.  Savage/Shield scrap, tight build and no epic but it works.  Not a super powered character, but it was on a theme concept of using the teleport attacks.


Just use Juant.  It's got a longer range and faster animation then combat teleport, and it's up everytime I click it.

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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30 minutes ago, Shred Monkey said:


Just use Juant.  It's got a longer range and faster animation then combat teleport, and it's up everytime I click it.

Savage Leap, Shield Charge, and Spring Attack on a single character.  All teleport you to target/location and do damage, hence "teleport attacks" with damage.  Not a faster animating version of teleport in any incarnation.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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Ok, here are my two cents on the subject... 🙂

   As you can see from everyone who replied, there are multiple views on what AT & Power Sets are "lazy" or not. So what does this mean? Basically it shows that there are no AT's or Power Sets in the game that are lazy in and of themselves (except for one's YOU do not move or control, and just let sit there lol) . There are only the "lazy" people who play them, and want to have a "lazy" go of it for a while, as opposed to running around like their head is cut off or having more of a challenge. It also depends on personal preference, and how active a person wants to be and can be on any particular toon. What about a super farming Tanker or Brute that is Afk farming? Seems fairly lazy to me personally. But is it?
   It all generally depends more on what the person brings to the table in the end when playing any character, as opposed to the AT/Power Sets themselves. One can make the most "active" character there ever was, but if the person just chooses to sit back and take it slow (so to speak), even that character can seem like it's uber lazy. Again, like beauty, it all lay's in the "Eye of the Beholder". So play as actively or as lazilly as you want; that's partially the beauty of this game. It's your game, so play it how you wish... 🙂

   Please come and join us on Friday at 6pm Central Time for our Friday Fashion Costume Contest (see the link below). We all hope to see you, yes YOU, there... And if you also wish to join our happy group, the Celestial Warriors SG, please feel free to join our Discord (see link below), and/or contact GL herself (Global is @Laucianna), or any of us if we are on in fact... 🙂

Friday Fashion Costume Contest On Excelsior (6pm Central Time)...

The Celestial Warriors Discord Channel...


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11 hours ago, WumpusRat said:

Depends on the controller, really. I have a bunch that I enjoy playing.


The standouts are:

Illusion/Radiation is basically "summon phantom army, debuff, murder". Not really cut out to deal with huge groups of enemies at a time, but against small groups/AVs/GMs, she's vicious. It was my first "kill GMs solo" build back on live. Her claim to fame was killing Lusca by herself. Took about an hour. 🙂 

Symphony/Kinetic is the Bard from my D&D adventurers group. Drop sleep cone, jump in, fulcrum shift, jump back out, cone, cone, cone, cone, everything's dead but a couple stragglers.

Earth/Radiation is the Wizard from my D&D group. Open with tossing Rocky into the middle of the enemy group with spirit ward on him, toss down debuffs and aoes, profit.



i had fun with an Ice / Cold controller.  very laid back style with giant AoEs and no one on the team but you can usually tell how helpful you are being.  half your effects (slows etc) are just not visual.  but YOU know how different the flow is if you know the game and are really working the combat strategy.  in the end it is just no damage and i cant play that for too long.  but sooooo powerful.  if a team had an ice/cold troller and an ice/ice tank they prob would need zero heal ever lol

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I totally agree! 🙂

   Please come and join us on Friday at 6pm Central Time for our Friday Fashion Costume Contest (see the link below). We all hope to see you, yes YOU, there... And if you also wish to join our happy group, the Celestial Warriors SG, please feel free to join our Discord (see link below), and/or contact GL herself (Global is @Laucianna), or any of us if we are on in fact... 🙂

Friday Fashion Costume Contest On Excelsior (6pm Central Time)...

The Celestial Warriors Discord Channel...


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