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Staff: Change Perfection of the Mind to be an offensive stance?

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9 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

oh, and what if it’s not supposed to be “just a stick”? What if I’m playing Sun Wukong the Monkey King of Chinese my this wielding the gold banded staff Rui Jingubang? Neither wielder nor weapon is “just a stick”? Hey, tell me what power sets you play and I’ll tell you why in a world of super heroes your power sets should be weak and irrelevant against armies of godlike beings.


in case you can’t tell, I detest the logic you submit because it basically discourages people from playing what they want by soft locking them from content and creates “trap choices” in game design which is an absolutely terrible concept. And as someone who started playing katana/SR on live and dealt with the BS of even street level thugs having lethal resistance and almost all enemies at level 50 resisting almost half my damage as punishment for my earlier choice in character concept I hate it still!


haha i got that costume.

I cant say i know much about trap choices or softlocking (i can poplock a little 🙂)

I do like staff, its fun and looks neat. I just think it could be better.

I even suggested an improvement. 


I'm not sure why you think my opinion influences anyone.

anyway, it sounds like your real issue has little to do with staff.

have you tried remaking the katana/SR as a stalker to see if its any better?




Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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