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Placate - this isn't the stalker you are looking for


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Here's a little demonstration of placate. I'm mostly using it defensively here, but you do get a bit of me using it offensively for double energy focus. Basically I placate the group I don't want involved and then use the offensive boost against my target.


This build is a bit different than what you generally see from a defensive perspective, but that is a different discussion.

His webnade only checks ranged def, so I'm webnadded most of the fight. Crimson has quite a bit of defense. His cloaking device is 30% and he also has elude, so that is annoying.


The fight is lvl 54 Agent Crimson + 4 Ballista EB allies

No insp/amps/temps/lore


First video is with no placate. I just attempt to "scrap". I actually survive quite a bit longer than I thought given their tohit floor is around 9-12% for various attacks. Could I "win" this encounter? doesn't look like it...not with this spec.


Second video is using placate. As you can see it is about as easy as it gets


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17 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

placate works on groups now?

15-foot AoE, 5-target max

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