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Posted (edited)

Currently /showtime 1   gives a little clock in the top right corner of your screen that displays the current time of the ingame day.  It is useful for knowing when night or morning is coming if you cant tell what a sunrise or sunset is and thats about it.  If we can have server time and local time added to the clock and make it a movable window would make the show time command actually useful.  /servertime (the time the server is set to) and /localtime (the time your computer is set to) are already part of the game and report to the chatbox when used but arent part of the /showtime display.  Server time on the display would be great for scheduling events and local time would be nice for easily seeing the difference between your time and server time.  Nobody schedules in server time because it isnt easy to access and many people probably dont know it even exists.


Events are a mess of 'X event is at 8pm' 

'is that 8 eastern?  Its 2am here' 

'yes,  45 minutes from now'


Server time is the same for everyone.  If an event were scheduled for 2100 server time,  it wouldnt matter where you are.  And with a running server time clock instead of a single report to chat with a slash command,  it might actually become convenient to use.


I suggest /showtime 1 remain for city time

/showtime 2 would show server time

/showtime 4 would show local time

And add the numbers together for a showtime command that shows your selected times.

1+2=3   /showtime 3 for city+server time

2+4=6   /showtime 6 for server+local time

And so on for the other combination of clocks.


Edit: Alternatively,  add city, server and local time to the trackable attributes and they could be added or removed from tracking like defense, damage bonus, hp or inf.


Edited by TheZag
  • Like 1

I'm fine with the suggestion, but seeing as I didn't even know there even was a /showtime command, I don't think it will be as helpful as you think. Still, the options would be helpful for those that know the command exists.

  • Thumbs Up 2

Yeah, thanks for letting me know /showtime exists, sounds pretty cool.  I was happy when they added /citytime as well.


Not to highjack, but /playtime would be also be a nice one (assuming they haven't already snuck it in as well).  Something that shows how long you've played the current character so that I don't have to seek out an NPC to click on who's name starts with an M to get the info.  I get curious sometimes as to how long it takes to reach certain goals on each character, and obviously the info already exists.





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