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Level at which Medium Insps and Large Insps start dropping?

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"As a character rises in levels, they will find higher tiers of inspirations drop from defeated enemies."


Does anyone have more specific info than that? 


Frex "At level 30 if an Insp drops it will have a 50% chance of being Large, 35% chance of being Medium or 15% chance of being Small"?


Edit: Also, does character level affect the Level of Inspirations granted by Inner Inspiration?

Edited by GATE-keeper
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7 minutes ago, GATE-keeper said:





"As a character rises in levels, they will find higher tiers of inspirations drop from defeated enemies."


Does anyone have more specific info than that? 


Frex "At level 30 if an Insp drops it will have a 50% chance of being Large, 35% chance of being Medium or 15% chance of being Small"?


Edit: Also, does character level affect the Level of Inspirations granted by Inner Inspiration?

If you're looking for inspiration drops, check out 'Inner Inspiration' from the P2W/T4V vendor

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8 hours ago, GATE-keeper said:

: Also, does character level affect the Level of Inspirations granted by Inner Inspiration?

No. You’ll always get large insps, even at level 1.

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The frequency of medium and large inspiration drops increases as you level. I usually disable small inspiration drops (at the P2W vendor) at around lvl 30.

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