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I want to make a "healer" so that I can team-up with people like the good old days. are there enough people on this server to make teaming up easy?  I've just recently come back (played for a bit when homecoming came out, but then got sidetracked).  I used to have  a level 50 Empathy/Dark Hero called DrWinkie on the original game, but seemed like no one needed a healer after reaching 50.  This time I'm going to make a controller healer so I can still solo when I want.  Also, can I transfer Influence from one server to the next?  Someone gave me 8M influence and I'd like to use that here if I transfer. Thanks! 


Hope this answers your questions:

  1. Yes, there are plenty of people playing on most of the servers during most hours of the day to making teaming easy. Most populated server is Excelsior, but you should stay away from that one for awhile as the recent surge of new players is causing issues for that server.
  2. Yes, very little healing is needed at level 50+, unless you're running Hard Mode Content.
  3. It is very slow and/or difficult to solo with most controllers. I recommend a Corruptor, they do more damage.
  4. You can mail Influence to your own Global Name and then pull it out of the email on whichever server you're on. Also, if you send an email to @Yomo he'll send you 100 million Influence, just cause he's cool like that.
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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

57 minutes ago, DrWinkie said:

I want to make a "healer" so that I can team-up with people like the good old days. are there enough people on this server to make teaming up easy?  I've just recently come back (played for a bit when homecoming came out, but then got sidetracked).  I used to have  a level 50 Empathy/Dark Hero called DrWinkie on the original game, but seemed like no one needed a healer after reaching 50.  This time I'm going to make a controller healer so I can still solo when I want.  Also, can I transfer Influence from one server to the next?  Someone gave me 8M influence and I'd like to use that here if I transfer. Thanks! 

In addition to the great info from @PeregrineFalcon, Indomitable has a weekly theme team where players do TF/SFs in thematic fashion:



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Posted (edited)

Good advice but as to "if this particular server is good for teaming", I would say not really...unless you plan on joining a guild.  Look at LFG, for example, most times it will be silent(virtually) except for an occassion LFT request or mission team.  Good luck finding TFs or events outside the planned ones.  This is not a bad thing, per say.  Its a tight knit server and the poeple here are really good at helping and everything.  Its just not a good server for teaming or should I say random teaming at the moment.

Edited by chant21
On 1/31/2024 at 3:07 AM, chant21 said:

Good advice but as to "if this particular server is good for teaming", I would say not really...unless you plan on joining a guild.  Look at LFG, for example, most times it will be silent(virtually) except for an occassion LFT request or mission team.  Good luck finding TFs or events outside the planned ones.  This is not a bad thing, per say.  Its a tight knit server and the poeple here are really good at helping and everything.  Its just not a good server for teaming or should I say random teaming at the moment.


I disagree. I'd say it's a great server. It's friendly, there's plenty going on and it's pretty easy to get a team, even on red side. I've moved most of my important toons here and I'm having a lot of fun speaking personally and I enjoy teaming most of all.

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I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is


I'm also going to disagree. Most nights, like, about 6 nights a week, Indom is doing Hamidon raids. That 7th night, Saturday, Indom is doing a Mothership raid. And, at 10p EST every night Monica Sable runs iTrials that are open to any player who brings a toon with an alpha slot unlocked and is willing to listen to how to run the trials. 


Before end game content, there are a ton of teams being run - be they radio, mission, or task force. 


For all of these, a healer is welcome. As the game gets harder, it does get harder on the healer too. Sometimes in the end game a toon will take a hit that leaves themselves at less than 1% health, and you're in a race to keep them standing up rather than letting them fall, and having to depend on your rez. These are the moments when you should take a personal victory - when you kept the Tank or Brute still standing when they were about to fall, but you pull out the win. Any task force, any Hami raid, any iTrial - you can believe that the Indom server is looking for the healer that can bring that.

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