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Sort Tools for Character Select Screens

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First, I've been playing since original beta and am SO GRATEFUL this game is back!


Because I have alt-itus, I'm wondering if a feature opportunity might be to add some basic sort tools on the character select screen - at very minimum, being able to sort by lvl rather than page through all the alts to find the lowest or highest builds.  I could see that could just be a button, but others might want to sort by all scrappers or some such.



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1 minute ago, ozma22 said:

First, I've been playing since original beta and am SO GRATEFUL this game is back!


Because I have alt-itus, I'm wondering if a feature opportunity might be to add some basic sort tools on the character select screen - at very minimum, being able to sort by lvl rather than page through all the alts to find the lowest or highest builds.  I could see that could just be a button, but others might want to sort by all scrappers or some such.

Players can currently sort by Name, Archetype, and Powerset. Level is not currently an option, therefore I support this suggestion.





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While I'm generally ok with manually sorting my characters (I too have altitis, and like to sort characters by SG or theme), I would really love if we could get a little more character info available on the select screen, like what their Supergroup is (if any), what their "real" level is if they haven't leveled up all the way, whether they've completed a Patron arc (so I can tell at a glance if I need to alt to this one when a PUG offers that run), how much influence they currently have (so many times I've forgotten to put a tens or hundreds of millions back in the email before logging off, and if I don't need it for a few days, I may have no idea which character is currently holding the money bag. I think I still have a couple alts that are holding money bags I forgot to remail),whether they have an active mission/TF...

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Thank for that reminder about the search feature and the search filters, completely missed that!  That said, it would still be nice to have a Sort function vs. search and filter.

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