SupaFreak Posted February 1 Posted February 1 (edited) Highest Rewarding Arcs as of 08/01/2024 Spoiler Morality Level Arc ID Arc Title Merits/Hour Vigilante 30 -34 27.08 Troubled Times 150 Villain 20-24 27.92 Negotiations of the Living Dead 133.33 Either 50+ 27.04 Glory and Dark Tidings 126.32 Villain 50 12.04 Midnight's Hand 112.5 Hero 50 1.13 The Rikti Negotiator 105 Hero 35-39 0.32 A Path into Darkness 96.42 Hero 30-34 0.29 The Freakshow War 94.28 Hero 40-49 1.01 To Save a Soul 93 Hero 25-29 0.20 The Freaklympics 92.43 Villain 20-24 27.91 Just Prototypical 92.3 Villain 25-29 27.93 The Most Dangerous Prey 92.3 Vigilante 25 -29 26.01 Dirty Work 92.3 CHARACTER USED & SETTINGS IN TEST RESULTS (BELOW) Level 50 (+3) Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker - finished IO & Incarnate build +0/x1 - No Bosses - No AV Super Speed available after Level 15 Flashbacks KEYMAP <C> = Able to call Contact once mission acquired Zone Changes marked in Orange >BASE< = Used Zone's Base Portal >MONO< = Used Monorail >FERRY< = Used Ferry >SUB< = Used Submarine >GATE< = Used Zone Gate <O> = Ouroboros Portal used to access Pillar of Ice & Flame for Contact's Location - often within mission upon completion <B> = Base Transport / Supergroup Portal / Monitor Duty Teleporter / Rapid Response Portal used <O> or <B> or >BASE< = Ouroboros or Base used to access Pillar of Ice & Flame for Contact's Location <MT> = Mission Transporter used <TT> = Team Transport used <LRT> = Long Range Teleporter used M/H = Merits/Hour NOTES All Story Arcs started from SG Base using Pillar for ease of getting to 1st mission in different zone than Contact Rescues in Defeat Alls are not listed due to the fact they will be rescued fulfilling the Defeat All requirement. Enemies that spawn as Boss are counted as Elite Boss - may not be the case on teams or increased difficulty. Enemies that spawn as Elite Boss are counted as Archvillains - may not be the case on teams or increased difficulty. Dark Astoria & Personal Story Arcs will not be tracked since they do NOT award Reward Merits. LEVELS 1 - 9 HERO (6 Arcs) Spoiler 0.01 = ( Level 9 ) = Break Up the Clockwork & the Skulls @6 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 30 M/H Start In: Kings Row Sm Map - vs Clockwork & Skulls - Defeat All 21.01 = ( Level 7 ) = What Was Lost @7 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 25.7 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Defeat 5 Hellions Talk to NPC <C> Defeat 4 Hellions Zone Click Call Contact Defeat 1 Hellion Zone Click (Depowered - No Running) Sm Map - vs Hellions - Defeat Boss - Glowie Call Contact 21.02 = ( Level 7 ) = No More Fears @6 minutes / 0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Talk To NPC Talk To NPC <C> Defeat 10 Vahzilok Talk To NPC Defeat 10 Vahzilok Sm Map - vs Vahzilok - Rescue - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss 21.03 = ( Level 7 ) = Lay Down Your Burdens @7 minutes / 0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Talk to NPC Defeat 15 Skulls <C> Zone Glowies x3 Talk To NPC Zone Talk To NPC (Depowered - No Running) Rescue x5 Sm Map - vs Skulls - Defeat Boss x2 / Defeat Lt. x1 (1 non-Skull named Vigilante?) 21.04 = ( Level 7 ) = Reason To Fight @12 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 15 M/H Note: Bonus 20 Reward Merits for 1st Time (?) Starts In: Atlas Park Defeat 15 Arachnos Defeat 5 Arachnos Lts <C> Zone Glowies x3 Destroy Zone Objects x3 Med Map - Rescue - Defeat Arachnos Boss Go To Contact 21.09 = ( Level 9 ) = A New Day Dawning - The Shining Stars (Ch 1) @22 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 8.18 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Med Map - vs Arachnos - Interact Object - Talk To x4 - Rescue Talk To NPC <C> Go to Transit King's Row - Talk To NPC Defeat 10 Skulls Med Map - vs Arachnos - Interact Object x2 - Talk To x3 - Rescue x2 - Glowie Atlas Park -Talk To NPC Talk To NPC Talk To NPC Talk To NPC Talk To NPC Board Transit - Sm Map - Defeat Boss x3, Talk To Talk To NPC VILLAIN (13 Arcs) Spoiler 6.01 = ( Level 9 ) = Earning Arachnos' Favor @11 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 43.6 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All - 3 Rescues (Minion Allies) Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All Sm Map - vs Snakes -Defeat Boss Room <C> 6.02 = ( Level 8 ) = Snake Uprising @13 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 33.28 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Defeat 5 Snakes (challenging to find) Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All <C> <MT> Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat Boss Room (big) 6.03 = ( Level 9 ) = The Origins of the Snakes @12 minutes / 10 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat Boss Room Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All - Glowie Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All <C> 6.04 = ( Level 8 ) = Weird Science @15 minutes / 10 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Sm Map - vs Infected - Defeat All Med Map - vs Longbow - Escort Ally (LT - Pet?) - 3 Ambushes Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Destroy Objects x2 (Owww) - Defeat Boss <C> 6.06 = ( Level 9 ) Family War @31 Minutes / 15 Merits -----> 29.03 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Med Map - vs Mooks - Escort Ally (Boss) - Ambushes (?) Med Map - vs Mooks - Rescue Ally (LT?) - Escort NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Hellions - Glowie - Three Family Ambushes Med Map - vs Mooks - Defeat Boss Group Tiny Map - vs Family - Defeat Boss Large Map - vs Family & Mooks - Defeat Boss Group x2 6.07 = ( Level 9 ) Give 'Em Hellion! @13 minutes / 13 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Sm Map - vs Hellions - Defeat All Med Map - vs Hellions - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Hellions - Defeat Boss Room 6.08 = ( Level 9 ) = The Book and the Burning @22 minutes / 2 Merits -----> 5.45 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Med Map - vs Hellions & Family - Defeat All - Glowie Defeat 10 Hellions <C> Med Map - vs Hellions & Legacy Chain - Defeat All - 2 Glowies Sm Map - vs Hellions, Legacy Chain & Bat'Zul - Defeat All - Glowie 6.09 = ( Level 9 ) = The Loa Bone @2 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 90 M/H Starts in: Port Oakes Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat Boss Group 21.05 = ( Level 7 ) = Underdogs Never Win @6 minutes / 0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Start - Mercy Island Defeat 5 Longbow Zone Interact NPC <C> Defeat Longbow LTs x3 Zone Glowies x3 Call Contact Sm Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Guards - Interact Object - Defeat 2 Boss duo - Defeat Ambush - Exit 21.06 = ( Level 7 ) = Higher Purpose @8 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 22.5 M/H Start - Mercy Island Power Use vs 10 RIP Defeat 3 Infected <C> Talk To NPC Defeat 15 Longbow Sm Map - vs Longbow - Defeat LT, Interact Object, Destroy Object, Defeat Boss 21.07 = ( Level 7 ) = Fire and Heist @11 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 16.36 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Zone Glowie Defeat 3 RIP LTs <C> Defeat 10 RIP Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk To NPC Rescue x5 Sm Map - 3 RIP groups - Destroy Object - Glowie - Defeat Boss - Talk to Use Elevator Talk To NPC 21.08 = ( Level 7 ) = Price of Friendship @15 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 12 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Defeat 3 Longbow LTs Zone Glowies x3 Defeat 15 Longbow <C> Destroy 5 Objects Rescue x3 Defeat 10 Legacy Chain Sm Map - Longbow - 4 LT Allies at entry - Glowies x3 = Defeat Boss - Talk to - Longbow Groups x3 Board Flyer Talk To NPC 21.12 = ( Level 9 ) = Rogues' Contest - The Heart of Darkness (Ch 1) @25 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 7.2 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island Mercy - Med Map - Interact Object - Talk to x6 - Rescue Talk To NPC <C> Go to Ferry Oakes - Talk To NPC Mercy - Defeat 10 RIP <MT> - Sm Map - vs Skulls - Interact Object x2- Rescue - Talk To x2 - Glow - Defeat 2 Groups <O> Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Go to Vault Reserve <TT> Med Map - vs Longbow - 5 LTs (Bosses?) - Glowie x2 - Interact Object - Talk to LEVELS 10 - 14 HERO (6 Arcs) Spoiler 0.02 = ( Level 14 ) = Rescue the Mystic from the Circle of Thorns @4 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 45 M/H Start In: Steel Canyon Perez Park - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Escort Ally ( Lt ) 2.01 = ( Level 14 ) = Officer Wincott Vs. The Trolls (The Hollows, Ch 1) @10 minutes / 7 Merits -----> 42 M/H Starts In: The Hollows Defeat 10 Trolls Sm Map - vs Outcasts - Glowies x4 - Defeat All <C> Sm Map - vs Outcasts & Trolls - Glowies x3 - Defeat All 2.02 = ( Level 14 ) = Flux the Outcast (The Hollows, Ch 2) @23 minutes / 18 Merits -----> 46.9 M/H Starts In: The Hollows Med Map - vs Outcasts & Trolls - Glowies x3 - Defeat All Med Map - vs Trolls - Defeat All <C> Defeat 10 Outcasts Lg Map - vs Outcasts - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss - Defeat Elite Boss 2.03 = ( Level 14 ) = Julius the Kind Hearted Troll (The Hollows, Ch 3) @10 minutes / 10 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: The Hollows Sm Map - vs Igneous - Defeat All Defeat 10 Trolls <C> Med Map - vs Trolls - Rescue x5 2.04 = ( Level 14 ) = The Heart of the Hollows (The Hollows, Ch 4) @20 minutes / 30 Merits -----> 90 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 4 Chapters Starts In: The Hollows Sm Map - vs Trolls - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Boss Room Sm Map - vs Trolls - Destroy Object x3 - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room Defeat 10 Igneous <C> Lg Map - vs Trolls - Defeat Boss x2 - Defeat Elite Boss <MT> Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns & Minions of Igneous - Defeat All <O> Talk to NPC 21.10 = ( Level 14 ) Big Leagues (Shining Stars, Ch 2) @25 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 7.2 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park King's Row - vs Skulls - Interact - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss - Talk to <O> King's Row - Talk To NPC <C> Defeat 10 Skulls Take Monorail to Steel Canyon Steel Canyon - Go to Steel Canyon University Talk To NPC Defeat 10 Clockwork Med Map - vs Clockwork - Rescue - Talk to - Glowie (Random) - Defeat Boss x2 Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Family, Trolls, Vahzilok, Outcasts, Council, Praetorian Clockwork - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss x5 - Defeat Boss Group - Talk to Med Map - vs Arachnos, Hearts of Darkness, Praetorian Clockwork - Rescue - Talk to x2 - Defeat Boss x7 - Glowie x2 - Defeat Ambush x4 VILLAIN (13 Arcs) Spoiler 6.10 = ( Level 10 ) = The Council Cargo @21 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 22.85 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Med Map - vs Council - Glowie - Defeat All <O> <<<<< vs +2s & +3s? Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 (1 is random) - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss 6.11 = ( Level 10 ) = Hurt the Traitorous Vendetti Retainer @2 minutes / 2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Group 6.12= ( Level 14 ) = The Hit List @8 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes <MT> Cap Au Diable - Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain & Wyvern - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Escort NPC to Object <C> Lg Map - vs Wyvern - Destroy Object x3 - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group 6.13 = ( Level 14 ) = Steal the Outbreak Virus @6 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Med Map - vs Lost - Defeat Boss Group - Glowie Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x4 6.14= ( Level 14 ) = An Arachnos Ghost Story @17 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 28.23 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Lg Map - vs Spectral Ghosts - Glowie - Defeat All <MT> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <C> <TT> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group 6.15 = ( Level 14 ) = Power of the Spirit @13 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 36.9 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Sm Map - vs Spectral Pirates - Defeat Boss Room - Glowie Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain - Escort NPC Med Map - vs Spectral Ghosts, Arachnos & Legacy Chain - Glowie - Defeat All 6.16 = ( Level 14 ) = The Vahzilok Conference @16 minutes / 12 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Skulls, Longbow & Clockwork - Escort to Location x3 Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Defeat Boss Group <C> 6.17 = ( Level 14 ) = After the Wall Fell @27 minutes / 27 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Sm Map - vs Spetsnaz Commandos, Krylov's Creations, Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group <O> Sm Map - vs Spetsnaz Commandos, Wyvern - Defeat Boss Room Lg Map - vs Skulls, Vahzilok, Lost, Clockwork, Krylov's Creations - Defeat Boss Group <C> <TT> Med Map - vs Spetsnaz Commandos, Krylov's Creations - Defeat Boss Group <B> Lg Map - vs Spetsnaz Commandos, Luddites, Clockwork - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Spetsnaz Commandos - Timed (1:30:00) - Defeat All 6.18 = ( Level 14 ) = Midas Touched @24 minutes / 18 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Luddites - Defeat Boss Room - Glowie - Defeat Ambushes Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - NOTE: 2 Keys Needed - Defeat All <C> Lg Map - vs Gold Brickers - Defend Object 6.19 = ( Level 14 ) = Steal the Facemakers @6 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Sm Map - vs Vahziok - Glowie x3 - Defeat All 6.20 = ( Level 14 ) = Breaking Bow @9 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 53.3 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Sm Map - vs Longbow, Luddites - Defeat Boss Room <O> Sm Map - vs Lognbow - Glowie - Defeat All <C> Sm Map - vs Council, Longbow - Escort Ally (Boss) 6.21 = ( Level 14 ) = Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge @10 minutes / 8 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat All Med Map - vs Legacy Chain - Glowie <C> Med Map - vs Legacy Chain - Escort Ally (Boss) 21.13 = ( Level 14 ) = Heroic Measures (The Hearts of Darkness, Ch 2) @25 minutes / 3 Merits -----> 7.2 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Port Oakes - Med Map - vs Goldbrickers - Talk to x2 - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss <O> <B> Port Oakes - Talk to NPC <C> Defeat 3 Arachnos Take Ferry to Cap Au Diable (N) - Visit University Talk To NPC Defeat 10 Luddites <MT> Port Oakes - Med Map - vs Snakes - Rescue - Talk to - Defeat Boss x2 <TT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Clockwork, Hellion, Legacy Chain, Council, Vahzilok - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss x5 Med Map - vs Arachnos, Shining Stars - Talk to x2 - Defeat Boss x5 - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Glowie x2 EITHER (16 Arcs) Spoiler 18.01 = ( Level 10 ) = Joining the Pack (Nova Responsibility, Ch 1) @14 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 21.42 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Resistance - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Resistance - Rescue x2 (minion Allies) - Escort Ally ( Lt ) <C> Talk to NPC Zone Glowies x3 Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Praetorian Police & Resistance - Talk to - Defeat Boss x3 18.02 = ( Level 10 ) Hit List (Nova Responsibility, Ch 2) @8 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Syndicate - Interact - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Synidcate - Escort <C> Sm Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Syndicate - Talk to - Defeat Boss 18.03 = ( Level 10 ) Organized Crusaders (Nova Responsibility, Ch 3) @14 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 21.42 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Tiny Map - vs N/A - Interact x3 - Glowies x3 Med Map - vs Syndicate & Praetorian Police - Defeat Boss x2 - Interact <C> Go to Contact Sm Map - vs Resistance - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss Zone Glowies x4 Go to Contact Sm Map - vs Resistance & Syndicate - Glowies x3 - Defeat All 18.04 = ( Level 10 ) No Man's Lady (Nova Responsibility, Ch 4) @7 minutes / 1 Merit -----> 8.57 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Tiny Map - vs Resistance - Glowie - Defeat Ambush x5 Talk to NPC Tiny Map - vs Optional - Defeat Boss - Talk to Talk to NPC 18.05 = ( Level 10 ) Shrewd Lessons (Nova Power, Ch 1) @10 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss (Minion) Zone Click Talk to NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Resistance Clockwork - Defeat All Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Resistance Clockwork - Defeat Boss 18.06 = ( Level 10 ) Guns and Money (Nova Power, Ch 2) @15 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Resistance - Glowie (Random Find) - Defeat Boss - Talk to Sm Map - vs Resistance & Clockwork - Talk to - Defeat Boss x4 - Defeat Ambush x2 Return to Contact <C> Talk To NPC Med Map - vs Resistance & Syndicate - Defeat Boss Group x2 18.07 = ( Level 10 ) Rise to Power (Nova Power, Ch 3) @9 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 33.33 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Med Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Resistance - Destroy Object x3 Tiny Map - vs Powers Division - Defeat Boss Tiny Map - vs Powers Division - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Powers Division - Defeat Boss x3 18.08 = ( Level 10 ) The Strong Survive (Nova Power, Ch 4) @5 minutes / 1 Merit -----> 12 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Tiny Map - vs Praetorian Police & Powers Division - Defeat Ambush x6 - Defeat Boss + (morality choice) 18.09 = ( Level 10 ) Justifying the Means (Nova Crusader, Ch 1) @14 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 21.42 M/H Starts In: Underground Nova Talk to NPC <B> Nova Praetoria - Glowie x3 Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Rescue x2 - Deeat Boss Group - Glowie <O> <B> Nova Praetoria - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Destroy Object x2 - Defeat Boss <C> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie x4 18.10 = ( Level 10 ) Insert Paranoia Here (Nova Crusader, Ch 2) @7 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 42.84 M/H Starts In: Underground Nova Med Map - vs Ghouls - Rescue <O> <MT> Nova Praetoria - Tiny Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat All <C> Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Destroy Object x2 18.11 = ( Level 10 ) I Destroy, Therefore I Am! (Nova Crusader, Ch 3) @12 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Underground Nova Med Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Boss <O> Return to Contact <MT> Nova Praetoria - Med Map - vs Destroyers - Interact Object - Glowie <C> Med Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Guard Group - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss x2 <O> Return to Contact 18.12 = ( Level 10 ) Destroy or Not Destroy (Nova Crusader, Ch 4) @7 minutes / 1 Merit -----> 8.5 M/H Starts In: Underground Nova <MT> Sm Map - vs Praetorian Police - Defeat Boss - (morality choice) 18.13 = ( Level 10 ) Misinformation (Nova Warden, Ch 1) @9 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 33.33 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Zone Glowie Med Map - vs Ghouls - Glowie - Exit <C> <B> Sm Map - vs N/A - Glowie - Exit Med Map - vs Ghouls - Defeat Boss x2 - Talk to - Defeat PPD Ambush x3 18.14 = ( Level 10 ) Getting Out Alive (Nova Warden, Ch 2) @10 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Rescue Lg Map - vs Syndicate - Destroy Object <C> Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss x2 - Talk to 18.15 = ( Level 10 ) Fixing FIxadine (Nova Warden, Ch 3) @7 minutes / 5 Merits -----> 42.85 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Ghouls - Rescue - Exit Mission Underground Nova - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Boss <MT> Nova Praetoria - Sm Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Boss x3 18.16 = ( Level 10 ) Rage Quit (Nova Warden, Ch 4) @6 minutes / 1 Merit -----> 10 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs ??? - (morality choice) <C> LEVELS 15 - 19 HERO (10 Arcs) Spoiler 0.03 = ( Level 15 ) = The Clockwork Captive @22 minutes /22 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Atlas Park - Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Clicky - Defeat All <O> Defeat 10 Clockwork <C> <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie x2 (key in random desk) <B1> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <TT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat All <B> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Rescue (Caroline) 0.04 = ( Level 15 ) = Bonefire @25 minutes /23 Merits -----> -- 55.2 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Skulls, Hellions - Glowie - Defeat All <O> <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <C> <MT> King's Row - Med Map - vs Skulls, Hellions - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss Room <B> Steel Canyon (S) - Talk to NPC King's Row - Med Map - Glowie (random desk) - vs Skulls - Defeat Boss Room <B>Skyway City (N) - Talk to NPC <B> Perez Park - Defeat 20 Skulls & 20 Hellions Lg Map - vs Skulls, Hellions - Defeat All 0.05 = ( Level 15 ) = The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot @30 minutes /35 Merits -----> 70 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Lg Map - vs Vahzilok - Rescue x7 - Defeat Boss Room/Floor <O> <MT> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie (random Desk) - Defeat Boss Room <C> <TT> King's Row - Med Map - Rescue x3 Defeat 10 Vahzilok <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC King's Row - Lg Map - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss Room 0.06 = ( Level 19 ) = The Vahzilok Plague @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Defeat 15 Vahzilok <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <MT> Boomtown - vs Vahzilok - Glowie - Defeat All <O> <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <C> <TT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Group <B> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie x4, Defeat Elite Boss 0.07 = ( Level 19 ) = Vazhilok Wasting Disease @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie x3 - Timed (1:30:00) 0.08 = ( Level 19 ) = Tsoo Shenanigans @25 minutes /28 Merits -----> 67.2 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Trolls, Tsoo - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Room <MT> Steel Canyon - Sm Map - vs Outcasts, Tsoo - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <C> Talk to NPC <B> Skyway City (South) - Talk to NPC <B> Defeat 15 Tsoo (anywhere) Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Tsoo - Defeat Boss Room <TT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Tsoo - Glowie x12 - Defeat All 0.09 = ( Level 19 ) = The Mind of a King @22 minutes /23 Merits -----> 62.72 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Defeat 15 Clockwork <MT> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat Boss Room <O> <TT> Boomtown - Med Map - vs Clockwork, Vahzilok - Glowie - Defeat All <C> <B> Defeat 15 Clockwork (anywhere) Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie - Defeat All 21.11 = ( Level 19 ) = With Friends Like These (The Shining Stars, Ch 3) @16 minutes /3 Merits -----> 11.25 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 3 Chapters Starts In: Atlas Park Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Hellions - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC <O> <MT> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Praetorian Clockwork - Rescue Ally - Talk to - Glowie x3 - Defeat Ambush x3 <C> Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Board Transit - Sm Map - vs Praetorian Clockwork - Interact - Defend Object - Defeat Group x3 Steel Canyon (S) - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <TT> Kings Row - Med Map - vs Praetorian Clockwork - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss x5 - Talk to <O> Return to Contact 24.01 = ( Level 19 ) = The Superadine Ring (King's Row, Ch 1) @11 minutes /6 Merits -----> 32.72 M/H Starts In: King's Row Talk to NPC Defeat 10 Skulls <C> Med Map - vs Skulls - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Skulls - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss x2 - Defeat Ambush x2 Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Skulls - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Skulls - Defeat Elite Boss 24.02 = ( Level 19 ) = The Lords of Death (King's Row, Ch 2) @15 minutes /6 Merits -----> 24 M/H Starts In: King's Row <C> Med Map - vs Family - Interact - Defeat Ambush x3 (optional) Lg Map - vs Family - Talk to - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Skulls - Depowered / No Run - Talk to x3 - Defeat Challenger - Find Exit Med Map - vs Skulls - Rescue - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Skulls - Defeat Elite Boss - (Timed) Escort VILLAIN (8 Arcs) Spoiler 6.05 = ( Level 19 ) = Oh, Wretched Man! @25 minutes /13 Merits -----> 31.2 M/H Starts In: Mercy Island <MT> Med Map - vs Lost - Rescue - Glowie <O> Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue Ally ( Lt ) - Destroy Object - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Legacy Chain - Glowies x3 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group Talk To NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group - Escort Ally (Boss) 6.22 = ( Level 19 ) = High-Tech Gold @13 minutes /17 Merits -----> 78.46 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Med Map - vs Arachnos - Escort <MT> Med Map - vs Lost - Defeat All <C> Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie (random) - Defeat Boss Group 6.23 = ( Level 19 ) = The Aeon Conspiracy @23 minutes /17 Merits -----> 44.34 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Tiny Map - vs Wyvern - Glowie - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Shivan, Wyvern - Defeat Boss Group - Escort <C> Lg Map - vs Clockwork - Escort x3 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Escort Med Map - vs Wyvern - Destroy Object x7 6.24 = ( Level 19 ) = Echo Down the Aeons @14 minutes /15 Merits -----> 64.28 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Med Map - vs Wyvern - Glowie - Defeat All Med Map - vs Shivans - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Wyvern - Defeat Boss - Defeat Elite Boss 6.25 = ( Level 19 ) = There's a Sucker Born Every Minute @27 minutes /28 Merits -----> 62.22 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x5 <O> Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Destroy Object - Defeat Object Group <C> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat All Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns Med Map - vs Arachnos - Escort Ally (Boss) Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Room <TT> Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group 6.26 = ( Level 19 ) = Breakout at the Zig @19 minutes /18 Merits -----> 56.84 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Sm Map - vs Longbow - Glowie <O> <LRT> Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort 1-3 Allies ( Lt ) <C> <TT> Cap Au Diable - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All 6.27 = ( Level 19 ) = Master of Destruction @18 minutes /13 Merits -----> 43.33 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Lg Map - vs Wyvern - Defeat All <O> <TT> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Destroy Object x7 <C> Med Map - vs Wyvern - Destroy Object x2 21.14 = ( Level 19 ) = Price of Victory (The Hearts of Darkness, Ch 3) @17 minutes /3 Merits -----> 10.58 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 3 Chapters Starts In: Mercy Island Cap Au Diable - Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Gold Brickers, Hearts of Darkness - Defeat Boss x3 - Glowie x2 - Talk to Talk to NPC <O> <B> Cap Au Diable - Talk to NPC <C> Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Hearts of Darkness - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Boss - Talk to Med Map - vs Snakes - Escort Ally to Boss - Defeat Boss - Talk to <B> Med Map - vs Necromancy, Hearts of Darkness - Defeat Boss x3 - Talk to Med Map - vs Goldbrickers, RIPD, Luddites, Hearts of Darkness - Interact - Defeat AV (w/Allies) - Talk to x2 <O> Return to Contact EITHER (20 Arcs) Spoiler 18.17 = ( Level 15 ) = Sacrifices Must Be Made (Imperial Responsibility, Ch 1) @16 minutes /9 Merits -----> 33.75 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Resistance, Syndicate - Glowie (Lab) - Interact Prone NPC - Defeat Boss x2 Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss, Talk to, Escort Ally ( Lt ) <C> Zone Glowies x10 Lg Map - vs Resistance, Seers - Defeat Boss Group 18.18 = ( Level 15 ) = The Clock Face (Imperial Responsibility, Ch 2) @16 minutes /9 Merits -----> 33.75 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Lg Map - vs Rogue Clockwork - Defeat Boss Large Map - vs Rogue Clockwork - Glowie x4 (random crates) <C> Med Map - vs Rogue Clockwork - Escort Med Map - vs Rogue Clockwork - Escort Lg Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss x2 Med Map - vs Rogue Clockwork - Defeat Boss Room 18.19 = ( Level 15 ) = The Trash Collectors (Imperial Responsibility, Ch 3) @9 minutes /9 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Resistance - Talk to - Escort Med Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Boss Group - Destroy Object <C> Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss - Glowie Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Talk to - Defeat Boss 18.20 = ( Level 15 ) = The Syndicate Corp Wars (Imperial Responsibility, Ch 4) @17 minutes /9 Merits -----> 31.76 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss Group - Find Exit Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Clockwork, Syndicate - Defeat All Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Syndicate - Talk to x2 - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss - Talk to Talk to NPC 18.21 = ( Level 15 ) = One Weakness (Imperial Responsibility, Ch 5) @3 minutes /1 Merit -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs ?? - ( Morality Choice ) 18.22 = ( Level 15 ) = Personal Monster (Imperial Power, Ch 1) @13 minutes /9 Merits -----> 41.53 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Ghouls, Resistance - Defeat Boss - Exit Mission <C> Call Contact Underground Imperial - Med Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Guard Group - Talk to - Exit Mission Call Contact Imperial City - Med Map - vs Syndicate - Glowie - Defeat Boss Call Contact Lg Map - vs Ghouls - Talk to - Defeat Resistance Ambush x4 Call Contact 18.23 = ( Level 15 ) = Letting Go (Imperial Power, Ch 2) @9 minutes /9 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Lg Map - vs Resistance, Destroyers - Glowie x2 - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Syndicate, Resistance - Glowie - Defeat Boss <C> Lg Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Boss Return to Contact Sm Map - vs Powers Division - Interact Prone NPC x4 - Defeat Boss 18.24 = ( Level 15 ) = Destroying the Destroyers (Imperial Power, Ch 3) @18 minutes /9 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Destroyers - Glow x2 - Defeat Boss <B> Nova Praetoria - Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Imperial City - Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Defeat Boss - Glowie x3 Med Map - vs Destroyers - Glowie x6 - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Destroyers - Talk to - Defeat 100 Destroyer Ambushers <B> - Nova Praetoria - Talk to NPC 18.25 = ( Level 15 ) = The Power to Control (Imperial Power, Ch 4) @10 minutes /9 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Sm Map - vs Ghouls, Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Boss <O> Sm Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Ambush x4 <C> Med Map - vs Syndicate, Praetorians - Defeat Boss x2 Med Map - vs Resistance - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss 18.26 = ( Level 15 ) = Project Phoenix (Imperial Power, Ch 5) @3 minutes /1 Merit ----->20 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Tiny Map - vs Resistance - ( Morality Choice ) 18.27 = ( Level 15 ) = No Room for Humanity (Imperial Crusader, Ch 1) @20 minutes /3 Merits -----> 27 M/H Starts In: Underground Imperial Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Ghouls - Defeat Boss - Talk to Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss <C> Talk to NPC <MT> Imperial City - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Rescue x3 Lg Map - vs Praetorian Police - (4 Allies at Entry) - Defeat All 18.28 = ( Level 15 ) = Power of the Mind (Imperial Crusader, Ch 2) @10 minutes /9 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Underground Imperial <MT> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Rescue x4 <O> Med Map - vs Destroyers - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss <C> <TT> Imperial City - Tiny Map - vs Seers - Defeat Ambush x4 - Defeat Elite Boss Med Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat Ambush x3 18.29 = ( Level 15 ) = The Price Good Men Must Pay (Imperial Crusader, Ch 3) @18 minutes /9 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Underground Imperial Imperial City - Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Rescue x3 - +5:00 Rescue (as many as possible) <O> <MT> - Imperial City - Med Map - vs Clockwork, Praetorian Police - Glowie - Defeat Boss <C> Underground Imperial - Talk to NPC <TT> Imperial City - Med Map - vs Syndicate - Rescue x2 Tiny Map - vs N/A - Interact Object Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Destroy Object x2 - Glowie - Defeat Boss 18.30 = ( Level 15 ) = Those Who Make History (Imperial Crusader, Ch 4) @9 minutes /9 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Underground Imperial <MT> Med Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat Boss x2 - Destroy Object <O> <B> Imperial City - Med Map - vs Praetorian Police, Seers - Glowie - Defeat Boss - Talk to - Find Exit <C> <T> Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss x3 Lg Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie 18.31 = ( Level 15 ) = Blood of Tyrants (Imperial Crusader, Ch 5) @3 minutes /1 Merit -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Underground Imperial Imperial City - Med Map - vs ?? - Talk to - Glowie - ( Morality Choice ) 18.32 = ( Level 15 ) = The Truth Hurts (Imperial Warden, Ch 1) @9 minutes /9 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Defeat 5 Destroyers Sm Map - vs Destroyers - Glowie (random crate) - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Glow - Find Exit <C> Sm Map - vs Praetorian Police - Interact Prone NPC - Rescue - Glowie 18.33 = ( Level 15 ) = Who Needs Enemies (Imperial Warden, Ch 2) @13 minutes /9 Merits -----> 41.53 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Destroyers - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Destroyers, Resistance - Defeat Boss x2 <C> Med Map - vs Resistance, Hacked Clockwork - Interact Object - Find Exit Return to Contact Defeat 10 Destroyers Med Map - vs Destroyers, Praetorian Police - Escort Ally 18.34 = ( Level 15 ) = Self Restraint (Imperial Warden, Ch 3) @14 minutes /9 Merits -----> 38.57 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Escort Ally Lg Map - vs N/A - Escort NPC to Boss - Defeat Ghoul Ambushes x6 approximately <C> Med Map - vs Seers - Glowie - Find Exit <O> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police, Seers, Ghouls - Defeat Boss Group x4 - Interact Object 18.35 = ( Level 15 ) = You Can't Go Home (Imperial Warden, Ch 4) @13 minutes /9 Merits -----> 41.53 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie (Random) - Find Exit <O> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie - Find Exit <B> <C> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Escort Lg Map - vs Praetorian Police, Seers - Escort Ally to Boss - Defeat Boss & Ambushes 18.36 = ( Level 15 ) = Mind Freedom (Imperial Warden, Ch 5) @3 minutes /1 Merit -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Sm Map - vs Seers - (Morality Choice) LEVELS 20 - 24 HERO (13 Arcs) Spoiler 0.10 = ( Level 24 ) = The Sky Raider Secret @14 minutes /15 Merits -----> 64.28 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Room Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group <B> Faultline - Sm Map - vs Sky Raiders - Item Click - Glowie x6 <TT> Atlas Park - Lg Map - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group 0.11 = ( Level 24 ) = Hand of Iron @19 minutes /23 Merits -----> 72,63 M/H Starts In: Talos Island <MT> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All <O> Talos Island - Zone Click x5 <C> Defeat 20 Freakshow Independence Port - Talk to NPC (North) Talk to NPC (North) <TT> Boomtown - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room <B> Independence Port - Talk to NPC (North) Kings Row - Med Map - vs Council, Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room 0.12 = ( Level 24 ) = The Chameleon Suit @1 minute /1 Merit -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Item Click 0.13 = ( Level 24 ) = Retrieve Stolen Weapons From Freakshow @3 minutes /3 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x6 - Defeat Boss Room 0.14 = ( Level 24 ) = Wheel of Destruction @20 minutes /23 Merits -----> 69 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <O> Med Map - vs Warriors - Item Click - Defeat Boss Room <MT> Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Defeat Boss Room <C> <B> Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon, Tsoo - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC Independence Port - Zone Click x5 <TT> Board Transit - vs Banished Pantheon - Timed 1:30 - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group 0.15 = ( Level 24 ) = Stop the Mystic Madmen @6 minutes /7 Merits -----> 70 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Atlas Park - vs Banished Pantheon, Circle of Thorns - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat All 0.16 = ( Level 24 ) = The Tsoo Coup @31 minutes /43 Merits -----> 83.22 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Talos Island - Defeat 15 Tsoo Independence Port - Defeat 15 Tsoo <O> <B> Skyway City - Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Warriors, Tsoo - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <B> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Family, Tsoo - Glowie x2 (1 has Key) - Defeat Boss Room <B> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Family, Tsoo - Find Key Group (Family) - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <TT> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Family, Tsoo - Glowie x2 (1 has Key) - Defeat Boss Room <B> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Warriors, Tsoo - Defeat Boss Room Med Map - vs Warriors, Tsoo - Rescue x6 - Defeat Boss Room 8.01 = ( Level 20 ) = Rumblings of the Past (Faultline, Ch 1) @7 minutes /8 Merits -----> 68.57 M/H Starts In: Faultline Sm Map - vs Lost - Escort Ally Med Map - vs Lost - Rescue Ally x2 - Defeat Arch-Villain <C> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Destroy Object - Defeat Arch-Villain Group 8.02 = ( Level 20 ) = I Lost My Daddy! (Faultline, Ch 2) @9 minutes /10 Merits -----> 66.66 M/H Starts In: Faultline Sm Map - vs Vahzilok - Escort Ally Talk to NPC Defeat 10 Lost <C> Med Map - vs Lost - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Lost - Escort 8.03 = ( Level 24 ) = The Buried Past (Faultline, Ch 3) @8 minutes /10 Merits -----> 75 M/H Starts In: Faultline Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Arch-Villain - Glowie <C> Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Sky Raiders - Rescue Ally - Defeat Arch-Villain Talk to NPC 8.04 = ( Level 24 ) = A Faultline in the Sands of Time (Faultline, Ch 4) @20 minutes /25 Merits -----> 75 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 4 Chapters Starts In: Faultline Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie x3 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x4 <C> Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat All Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat All <MT> Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat All <TT> Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie Small Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Arch-Villain Group Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie - Defeat Arch-Villain Group Med Map - vs Arachnos - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Arch-Villain Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue 22.01 = ( Level 24 ) = Collateral Damage @17 minutes /4 Merits -----> 14.11 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Med Map - vs 5th Column - Escort Ally ( Lt ) Med Map - vs 5th Column, Council - Defeat 3 Groups Warring <C> Sm Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat Boss - Talk to - Interact Object Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Rescue - Interact Prone NPC - Interact Object - Defeat Underling Regiment - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs 5th Column - Talk to x2 22.02 = ( Level 24 ) = Last Rites @9 minutes /4 Merits -----> 26.67 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Tsoo - Glowie - Defeat Boss - Talk to Tiny Map - vs Tsoo - Defeat Ambush x3 <C> Med Map - vs Tsoo - Interact Object - Find Mission Exit Board Transit - vs Tsoo - Defeat Boss x4 - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to Return to Contact VILLAIN (16 Arcs) Spoiler 6.28 = ( Level 24 ) = Iron Widow @18 minutes /10 Merits -----> 33.33 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Council - Escort Ally (Boss) <C> Med Map - vs Family, Scrapyarders - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Scrapyarders - Defeat Elite Boss Group <MT> Lg Map - vs Council - Time (1:30:00) - Escort Ally (Boss) 6.29 = ( Level 24 ) = Carpe Diem @7 minutes /8 Merits -----> 68.57 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Sm Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat Boss Room Defeat 20 Scrapyarders <C> Sm Map - vs Scrapyarders - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Scrapyarders, Legacy Chain - Defeat Elite Boss Group 6.30 = ( Level 24 ) = Bust Up the Dockworker's Strike @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Sm Map - vs Scrapyarders - Defeat Boss Group x3 6.31 = ( Level 24 ) = Any Body Will Do @8 minutes /5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Huge Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue Lg Map - vs Scrapyarders - Defeat Boss x4 Med Map - vs Scrapyarders - Rescue x3 6.32 = ( Level 24 ) = Retrieve Crash's Shipment @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos, Slag Golem - Glowie x4 Talk to NPC 6.33 = ( Level 24 ) = Coral Bonanza @8 minutes /8 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Cage Consortium, Arachnos - Glowie x4 <B> Port Oakes - Talk to NPC <O> Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss Group <C> <B> Port Oakes - Talk to NPC 6.34 = ( Level 24 ) = Breaking the Cage @13 minutes /10 Merits -----> 46.15 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Cage Consortium - Escort Med Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat All <O> <C> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group 6.35 = ( Level 24 ) = Kings of the Sky @8 minutes /10 Merits -----> 75 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Lg Map - vs Wyvern - Escort <MT> Mercy Island - vs Longbow - Glowie x6 - Defeat Boss <O> <C> Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Elite Boss 6.36 = ( Level 24 ) = Operation Skyhook @8 minutes /12 Merits -----> 90 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <B> Cap Au Diable - Tak to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Wyvern - Timed (1:30:00) - Escort <O> Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie x2 6.37 = ( Level 24 ) = A Web of Intrigue @20 minutes /18 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Council - Defeat All <O> Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Timed (1:30:00) - Glowie x4 - Defeat All <C> Lg Map - vs Sky Raiders - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Scrapyarders, Longbow - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x4 Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss <MT> Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Elite Boss Group - Escort NPC to Object - Defeat Boss Group 12.03 = ( Level 20 ) = The Origin of Power @7 minutes /8 Merits -----> 68.57 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Talk to NPC <O> Talk to NPC <C> Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <MT> Port Oakes - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x10 - Defeat Boss Group 22.03 = ( Level 24 ) = Destiny Follows @17 minutes /8 Merits -----> 28.24 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable <MT> Sm Map - vs Rogue's Gallery - Talk to (Martial Gloom) - Talk to Baron Zucker (inside back room) - Talk to Giga Watts (by door to back room) - Talk to Mangle (by crowd) - Defeat Mangle - Talk to Giga Watts <O> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Destroy Object x3 - Talk to <C> Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group - Interact Object - Defeat Ambush (single bosses) x3 Sm Map - vs Rogue's Gallery - Talk to Baron Zucker - Defeat Boss - Talk to Martial Gloom (up on containers) - Interact Object Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Longbow - Talk to (?) - Defeat Longbow Regiments x4 - Defeat Arch-Villain Talk to NPC 22.04 = ( Level 24 ) = What Schemes May Come @12 minutes /8 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Guard Group - Interact Object <O> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Talk to x2 - Defeat Boss Group x3 Sm Map - vs N/A - Talk to - Exit Mission Sm Map - vs Cage Consortium - Destroy Object - Glowie - Exit Mission Med Map - vs Gremlins, Bat'Zul, Luddites - Defeat Ambush x3 - Defeat Elite Boss 27.90 = ( Level 24 ) = Buried Secrets ( Striga, Ch 1 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Med Map - vs Family - Glowie x5 Med Map - vs Warriors - Glowie x5 <C> Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie - Rescue - Talk to Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Glowie - Defeat All Med Map - vs Council, Paragon Heroes - Glowie - Defeat Ambush Boss 27.91 = ( Level 24 ) = Just Prototypical ( Striga, Ch 2 ) @13 minutes /20 Merits -----> 92.3 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Tiny Map - vs Warriors, Family - Defeat All Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie x5 (requires backtracking) - Rescue 27.92 = ( Level 24 ) = Negotiations of the Living Dead ( Striga, Ch 3 ) @9 minutes /20 Merits -----> 133.33 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Sm Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Defeat 20 Family <C> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Sky Raiders, Family, Warriors - Defeat Boss x6 - Destroy Object x3 EITHER (16 Arcs) Spoiler 18.37 = ( Level 20 ) = The Old Robot, The New Body (Neutropolis Responsibility, Ch 1) @12 minutes /9 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Lg Map - vs Failed Experiments - Rescue x3 Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Syndicate - Talk to NPC - Rescue (?) - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat All Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat Elite Boss - Defeat Ambush x3 Talk to NPC 18.38 = ( Level 20 ) = The Woman Named DeVore (Neutropolis Responsibility, Ch 2) @15 minutes /9 Merits -----> 36 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss x3 <C> Lg Map - vs Resistance - Defeat Boss - Talk to - Defeat Ambush Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Reistance - Defeat Boss x3 - Destroy Object Med Map - vs Resistance, Syndicate - Defeat Boss Tiny Map - vs Carnival of Light - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to Call Contact 18.39 = ( Level 20 ) = View From the Other Side (Neutropolis Responsibility, Ch 3 @16 minutes /9 Merits -----> 33.75 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss <C> Med Map - vs Failed Experiments - Interact Object x3 Lg Map - vs Resistance, Rogue's Gallery - Defeat Boss x3 Med Map - vs N/A - Talk to - Defeat Longbow Ambush x4 - Defeat Hero Boss Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat 30 Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Elite Boss - Glowie 18.40 = ( Level 20 ) = No Survivors (Neutropolis Responsibility, Ch 4) @3 minutes /1 Merit -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs N/A - Listen to - (morality choice) 18.41 = ( Level 20 ) = For the Taking (Neutropolis Power, Ch 1) @23 minutes /9 Merits -----> 23.47 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Ghouls - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Find Mission Exit <O> Defeat 10 Clockwork Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Destroy Object x7 Lg Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie x2 (7 minute wait afterwards) - Find Mission Exit <O> <C> Med Map - vs Failed Experiments - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Ghouls - Defeat Hero (Ambush) - Talk to Med Map - vs Mad Scientist - Defeat Boss 18.42 = ( Level 20 ) = Best Friends Forever (Neutropolis Power, Ch 2) @13 minutes /9 Merits -----> 41.53 M/H Starts In: Imperial City Defeat 6 Syndicate Lg Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss Defeat 10 Syndicate Med Map - vs Syndicate - Defeat Boss - Find Mission Exit <O> Sm Map - vs Clockwork, Praetorian Police - Glowie - Find Mission Exit <LRT> Neutropolis - Defeat 10 Syndicate <TT> Imperial City - Med Map - vs Syndicate, Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Resistance, Seers - Defeat Boss 18.43 = ( Level 20 ) = A God Amongst Men (Neutropolis Power, Ch 3) @10 minutes /9 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Clockwork - Interact Object x2 - Find Mission Exit <O> Med Map - vs Clcokwork - Defeat Boss Group x4 - Defeat Boss <C> Med Map - vs Syndicate, Arachnos - Defeat Guard Group Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Return to Contact Sm Map - vs Resistance, Experiment - Defeat Boss 18.44 = ( Level 20 ) = Pride in Your Work (Neutropolis Power, Ch 4) @2 minutes /1 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Sm Map - vs N/A - (morality choice) 18.45 = ( Level 20 ) = Honor the Fallen (Neutropolis Crusader, Ch 1) @15 minutes /9 Merits -----> 36 M/H Starts In: Underground Neutropolis Sm Map - vs Ghouls - Interact Prone NPC - Find Mission Exit Med Map - vs Praetorian Police, Seers - Defeat Ambush x6 (?) <C> <MT> Neutropolis - Med Map - vs TEST - Glowie Med Map - vs TEST - Glowie x3 - Find Mission Exit <B> Med Map - vs TEST - Defeat Boss - Escort Ally x2 18.46 = ( Level 20 ) = Fresh Faces (Neutropolis Crusader, Ch 2) @22 minutes /9 Merits -----> 24.54 M/H Starts In: Underground Neutropolis Talk to NPC <MT> Med Map - vs Clockwork - Destroy Object - Wait 2 minutes - Glowie x7 - Find Mission Exit <O> Lg Map - vs Ghouls - Escort Lg Map - vs Ghouls - Talk to Lg Map - vs Ghouls - Talk to x2 - Defeat Guard Group Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie x18 18.47 = ( Level 20 ) = The Turning Point (Neutropolis Crusader, Ch 3) @24 minutes /9 Merits -----> 22.5 M/H Starts In: Underground Neutropolis <MT> Neutropolis - Med Map - vs Syndicate - Glowie x4 - Rescue Ally x3 <O> <B> Neutropolis - Lg Map - vs TEST - Defeat Boss Group <TT> Underground Neutropolis - Lg Map - vs TEST - Escort Ally Lg Map - vs Praetorian Police, Clockwork, TEST - Defeat Ambush x15 (?) Med Map - vs TEST, Resistance - Defeat Boss 18.48 = ( Level 20 ) = Collapsing Support (Neutropolis Crusader, Ch 4) @3 minutes /1 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In:: Underground Neutropolis <MT> Sm Map - vs N/A - Listen to - (Morality Choice) 18.49 = ( Level 20 ) = The Savage Man (Neutropolis Warden, Ch 1) @10 minutes /9 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie Lg Map - vs Failed Experiments - Defeat Boss x3 <C> Sm Map - vs Ghouls - Talk to Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Interact Prone NPC Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to Lg Map - vs TEST, Rogue's Gallery - Interact Prone NPC - Glowie - Defeat Boss 18.50 = ( Level 20 ) = My Best Friend, Rusty (Neutropolis Warden, Ch 2) @15 minutes /9 Merits -----> 36 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis Med Map - vs Syndicate - Glowie - Defeat Boss <C> Med Map - vs Syndicate - Interact Prone NPC Med Map - vs Syndicate, Clockwork - Rescue x3 Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie Med Map - vs Syndicate - Talk to - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Clockwork - Defeat 80 (Ally Boss Present) 18.51 = ( Level 20 ) = A Promise for a New Tomorrow (Neutropolis Warden, Ch 3) @17 minutes /9 Merits -----> 31.76 M/H Starts In: Neutropolis <MT> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Rescue <C> Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Praetorian Police - Glowie Lg Map - vs TEST - Interact Prone NPC - Defeat Ambushes x3 (?) Med Map - vs Failed Experiments - Talk to Med Map - vs Clockwork, Experiment, Rogue's Gallery - Defeat x20 - Defeat Elite Boss x2 - Glowie 18.52 = ( Level 20 ) = To Our Health (Neutropolis Warden, Ch 4) @2 minutes /1 Merit -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Nova Praetoria Sm Map - vs N/A - Listen to - (morality choice) LEVELS 25 - 29 HERO (20 Arcs) Spoiler 0.17 = ( Level 29 ) = The Scroll of Tielekku @37 minutes /23 Merits -----> 37.29 M/H Starts In: Independence Port <MT> Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon, Warriors - Defeat All <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Rescue x2 <C> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon, Warriors - Glowie Independence Port - Talk to NPC Atlas Park - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x6 (2 are random bookshelves) <B> Independence Port - Talk to NPC <TT> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Escort x2 Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Glowie Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon, Warriors, Circle of Thorns - Glowie x10 0.18 = ( Level 29 ) = Find the Pantheon: Rescue the Mystics @6 minutes /5 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Defeat All 0.19 = ( Level 29 ) = An Unnatural Order @35 minutes /30 Merits -----> 51.42 M/H Starts In: Talos Island King's Row - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x7 <O> <MT> Atlas Park - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Rescue x3 <C> <B> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth, Council - Rescue x3 Med Map - vs Council - Rescue x3 <TT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Escort x3 - Defeat All Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x2 (Bones & Chest) - Rescue Talos Island - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Destroy Object x5 Skyway City - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat All 0.20 = ( Level 29 ) = The Freaklympics @37 minutes /57 Merits -----> 92.43 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Escort x3 - Defeat Boss & Boss Room (usually separate) <O> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss x4 (2 spawn later) <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue x5 Independence Port - Med Map - vs Council, Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group <TT> King's Row - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x10 <B> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Room Atlas Park - Defeat Boss Room 0.21 = ( Level 29 ) = The Mysterious General Z @27 minutes /25 Merits -----> 55.55 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Escort Ally x3 <O> King's Row - Sm Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie <C> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie (metal crate) Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Sky Riaders - Glowie x4 Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie x8 <MT> King's Row - LG Map - vs Sky Raiders - Glowie x3 - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group <TT> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Rescue Ally - Glowie (safe = key) - Glowie 0.22 = ( Level 29 ) = Ubelmann the Unknown @32 minutes /28 Merits -----> 52.5 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie - Defeat All <O> <MT> Faultline - Med Map - vs 5th Column - Rescue x5 <C> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie - Defeat All <TT> Boomtown - Sm Map - vs 5th Column - Escort Ally ( Lt ) <B> Skyway City - Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat All Talos Island - Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie x2 (randoms) <B> Independence Port - Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie x5 Skyway City - Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat Arch-Villain Group 0.23 = ( Level 29 ) = The Redemption of Alexander 'the Great' @15 minutes /12 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Talos Island - Talk to NPC <O> Zone Click x5 <B> Talos Island - Talk to NPC Independence Port - Defeat 35 Family Talos Island - Talk to NPC <MT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Warriors - Defeat All <B> Talos Island - Talk to NPC 0.42 = ( Level 29 ) = Lost Motivation @10 minutes /1 Merit -----> 6 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Lost - Rescue x5 - Defeat Boss Room Defeat 20 Lost Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Lost, Rikti - Glowie x8 - Defeat Boss Group 3.01 = ( Level 25 ) = Ring of Peebles (Striga, Ch 1) @28 minutes /25 Merits -----> 53.75 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Lg Map - vs Family - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Boss Room Lg Map - vs Council, Sky Raiders - Glowie - Defeat All <C> Lg Map - vs Family, Council - Defeat All Med Map - vs Council - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Council - Timed (1:00:00) - Rescue Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Warriors - Defeat Elite Boss Room 3.02 = ( Level 25 ) = Hear and Now (Striga, Ch 2) @22 minutes /27 Merits -----> 73.63 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Defeat 10 Council Med Map - vs Council - Get 2 Keys (on patrols) - Rescue x4 <C> Defeat 20 Sky Raiders Lg Map - vs Council - Defeat All Defeat 15 Banished Pantheon & 15 Council Lg Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Room Lg Map - vs Council - Defeat Arch-Villain 3.03 = ( Level 29 ) = Return to Vampyr Mountain (Striga, Ch 3) @22 minutes /22 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle Lg Map - vs Council - Rescue x4 <O> Sm Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Defeat All <C> Defeat 15 Banished Pantheon & 15 Council Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Destroy Object Lg Map - vs Council - Destroy Object x8 - Defeat Boss Room Talk to NPC <MT> Med Map - vs Council - Click Item 3.04 = ( Level 29 ) = A Madman's Council (Striga, Ch 4) @13 minutes /13 Merits -----> 60 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 4 Chapters Starts In: Striga Isle Sm Map - vs Council - Glowie x5 <O> Defeat 10 Council <C> Defeat 3 Turrets Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie Defeat 15 Council Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Room Talk to NPC 13.01 = ( Level 25 ) = Dirge of Chaos @13 minutes /7 Merits -----> 32.03 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon <MT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue x5 - Defeat Boss Group x3 <O> <LRT> Talos Island - Defeat 20 Freakshow <C> Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group - Glowie x3 Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Midnight Squard - Escort 13.02 = ( Level 25 ) = The Magic Man @12 minutes /5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Independence Port - Defeat 10 Tsoo Lg Map - vs Tsoo - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Family - Defeat Boss Group Independence Port - Med Map - vs Family, Tsoo - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group <MT> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Warriors, Family - Defeat Boss x5 13.03 = ( Level 25 ) = Crown of Glory @12 minutes /7 Merits -----> 35 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Talos Island - Med Map - vs Warriors - (Defeat @30) - Defeat Boss Ambush Group <O> <MT> Talos Island - Huge Map - vs Warriors - Defeat Boss Group x5 Med Map - vs Warriors - Defeat Boss Group - Defeat Boss - Find Mission Exit 17.01 = ( Level 29 ) = Twisted Reflections @11 minutes /6 Merits -----> 32.72 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Faultline - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue Ally - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Boss <B> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss - Exit Mission Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss x2 17.02 = ( Level 29 ) = Looking Through the Glass @9 minutes /6 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Talos Island <MT> Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat Boss - Glowie <O> Med Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss <B - O> Return to Contact 19.01 = ( Level 29 ) = Bad People, Good Intentions @22 minutes /6 Merits -----> 16.36 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Med Map - vs Family - Defeat Boss - Talk to - Glowie x3 Lg Map - vs Rogue Paragon Police - Talk to - Defeat Boss <C> Tiny Map - vs Family - Talk to (Interrogation Room) - Defeat Boss Group x2 Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Interact Prone NPC - Glowie - Defeat Ambush Boss Med Map - vs Rogue Paragon Police - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Escort Med Map - vs Rogue Paragon Police - Defeat Boss Striga Isle (Smuggler's Ship) - Huge Map - vs Sky Raiders, Malta Operatives - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss - Destroy Object x2 - Defeat Arch-Villain (flees) - Rescue - Glowie (optional - below platform) - Defeat Arch-Villain - Defeat Elite Boss 26.01 = ( Level 29 ) = Dirty Work <VIGILANTE> @13 minutes /20 Merits -----> 92.3 M/H Starts In: Independence Port Med Map - vs Family - Glowie (Random) <C> Tiny Map - vs Security Guards - Destroy Object - Glowie Sm Map - vs Famly - Rescue - Talk to Tiny Map - vs Paragon Police - Glowie (Random) Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Family - Defeat Guard Group (+1 has key) - Defeat Boss (named has key) - Defeat Guard Group - Talk to 27.01 = ( Level 29 ) = The Graveyard Shift @25 minutes /20 Merits -----> 48 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing. Starts In: Steel Canyon Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie (Trash) - Defeat Boss x2 <C> Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Vahzilok - Defeat Boss Group Talos Island - Defeat 15 Freakshow Med Map - vs Freakshow, Vahzilok - Glowie (Desk) - Defeat Elite Boss Skyway City (City Gate) - Talk to NPC <LRT> The Hollows - Talk to NPC <B> Skyway City - Defeat 10 Trolls Talk to NPC Zone Click x4 >GATE< Faultline - Sm Map - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss x2 <MT> Independence Port - Lg Map - vs Vahzilok - Interact Object - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Ambushes x6 (?) - Defeat Elite Boss - Glowie x2 - Interact Object (Radio) <TT> King's Row - vs Vahzilok - Defeat Elite Boss - Rescue - Talk to VILLAIN (17 Arcs) Spoiler 6.41 = ( Level 29 ) = The Cult of the Shaper @16 minutes /13 Merits -----> 48.75 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Freakshow, Slag Golems - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x2 - Rescue Ally (Freakshow) - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group <C> <MT> Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain - Escort NPC to Object <TT> Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss - Defeat Arch-Villain Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Arch-Villain group 6.42 = ( Level 29 ) = Die By the Freak! @15 minutes /12 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Scrapyarders - Glowie <C> Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Legacy Chain - Glowie Lg Map - vs Slag Golems, Freakshow - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Slag Golems, Freakshow - Defeat Elite Boss 6.43 = ( Level 29 ) = Heavy Metal Doctoring @12 minutes /12 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Family - Glowie x4 <C> Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie x4 <MT> Lg Map - vs Family, Council - Escort Ally x3 (Bosses) 6.44 = ( Level 29 ) = On the Trail of the Leviathan @10 minutes /8 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x3 <C> Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group 6.45 = ( Level 29 ) = Eliminate Negotiator and Witnesses @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Lg Map - vs Family, Arachnos - Defeat Boss x2 6.46 = ( Level 29 ) = Aurora Fades @7 minutes /5 Merits -----> 42.86 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Defeat 10 Longbow Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat All <C> <MT> Med Map - vs Longbow, Paragon Heroes - Defeat Arch-Hero 6.47 = ( Level 29 ) = Power Mine @8 minutes /7 Merits -----> 52.5 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago <MT> Sm Map - vs Longbow - Glow x3 <O> Med Map - vs Lost - Defeat All <C> <TT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Arachnos - Escort NPC to Object 6.48 = ( Level 29 ) = Trust and Betrayal @16 minutes /12 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Lost - Defeat Boss Room <MT> Sm Map - vs Lost - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Rikti, Lost - Escort Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x2 <C> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie (Random Crate) - Defeat Boss Room Med Map - vs Freakshow, Sky Raiders - Defeat Boss Room <B> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC 6.49 = ( Level 29 ) = Zag Breakout! @12 minutes /12 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <O> <MT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <B> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x2 (1 is Random Desk) <C> Med Map - vs Longbow - Timed (1:30:00) - Escort 6.50 = ( Level 29 ) = Sabotage! @19 minutes /12 Merits -----> 37.89 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Defeat 20 Longbow <B> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat Ambush x1 Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x5 Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort <TT> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x5 12.05 = ( Level 29 ) = Midnight Draws Near @12 minutes /17 Merits -----> 85 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Tsoo, Generic Heroes, Midnight Squad - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group x2 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <C> Med Map - vs Lost, Rikti, Generic Hereos - Rescue x6 - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Tsoo - Glowie - Rescue <B> Cap Au Diable - Use Temporary Power (Midnight Visage) - Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Midnighter Squad - Glowie x8 17.03 = ( Level 29 ) = Me, Myself and My Other Selves @13 minutes /6 Merits -----> 27.69 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Tiny Map - vs RIP - Destroy Object - Glowie - Find Mission Exit Return to Contact Lg Map - vs 5th Column, Council, Sky Raiders, Family, Cage Consortium, Arachnos - Defeat Ambush x3 - Defeat Guard Group <C> Lg Map - vs Wyvern - Rescue x3 - Interact Object Talk to NPC Med Map - Talk to - vs Rogue Hero, Wyvern - Talk to - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Boss Return to Contact 17.04 = ( Level 29 ) = Good Villains Never Die @20 minutes /6 Merits -----> 18 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Sm Map - vs Banished Pantheon, 5th Column, Tsoo - Talk to x2 - Glowie x3, Defeat Ambush x3 Talk to NPC Tiny Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Paragon Police, Longbow - Defeat Group x2 - Glowie - Talk to - Interact Object - Defeat Boss x2 Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Interact Prone NPC - Defeat Ambush x3 Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat Arch-Villain - Find Mission Exit (No Teleport Powers) Return to NPC Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to x2 19.02 = ( Level 29 ) = Me, Myself and My Other Selves @32 minutes /6 Merits -----> 11.25 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Coralax, Legacy Chain - Defeat Boss x2 Med Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat Boss - (3 minute wait) - Glowie x3 <C> Lg Map - vs Coralax - Defeat Boss x3 - Glowie Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Midnighters - Navigate Portals (Left, Left , Back Left) - Talk to (A Deal is Deal option) - Destroy Object x 3 - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Legacy Chain, Wyvern, Longbow, Slag Golems, Coralax - Defeat Ambush x8 - Enter Crystal - Destroy Object x3 - (2 minute wait) - Glowie x3 - Exit Crystal - Glowie x4 Sm Map - vs Legacy Chain, Overdrive's Task Force - Defeat Boss - Defeat 8 Waves Return to NPC 26.02 = ( Level 29 ) = Gone in a Flash <ROGUE> @16 minutes /20 Merits -----> 75 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Tiny Map - vs Security Guards - Glowie (Random) <C> Sm Map - vs Paragon Police - Rescue Lg Map - vs Security Guards - Defeat Boss Group (named has key) - Rescue - Talk to Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss - Talk to Lg Map - vs Tsoo - Defeat Guard Group - Talk to Sm Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat All - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to <B> St. Martial - Talk to NPC 27.93 = ( Level 29 ) = The Most Dangerous Prey ( Striga, Ch 4 ) @13 minutes /20 Merits -----> 92.3 M/H Starts In: Striga Isle <MT> Med Map - vs Ghosts - Destroy Object - Defeat All <O> Sm Map - vs Banished Pantheon, Ghosts - Destroy Object <C> Sm Map - vs Banished Pantheons - Defeat Boss (Mask) - Destroy Object Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Glowie Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 27.94 = ( Level 29 ) = The Last Witch of Striga ( Striga, Ch 5 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 5 Chapters Starts In: Striga Isle <TT> Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain - Defeat All <O> Zone Glowie x14 (can be done out of order) <C> Med Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Defeat Boss Group x3 Lg Map - vs Legacy Chain, Rogue's Gallery, Peacebringers - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Archvillain Group EITHER (8 Arcs) Spoiler 21.15 = ( Level 29 ) = A Quotidian Ragbag ( First Ward, Ch 1 ) @11 minutes /9 Merits -----> 49.09 M/H Starts In: First Ward Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Defeat 5 DUST Med Map - vs DUST - Defeat Boss - Talk to Talk to NPC <C> Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Dregs - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss - Talk to Med Map - vs Shepards - Defeat Boss - Talk to Tiny Map - vs Apparitions - Defeat Boss 21.16 = ( Level 29 ) = Abused and Scorned Tho' We May Be ( First Ward, Ch 2 ) @12 minutes /9 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: First Ward Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Forlorn - Defeat Boss - Talk to - Rescue Ally x1 (minimum) Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Ghouls - Talk to - Glowie x2 Lg Map - vs Resistance - Talk to x2 - Rescue x5 - Defeat Boss Group 21.17 = ( Level 29 ) = The Only Good Day Was Yesterday ( First Ward, Ch 3 ) @16 minutes /9 Merits -----> 33.75 M/H Starts In: First Ward Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Possessed, Apparitions - Escort NPC x2 - Glowie x2 Lg Map - vs Awakened, Apparitions - Glowie - Protect Object x2 - Interact Object x2 <C> Lg Map - vs Awakened, Apparitions - Glowie x2 - Protect Object - Interact Object - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Apparitions - Defeat Host Group x2 - Defeat Boss - Talk to x2 - Defeat Ambush 21.18 = ( Level 29 ) = Black Channel Protocols ( First Ward, Ch 4 ) @15 minutes /9 Merits -----> 36 M/H Starts In: First Ward Defeat 3 Peculiar Leaders Med Map - vs DUST - Escort Ally to Object - Interact Object Huge Map - vs Awakened, Apparitions - Escort Object to Object - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Talk to <C> Lg Map - vs Possessed, IDF - Interact Object - Defeat Minion - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss x3 21.19 = ( Level 29 ) = Dark Visions ( First Ward, Ch 5 ) @16 minutes /9 Merits -----> 33.75 M/H Starts In: First Ward Zone Glowie x7 Med Map - vs Apparitions - Glowie x7 - Talk to x2 Sm Map - vs Midnight Squad - Glowie x2 (bookshelf & urn) - Exit Mission <C> Talk to NPC Temporary Power vs Possessed x7 Return to Contact Lg Map - vs Possessed - Escort Ally to Ally - Escort Ally to Object x3 - Glowie x4 21.20 = ( Level 29 ) = A Woman's Scorn ( First Ward, Ch 6 ) @20 minutes /9 Merits -----> 27 M/H Starts In: First Ward Tiny Map - vs Apparitions - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC <C> Small Map - vs Apparitions - Interact NPC x4 - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Seers - Glowie - Return to Entrance - Exit Mission Talk to NPC Tiny Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC 21.21 = ( Level 29 ) = Revenge: Serve Chilled ( First Ward, Ch 7 ) @20 minutes /9 Merits -----> 27 M/H Starts In: First Ward Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Rescue Ally x6 Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Carnival of War - Defeat All Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat All <O> - Med Map - vs Carnival of Vengeance - Defeat Boss - Return to Entrance - Rescue 21.22 = ( Level 29 ) = Blood Begets Blood ( First Ward, Ch 8 ) @20 minutes /9 Merits -----> 27 M/H Starts In: First Ward Huge Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Boss - Interact Object - Interact Prone NPC <O> Talk to NPC Return to Contact Talk to NPC Huge Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie x6 - Defeat Elite Boss (partial) - Return to Entrance (teleport out from Ally is unreliable - 2x had to wait 10+ minutes before logging out and redoing mission for teleport to take ----> 2-15-2024) Lg Map - vs Talos of Vengeance - Defend Object x4 - Defeat Elite Boss <MT> - Sm Map - vs Midnight Masters - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to x2 <TT> - Sm Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Elite Boss (partial) - Defeat Arch-Villain LEVELS 30 - 34 HERO (13 Arcs) Spoiler 0.24 = ( Level 34 ) = The Library of Souls @30 minutes /35 Merits -----> 70 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x3 <C> <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <MT> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue - Defeat Boss Room Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Room <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <TT> Talos Island - Tiny Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <TT Continued> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Devouring Earth - Glowie x3 <LRT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x10 <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <B> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue Ally 0.25 = ( Level 34 ) = The Rise of the Vampyri @36 minutes /42 Merits -----> 70 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Talos Island - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x11 - Defeat Boss Room <O> <MT> King's Row - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <C> <B> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 - Defeat All <LRT> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 <TT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 (Computers) - Defeat Boss Room Defeat 10 Council Defeat 15 Council Defeat 20 Council <B> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Room 0.26 = ( Level 34 ) = The Unity Plague @36 minutes /43 Merits -----> 71.66 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All <O> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie - Defeat Boss x2 <C> Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat Boss Room <MT> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie <LRT> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All >BASE< - Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >BASE< - King's Row - Talk to NPC >BASE< - Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC >BASE< - Skyway City - Talk to NPC >MONO<- Talos Island - Talk to NPC >MONO< - Independence Port - Talk to NPC >MONO< - Brickstown - Talk to NPC >BASE< - Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC <TT> Crey's Folly - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Destroy Object x8 0.27 = ( Level 34 ) = Corporate Culture @28 minutes /28 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls King's Row - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Room <O> <B> King's Row - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room <C> >MONO< Independence Port - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie <B> Steel Canyon - Sm Map - vs Crey - Rescue <MT> Perez Park - Lg Map - vs Crey - Rescue <TT> Boomtown - Sm Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> King's Row - Lg Map - vs Crey- Escort x2 <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Room 0.28 = ( Level 34 ) = Defend the War Walls @5 minutes /3 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x8 - Defend Object x3 - Defeat Boss Group 0.29 = ( Level 34 ) = The Freakshow War @35 minutes /55 Merits -----> 94.28 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All Crey's Folly - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue <C> <LRT> Kings Row - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All Board Transit - Huge Map - vs Council, Freakshow - Defeat Boss x2 >MONO< Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue - Glowie <MT> Perez Park - Sm Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Freakshow, Crey - Defeat All (base portal) Kings Row - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room 0.30 = ( Level 34 ) = Stop the Pact @10 minutes /12 Merits -----> 72 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue x3 - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Room >GATE< Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Nemesis, Rikti - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Nemesis - Defeat Boss Room 5.01 = ( Level 30 ) = Piercing the Veil ( Croatoa, Ch 1 ) @26 minutes /27 Merits -----> 62.3 M/H Starts In: Croatoa Med Map - vs Tuatha de Dannan - Defeat All Defeat 10 Tuatha de Dannan (specific area) <C> Lg Map - vs Fir Bolg, Tuatha de Dannan - Rescue x5 Med Map - vs Ghosts - Defeat All Med Map - vs Cabal - Rescue x5 Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Ghosts - Defeat All Talk to NPC 5.02 = ( Level 30 ) = War of the Fir Bolg ( Croatoa, Ch 2 ) @26 minutes /17 Merits -----> 38.23 M/H Starts In: Croatoa Sm Map - vs Fir Bolg - Glowie Defeat 10 Tuatha de Dannan (area specific) <C> Med Map - vs Fir Bolg - Glowie Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Fir Bolg, Tuatha de Dannan - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Fir Bolg - Prevent 30 Escapes (basically a Defeat All) 5.03 = ( Level 34 ) = Hatred's Hungry Heart ( Croatoa, Ch 3 ) @13 minutes /12 Merits -----> 55.38 M/H Starts In: Croatoa Med Map - vs Tuatha De Dannan - Escort Ally <MT> Lg Map - vs Cabal - Rescue x4 <C> <O> Defeat 10 Fir Bolg (area specific) Defeat 10 Red Caps (area specific) Med Map - vs Tuatha de Dannan, Fir Bolg - Destroy Object x3 5.04 = ( Level 34 ) = Crossing Over ( Croatoa, Ch 4 ) @28 minutes /20 Merits -----> 42.85 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 4 Chapters Starts In: Croatoa Lg Map - vs Red Caps - Escort x4 Med Map - vs Red Caps - Glowie x5 <C> <B> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Red Caps - Escort <TT> Sm Map - vs Red Caps - Defeat Boss Group <O> <TT continued> Med Map - vs Red Caps - Escort x3 - Defend Object (15:00) 11.03 = ( Level 34 ) = Smoke and Mirrors @8 minutes /12 Merits -----> 90 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue x7 - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Elite Boss - Rescue x2 27.03 = ( Level 34 ) = Troubled Times <VIGILANTE> @8 minutes /20 Merits -----> 150 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Board Transit - Med Map - vs Wailers, Snakes, Hydra, Arachnid - Glowie x4 - Find Mission Exit <C> Defeat Freakshow x10 ( Brickstown ) Med Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Freakshow, Rogue Isle Villains - Talk to NPC x2 - Defeat Boss Group - Defeat Boss <B> Striga Isle - Talk to NPC >SUB< Port Oakes - Sm Map - Talk to NPC Call Contact VILLAIN (14 Arcs) Spoiler 6.51 = ( Level 34 ) = Snuffing the Light @11 minutes /10 Merits -----> 54.54 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group <MT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All <O> <TT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Hero 6.52 = ( Level 34 ) = Into Valhalla @18 minutes /15 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Defeat 20 Longbow Sm Map - vs Longbow - Glowie Defeat 20 Crey <C> Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x3 - Defeat All Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Hero 6.53 = ( Level 34 ) = Nictus Dissection @11 minutes /7 Merits -----> 38.18 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Sm Map - vs Longbow, Rikti - Defend Object <O> Defeat 20 Arachnos Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <O> Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss <C> 6.54 = ( Level 34 ) = Psimon Says @18 minutes /18 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Sharkhead Isle - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie <O> Sharkhead Isle - Lg Map - vs Security Guards - Glowie <B> Med Map - vs Longbow - Rescue Med Map - vs Security Guards - Escort NPC to Object <C> <MT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x3 - Defeat Ambush x3 <O> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Hero Group - Destroy Object x5 (not required) 6.55 = ( Level 34 ) = Lost and Found @25 minutes /20 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago <TT> Med Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Boss <O> <TT continued> Med Map - vs Crey, Longbow - Escort Ally <C> <B> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Crey - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Crey - Escort x3 Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat All 6.56 = ( Level 34 ) = Strange Memories @16 minutes /10 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago <MT> Med Map - vs Rikti - Defeat All <O> <TT> Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie <C> Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie - Defeat All 6.57 = ( Level 34 ) = Breaking the Streak @9 minutes /7 Merits -----> 46.66 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Defeat 10 Freakshow (St. Martial) <O> Med Map - vs Freaskhow - Destroy Object - Glowie <C> Lg Map - vs Carnies, Freakshow - Defeat Boss Room 6.58 = ( Level 34 ) = The Unlucky Artifact @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss 6.59 = ( Level 34 ) = Chaos Unbound @17 minutes /13 Merits -----> 45.88 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Med Map - vs Family - Glowie x4 <O> <MT> Sm Map - vs Freakshow, Family - Glowie x4 <C> Defeat 10 Devouring Earth Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x4 <TT> Med Map - vs Tsoo, Circle of Thorns - Glowie x4 Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Tsoo, Circle of Thorns - Defeat All Talk to NPC 6.60 = ( Level 34 ) = Miss Fortune's Wheel @8 minutes /5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sm Map - vs Tsoo - Timed (1:00:00) - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Freakshow - Timed (1:15:00) - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Carnies - Timed (1:30:00) - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Room 6.61 = ( Level 34 ) = High Roller's Last Gamble @15 minutes /8 Merits -----> 32 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Med Map - vs Council - Escort - Defeat All (?) <O> <----(Note neither Glowies nor Ambushes required ) <MT> Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Escort - Glowie x4 - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Escort 6.62 = ( Level 34 ) = Silver-Tongued Devil @6 minutes /8 Merits -----> 80 M/H Starts In: St Martial Sm Map - vs Wailers - Defeat Boss Group <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x2 <O> Med Map - vs Wailers - Defeat Boss Group 6.63 = ( Level 34 ) = Sold for a Song @24 minutes /20 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: St, Martial Sm Map - vs Wailers - Defeat All <O> Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns Med Map - vs Wailers, Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group <B> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie (random 1 of 2) <O> Med Map - vs Wailers - Rescue <C> <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <TT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Security Guards - Glowie 11.04 = ( Level 34 ) = The Spider Weaves His Web @10 minutes /13 Merits -----> 78 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Med Map - vs Snakes, Paragon Hereos - Defeat Hero x2 Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss x3 Lg Map - vs Loyalists - Glowie (short timer) - Defeat Security Guard (key) - Defeat Archvillain LEVELS 35 - 39 HERO (10 Arcs) Spoiler 0.31 = ( Level 39 ) = The Terra Conspiracy @52 minutes /32 Merits -----> 36.92 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls King's Row - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Object Click - Defeat All <O> <B> Brickstown - Talk to NPC <MT> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All Defeat 20 Devouring Earth <B> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie >MONO< Atlas Park - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Rescue <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All >MONO< - Independence Port - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All >MONO< - Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Rescue Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat Archvillain 0.32 = ( Level 39 ) = A Path into Darkness @28 minutes /45 Merits -----> 96.42 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Skyway City - Med Map - vs Council - Defeat All <O> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns- Glowie (random) <C> <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie <B> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Council - Rescue >MONO< - Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC <B> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x2 - Rescue >M< Kings Row - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie <B> Brickstown - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x2 <O> - Independence Port - Sm Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Room <O> - Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Council - Destroy Object - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group 0.33 = ( Level 39 ) = Mass Duplicity @35 minutes /47 Merits -----> 80.57 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Independence Port - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie (desk) - Defeat Boss Room <O> <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Escort NPC to Object - Object Click - Defeat All <C> >GATE< Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room >MONO< - Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Room <B> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x2 - Defeat All <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x2 - Defeat All <O> Atlas Park - Sm Map - vs Nemesis, Rikti - Defeat Boss Group 0.34 = ( Level 39 ) = The Organ Grinders @39 minutes /35 Merits -----> 53.84 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Crey's Folly -Lg Map - vs Rikti, Crey - Glowie - Defeat All <C> <MT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Object Click x7 <O> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Council - Defeat All <LRT> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Rikti - Object Click <O> Talos Island - Talk to NPC <B> Rikti War Zone - Defeat 20 Rikti (anywhere) <TT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <B> Rikti War Zone - Defeat 20 Rikti (anywhere) <B> Crey's Folly -Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie x2 (Green Crate & Chem Barrel) 0.35 = ( Level 39 ) = Hippocratic Oath @7 minutes /4 Merits -----> 34.28 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Talos Island - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x3 <C> <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >MONO< Talos Island - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x2 - Glowie 0.36 = ( Level 39 ) = Revenant Hero Project @27 minutes /27 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie (random 1 of 7?) <O> <B> Talos Island - Talk to NPC (base portal back to contact) <B> Skyway City (N) - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <MT> Crey's Folly -Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie <LRT> Brickstown - Defeat 20 Crey (zone specific) >MONO< Skyway City (N) - Talk to NPC >MONO< Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie x2 (random of 7?) <TT> Crey's Folly -Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Boss Room 0.37 = ( Level 39 ) = They Call Me the Doctor @3 minutes /3 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Kings Row - Med Map - vs Crey - Defeat Agent Group x2 - Glowie (random of 4) 0.38 = ( Level 39 ) = The Envoy of Shadow @30 minutes /25 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Kings Row - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie (random) - Defeat Boss Room <O> <B> Talos Island - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie <C> <MT> Boomtown - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue <LRT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Rescue x8 - Defeat Boss Room Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <O> Atlas Park - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x2 - Defeat Archvillain Room <B> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <TT> Board Transit - Lg Map - - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Archvillain Group 0.39 = ( Level 39 ) = The Arrival of the Oranbegans @19 minutes /15 Merits -----> 47.36 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat All Talk to NPC Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat All 0.43 = ( Level 39 ) = Revelation: Rikti Factions @12 minutes /0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x9 - Glowie <B> Rikti War Zone - Defeat 20 Rikti (anywhere) <TT> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Timed (1:30:00) - Rescue x8 - Glowie VILLAIN (16 Arcs) Spoiler 6.59 = ( Level 39 ) = Blurring the Lines @8 minutes /7 Merits -----> 52.5 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Destroy Object - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss Group 6.60 = ( Level 39 ) = The Secret of the Circle @22 minutes /20 Merits -----> 54.54 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue Ally - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> <MT> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <B> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Hero Group <C> Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Escort Ally ( there is no x2 ) Med Map - vs Longbow, Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group x2 Lg Map - vs Longbow, Circle of Thorns - Defeat Archvillain 6.61 = ( Level 39 ) = A Traitorous History @8 minutes /5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort <B> Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Hero Group <C> 6.62 = ( Level 39 ) = Bravo for the Shadow Shard @13 minutes /12 Merits -----> 55.38 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Med Map - vs Longbow - Escort to Object - Find Mission Exit <O> Lg Map - vs Longbow, Nemesis, Soldiers of Rularuu - Glowie (Entrance) - Defeat Guard Group x2 (Entrance) - Defeat Elite Boss Group Lg Map - vs Longbow, Soldiers of Rularuu - Escort Ally to Object 6.63 = ( Level 39 ) = Automatic Villainy @13 minutes /12 Merits -----> 55.38 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth, Longbow - Defeat Elite Boss Med Map - vs Devouring Earth, Nemesis - Glowie (random of 11) Med Map - vs Longbow, Nemesis - Glowie x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Group Lg Map - vs Council, Nemesis - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Group - Escort Huge Map - vs Nemesis - Defeat Boss 6.64 = ( Level 39 ) = Attack Longbow Portal Base @3 minutes /3 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Lg Map - vs Longbow - Destroy Object x3 - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group 6.74 = ( Level 39 ) = Pied Piper @7 minutes /5 Merits -----> 42.85 M/H Starts In: St. Martial <MT> Sm Map - vs Wailers, Freakshow - Defeat Boss x2 <O> Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group (Biopunk) <LRT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room - Defeat Ambush x3 (?) 6.75 = ( Level 39 ) = Chaos Affair @18 minutes /13 Merits -----> 43.33 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Lg Map - vs Wailers - Rescue x3 ( primarily in trash heaps? ) <O> Med Map - vs Wailers - Defeat All <O> <MT> Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue x2 - Defeat Boss <B> Sm Map - vs Wailers, Carnival of Shadows - Defeat Boss x2 <C> Defeat 20 Carnival of Shadows Lg Map - vs Carnival of Shadows - Timed (1:15:00) - Protect Object (Ambush x4) - Defeat Boss 6.76 = ( Level 39 ) = Fat Cat City @8 minutes /8 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sm Map - vs Carnies - Glowie (Lockers) <O> Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie (random Safe) <B> <LRT> - Nerva Archipelago - Sm Map - vs Longbow - Escort <C> 6.77 = ( Level 39 ) = B4nKbUsTah @3 minutes /3 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Defeat 20 Freakshow Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group 6.78 = ( Level 39 ) = The Missing Maidens @10 minutes /7 Merits -----> 42 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sm Map - vs Carnies - Glowie <O> Sm Map - vs Carnies - Defeat Boss Group x2 <C> Defeat 20 Carnies (Zone specific) Sm Map - vs Carnies - Escort - Defeat All 6.79 = ( Level 39 ) = Johnny's Squeeze @12 minutes /7 Merits -----> 35 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Med Map - vs Family - Escort <O> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort - Defeat All<C> <MT> Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Longbow - Defeat Boss Room 6.80 = ( Level 39 ) = Devil May Care @20 minutes /23 Merits -----> 69 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Destroy Object x3 <O> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group <C> Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort <B> St. Martial - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Wailers - Defeat Elite Boss Group Med Map - vs Wailers - Escort x4 Tiny Map - vs Wailers - Defeat Archvillain 13.05 = ( Level 39 ) = The Dead Man's Deck @9 minutes /3 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Midnighter Club Nerva Archipelago - Defeat 10 Longbow Tiny Map - vs Longbow, Security Guards, Family - Defeat Boss Group <O> <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <C> >BASE< - St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat Boss Group x5 <B> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC 27.02 = ( Level 39 ) = The Freakish Lab of Doctor Vahzilok - Act 1 @19 minutes /20 Merits -----> 63.15 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Lg Map - vs Decaying Eidolon - Defeat Boss - Talk to <C> Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Longbow - Defeat Guard Group x2 - Defeat Boss - Defeat Sniper Group - Escort Lg Map - vs Hydra, Rikti, Circle of Thorns - Escort Allies to Object - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain - Defeat Boss Group - Destroy Object x4 - Interact Object - Talk to x3 27.03 = ( Level 39 ) = The Freakish Lab of Doctor Vahzilok - Act 2 @20 minutes /20 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Council - Destroy Object x6 - Glowie x4 - Defeat Elite Boss <C> <MT> Cap Au Diable - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss - Defeat Elite Boss <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Boss - Talk to Huge Map - vs Paragon Police, Longbow, Wyvern - Talk to - Defeat Guard Group x4 - Defeat Boss x4 - Defeat Boss Group - Defeat Archvillain Group - Escort EITHER (6 Arcs) Spoiler 11.05 = ( Level 39 ) = The 5th Column Overthrow @16 minutes /17 Merits -----> 63.75 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Med Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Ambush Lg Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Ambush Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat Archvillain Med Map - vs 5th Column - Defeat 115 5th Column - Defeat Archvillain x3 23.01 = ( Level 39 ) = Means and Ends ( Night Ward, Ch 1 ) @9 minutes /9 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: First Ward <MT> Huge Map - vs Apparitions, Dredges - Destroy Object x3 - Interact Object x2 - Escort <O> Sm Map - vs Animus Arcana - Talk to x2 (transported to Night Ward) Talk to NPC 23.02 = ( Level 39 ) = Where Even Death May Die ( Night Ward, Ch 2 ) @10 minutes /9 Merits -----> 54 M/H Starts In: Night Ward Med Map - vs Animus Arcana - Interact Object x2 - Defeat Ambush x3 Talk to NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Dredges - Glowie (random) Tiny Map - vs Dredges - Defeat Boss - Escort Sm Map - vs Midnight Masters, Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Elite Boss Return to Contact Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to NPC (morality choice) Return to Contact 23.03 = ( Level 39 ) = Bound by Blood ( Night Ward, Ch 3 ) @25 minutes 9 Merits -----> 21.6 M/H Starts In: Night Ward Sm Map - vs Animus Arcana, Talons of Vengeance - Talk to x2 - Defeat Ambush x4 <O> Defeat 10 Talons of Vengeance <C> Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Talk to NPC >BASE< First Ward - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Elite Boss <O> Night Ward - Med Map - vs Animus Arcana, Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Ambush x14 - Destroy Object x4 - Escort Ally to Location - Defeat Elite Boss x2 23.04 = ( Level 39 ) = A Matter of Honor ( Night Ward, Ch 4 ) @30 minutes /9 Merits -----> 18 M/H Starts In: Night Ward Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Rescue x10 - Defeat Boss x2 Sm Map - vs Black Knights - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to x2 <C> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Boss Return to Contact Tiny Map - vs Black Knights - Defeat Boss Group - Talk to Med Map - vs Animus Arcana - Talk to <MT> Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Dredges - Rescue x3 - Talk to Tiny Map - vs Black Knights - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Sm Map - vs Black Knights - Defeat Elite Boss Group 23.05 = ( Level 39 ) = The Gate That Cannot Open ( Night Ward, Ch 5 ) @25 minutes /9 Merits -----> 21.6 M/H Starts In: Night Ward Med Map - vs Black Knights, Malaise - Defeat Elite Boss x3 Talk to NPC <C> <B> First Ward - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Elite Boss Group <O> Night Ward - Sm Map - vs Spirit Stalkers - Talk to <LRT> Pocket D - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Warriors, Nemesis, Circle of Thorns, Tsoo - Defeat Archvillain - Talk to - Exit Mission >BASE< Night Ward - Return to Contact Large Map - vs Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Archvillain x2 LEVELS 40 - 49 HERO (9 Arcs) Spoiler 1.01 = ( Level 45 ) = To Save a Soul @40 minutes /62 Merits -----> 93 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Brickstown - Med Map - vs Carnies - Glowie x6 - Rescue <O> <MT> Faultline - Med Map - vs Carnies - Glowie <C> <O> Peregrine Island - Med Map - vs Carnies - Glowie - Defeat All Defeat 20 Carnival of Shadows >BASE< Brickstown - Med Map - vs Carnies - Glowie <O> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Carnies - Defeat Boss Room <B> Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC >BASE< Peregrine Island - Defeat 20 Rikti & Carnival of Shadows <LRT> Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC >BASE< Independence Port - Talk to NPC >MONO< Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Glowie (random) - Defeat All Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie Talk to NPC Talk to NPC >MONO< Brickstown - Med Map - vs Carnies - Defeat Elite Boss Group 1.02 = ( Level 45 ) = On the Run @50 minutes /52 Merits -----> 62.4 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat All <O> Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Boss Room <C> Defeat 20 Crey >MONO< Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Crey - Rescue <O> Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC >BASE< - Brickstown -Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat All <MT> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Crey - Rescue <O> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie >MONO< Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie >MONO< Independence Port - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <TT> Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Crey - Destroy Object x14 - Glowie x15 <LRT> Independence Port - Talk to NPC <O> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie x2 Defeat 20 Crey <B> Perez Park - Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Archvillain Room 1.03 = ( Level 45 ) = Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group @51 minutes /58 Merits -----> 70.58 M/H Starts In: Founder's Fall <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC <B> Kings Row - Lg Map - vs Knives of Artemis, Malta Operatives - Glowie - Defeat All <O> <LRT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue <C> <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Malta - Rescue x7 - Glowie x6 <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC <TT> Crey's Folly - Sm Map - vs Knives - Rescue <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC <B> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Malta - Glowie >MONO< Kings Row - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group <MT> Boomtown - Med Map - vs Malta - Glowie - Defeat All <O> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue <LRT> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC <O> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Malta - Glowie - Defeat All <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC <B> Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Malta - Defeat All <LRT> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Malta - Glowie (random) <O> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Malta, Crey - Defeat Boss Room Talk to NPC <B> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Malta - Rescue - Defeat Boss Room <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC 1.04 = ( Level 45 ) = Division: Line @39 minutes /55 Merits -----> 84.66 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Ouroboros - Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Timed (1:30:00) - Glowie x 6 <O> <B> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie x6 <C> <LRT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue <O> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Boss Rooom <B> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x4 - Defeat Boss Room >MONO< Kings Row - Med Map - vs Rikti, Nemesis - Glowie <MT> Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Rikti - Glowie <O> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Escort <LRT> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <B> Brickstown - Sm Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Boss Room <TT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue <B> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie x6 <O> Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie x10 1.05 = ( Level 45 ) = The Eternal Nemesis @60 minutes /48 Merits -----> 48 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Brickstown - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie (file cabinet) <C> >MONO< Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x3 >MONO< Atlas Park - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Defeat Boss Room >BASE< Terra Volta - Defeat 20 Sky Raiders (or anywhere) <MT> Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie Lg Map - vs Nemesis, Council - Rescue <O> Ouroboros - Board Transit - vs Nemesis, Council - Rescue x8 Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie x10 <TT> Crey's Folly - Lg Map - vs Council - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Nemesis, Council - Glowie x8 >MONO< Brickstown - Med Map - vs Nemesis, Council - Glowie x8 <O> Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Nemesis, Council - Defeat Archvillain Room >MONO< Brickstown - Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue - Glowie <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> Kings Row - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x16 <B> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Defeat Archvillain Group 1.06 = ( Level 45 ) = Nemesis Weather Control @16 minutes /17 Merits -----> 63.75 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Crey's Folly - Defeat 30 Nemesis (or anywhere) <O> Talos Island - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue - Glowie <B> Founder's Falls - Return to Contact >BASE< Brickstown - Talk to NPC <C> >MONO< Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x4 <O> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x4 - Defeat All 1.07 = ( Level 45 ) = Nemesis Rex @12 minutes /6 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Talos Island - Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue x4 <LRT> Crey's Folly - Defeat 30 Nemesis (or anywhere) >GATE< Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue <B> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x12 - Defeat Archvillain Group 18.54 = ( Level 45 ) = The Instant Army @33 minutes /35 Merits -----> 63.63 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Lg Map - vs Anti-Matter's Clockwork - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Crazed - Glowie x5 - Rescue <C> Sm Map - vs Anti-Matter's Clockwork - Glowie <O> Ouroboros - Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Anti-Matter's Clockwork, Carnies - Defeat Boss Group x3 <B> Kings Row - Med Map - vs Carnies - Talk to <LRT> Peregrine Island - Med Map - vs Anti-Matter's Clockwork - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain (escapes) Lg Map - vs Neuron's Clockwork - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Neuron's Clockwork - Glowie <TT> Board Transit - vs Imperial Defense Army - Defeat Archvillain <TT continued> Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x5 Lg Map - vs Anti-Matter's Clockwork - Defeat Archvillain Group x2 28.01 = ( Level 44 ) = Only Love Can Hurt Like This @24 minutes /20 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat All <C> <MT> Boomtown - Med Map - vs Crey, Paragon Protectors - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Defeat 20 Trolls (Boomtown) <O> Steel Canyon - Return to Contact Talk to NPC Med Map - vs N/A - Glowie x5 (timed active) - Listen to NPCs Med Map - vs Crey, Paragon Protectors - Rescue - Defeat Boss x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Board Transit - vs N/A - (cutscene) - Talk to NPC VILLAIN (17 Arcs) Spoiler 7.01 = ( Level 45 ) = Countess Coup @7 minutes /7 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Crey - (Timed 1:15:00) - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Archvillain Group <C> 7.02 = ( Level 45 ) = The Arachnoid Cure @9 minutes /7 Merits -----> 46.66 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Arachnoids - Defeat All <MT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Sm Map - vs Arachnoids - Defeat Boss (fleeing) 7.03 = ( Level 45 ) = Arachnoid Appetizers @8 minutes /5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Arachnoids - Escort - Defeat All Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Arachnoids - Destroy Object - Escort Ally 7.04= ( Level 45 ) = Building a Better Vermin @17 minutes /13 Merits -----> 45.88 M/H Starts In: Grandville Defeat 20 Arachnoids (area specific) <MT> Cap au Diable - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie x2 <O> <TT> St. Martial - Sm Map - vs Crey, Arachnoids - Defeat All <O> <LRT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie x2 <B> Grandville - Talk to NPC <C> Lg Map - vs Crey, Arachnoids - Destroy Object x6 - Defeat Boss Group 7.05 = ( Level 45 ) = Miss Francine the Freakshow Teacher @12 minutes /8 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Grandville Tiny Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x4 - Escort <O> Lg Map - vs Longbow, Freakshow, Vindicators - (Timed 1:30:00) - Escort ( requires Hero ) 7.06 = ( Level 45 ) = The Rebels @9 minutes /7 Merits -----> 46.66 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Escort <MT> Med Map - vs Arachnos, Longbow, Vindicators - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Hero Group 7.07 = ( Level 45 ) = The Bane of the Heart @21 minutes /17 Merits -----> 48.57 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Escort Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Longbow - Defeat Boss - Escort Ally Lg Map - vs Longbow, Crey - Glowie x2 - Rescue <C> Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss Group <TT> Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Room Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat Hero 7.08 = ( Level 45 ) = Breaking Knives @12 minutes /15 Merits -----> 75 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Knives of Artemis - Defeat All <O> Lg Map - vs Knives of Artemis - Escort Ally (non-combat) <C> Lg Map - vs Knives of Artemis - Defeat All 7.09 = ( Level 45 ) = Absolute Vengeance @7 minutes /7 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat Boss Group <MT> Sharkhead Isle - Lg Map - vs Council, Malta - Defeat Boss Room <C> Sm Map - vs Malta - Defeat Boss Group 7.10 = ( Level 45 ) = Project Fury @7 minutes 5 Merits -----> 42.85 M/H Starts In: Grandville Defeat 20 Arachnoids Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Group Med Map - vs Arachnos, Arachnoids - Glowie 7.11 = ( Level 45 ) = Party Crasher @2 minutes /3 Merits -----> 90 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sharkhead Isle - Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Group 7.12 = ( Level 45 ) = Shucking Souls @15 minutes /10 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat All <MT> Cap au Diable - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat All <C> 7.13 = ( Level 45 ) = The Hunt @12 minutes /12 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat All <O> <LRT> Cap au Diable - Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns ( anywhere ) <MT> Grandville - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss <C> 7.14 = ( Level 45 ) = The Circle's Plot @19 minutes /15 Merits -----> 47.36 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Room <O> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Group <O> <LRT> Cap au Diable - Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns ( anywhere ) <B> <TT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x3 <C> <O> Grandville - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Archvillain Group <B> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Ritual Group x5 ( 1 has Elite Boss ) 7.15 = ( Level 45 ) = Selestar @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Room 7.16 = ( Level 45 ) = Kuhr'Rekt Dipolomacy @10 minutes /10 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Council - Glowie x3 <O> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Longbow - Destroy Object - Defeat All <C> Med Map - vs Rikti - Defeat All 7.17 = ( Level 45 ) = Kuhr'Rekt Revenge @8 minutes /8 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Longbow - Escort ( guarded by Elite Boss ) <O> Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat Hero Group <C> Lg Map - vs Longbow, Rikti, Vindicators, Freedom Phalanx - ( Timed 1:30:00 ) Defeat Hero Group LEVEL 50 HERO (14 Arcs) Spoiler 1.11 = ( Level 50 ) = Upon the Psychic Plane @65 minutes /82 Merits -----> 75.69 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Lg Map - vs Carnies - Glowie - Defeat All Talk to NPC <C> <LRT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Rescue <O> Peregrine Island - Defeat 20 Carnies <MT> Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Carnies - Rescue >MONO< Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Malta - Glowie <LRT> Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All <O> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat All <LRT> Independence Port - Talk to NPC >MONO< Founder's Falls - Med Map - vs Carnies - Glowie x3 >MONO< Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat All <LRT> Independence Port - Talk to NPC >MONO< Kings Row - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Rescue >MONO< Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Rescue Lg Map - vs Carnies - Rescue >MONO< Independence Port - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat All (includes Archvillain) <O> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat All Defeat 20 Carnies <TT> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat Archvillain Room 1.12 = ( Level 50 ) = Operation: World Wide Red @68 minutes /50 Merits -----> 44.12 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Brickstown - Med Map - vs Malta, Freakshow - Rescue x3 - Defeat Boss Room <B> <O> Ouroboros - Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Malta - Rescue <C> <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue - Defeat Boss Room <O> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat All <LRT> Kings Row - Lg Map - vs Malta, Devouring Earth - Defeat Boss Room >MONO< Talos Island - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue <B> Dark Astoria - Lg Map - vs Malta, Rikti - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Room <LRT> Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat All <<< note: Kronos Titan Ambush upon leaving <B> Faultline - Lg Map - vs Malta - Glowie x8 <LRT> Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC <MT> Steel Canyon - Lg Map - vs Malta - Glowie - Defeat All <TT> Crey's Folly - Med Map - vs Malta - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue <B> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat All (?) >MONO< Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Malta - (Timed 1:30:00) - Defeat All (includes Archvillain) 1.13 = ( Level 50 ) = The Rikti Negotiator @4 minutes /7 Merits -----> 105 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Founder's Falls - Talk to NPC <MT> Perez Park - Med Map - vs Malta - Rescue - Defeat Boss Room <O> Ouroboros - Lg Map - vs Malta - (Timed 2:30:00) - Escort Ally 1.14 = ( Level 50 ) = To Save a Thousand Worlds @70 minutes /72 Merits -----> 61.71 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Med Map - vs Hydra - Glowie x2 Talk to NPC Huge Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie x3 <C> Med Map - vs Knives of Artemis - Glowie x7 Lg Map - vs Family - Glowie x11 Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Rescue x6 <LRT> Brickstown - Talk to NPC <O> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue x6 <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >BASE< Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Banished Pantheon - Glowie x7 - Defeat All Huge Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >MONO< Board Transit - Huge Map - vs Psychic Clockwork - Glowie - Defeat All <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC Huge Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie Lg Map - vs Council Empire - Glowie Med Map - vs Paragon Protectors - Glowie Lg Map - vs Werewolves - (Timed 1:30:00) - Glowie <LRT> Brickstown - Talk to NPC <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >BASE< Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Werewolves - (Timed 1:30:00) - Defeat Archvillain Group 11.01 = ( Level 50 ) = Ouroboros Initiation @10 minutes /12 Merits -----> 72 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Talk to NPC Med Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie (random) Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Contaminated - Rescue x7 - Glowie - Defeat 25 Contaminated Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Shivans - Rescue Ally - Destroy Object 11.06 = ( Level 50 ) = Trading Places @20 minutes /23 Merits -----> 69 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group x2 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat 20 Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group x3 Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group x4 Lg Map - vs Arachnos, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat 25 Arachnos - Defeat Hero Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue Ally x13 ( + Defeat Archvillain x6 ) - Defeat Archvillain 12.01 = ( Level 50 ) = Lost and Found @17 minutes /13 Merits -----> 45.88 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Rikti - Rescue <O> Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Escort Ally to Object <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <LRT> Skyway City - Use Temporary Power vs Lost x20 <O> Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC 12.02 = ( Level 50 ) = The Origin of Power @6 minutes /7 Merits -----> 70 M/H Starts In: Croatoa Talk to NPC >BASE< Skyway City - Talk to NPC <C> >MONO< Independence Port - Talk to NPC >MONO< Brickstown - Talk to NPC <MT> Croatoa - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x10 - Defeat Boss Group 13.05 = ( Level 50 ) = Stolen Power @9 minutes /3 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Cimerora Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <LRT> Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Group <O> Cimerora - Sm Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors - Glowie - Defeat All 13.05 = ( Level 50 ) = Future Threat @14 minutes /8 Merits -----> 34.28 M/H Starts In: Cimerora <O> Peregrine Island - Talk to NPC ( South ) Defeat 15 Nemesis ( zone specific ) Med Map - vs Malta - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> <LRT> Peregrine Island - Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie x4 - Interact Object ( Boss Room ) <C> <O> Cimerora - Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat All 21.36 = ( Level 50 ) = A Hero's Epic @34 minutes /35 Merits -----> 61.76 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Med Map - vs Devouring Earth, Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x4 <C> Sm Map - vs War Works, Resistance, Praetorians - Destroy Object - Defeat Archvillain Med Map - vs Neuron's Clockwork, Praetorians - Glowie x3 - Defeat Archvillain Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Neuron's Clockwork, Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Destroy Object Talk to NPC Huge Map - vs Praetorians - Item Click - Defeat Archvillain & Summons Lg Map - vs Seers, Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain x2 Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain x2 Lg Map - vs IDF - Talk to - Defeat Archvillain x2 Lg Map - vs IDF - Defeat Archvillain 24.06 = ( Level 50 ) = The New Dimension, A New Team ( New Praetorians, Ch 1 ) @18 minutes /6 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: N/A Brickstown - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth, Infested - Talk to <C> >MONO< Board Transit - Med Map - vs N/A - Talk to Lg Map - vs Council - Rescue Ally x2 - Rescue Call Contact Med Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue x3 - Defeat Archvillain Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to 24.07= ( Level 50 ) = A New War ( New Praetorians, Ch 2 ) @20 minutes /6 Merits -----> 18 M/H Starts In: N/A Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Council, Crey, Rogue's Gallery - Talk to x2 - Defeat Boss Group x4 <C> Lg Map - vs Council, Rogue's Gallery - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group x6 Lg Map - vs IDF - Defeat Guard Group x8 - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Boss x2 >MONO< Board Transit - Lg Map - vs UPA - Rescue x4 Lg Map - vs Council - Talk to - Rescue Ally x5 ( In Prison ) - Destroy Object x2 - Glowie x4 - Defeat Archvillain Group 24.08 = ( Level 50 ) = Tipping the Scales ( New Praetorians, Ch 3 ) @21 minutes /6 Merits -----> 17.14 M/H Starts In: N/A Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Council - Rescue x2 - Defeat Boss Group x 3 - Defeat Elite Boss Group x2 - Defeat Archvillain <C> >MONO< Board Transit - Med Map - vs Council - Destroy Object x5 - Defeat Archvillain Lg Map - vs Council - Interact Prone NPC - Defeat Archvillain Group <MT> Independence Port - Lg Map - vs Council - Talk to x2 - Defeat 50 Council - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss x4 - Defeat Archvillain Lg Map - vs Council, UPA - Defeat Elite Boss Group - Defeat Boss Group x4 - Defeat Ambush x2 - Defeat Archvillain VILLAIN (39 Arcs) Spoiler 7.19 = ( Level 50 ) = Vindication @15 minutes /8 Merits -----> 32 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Longbow, Vindicators - Defeat Hero Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x2 <C> Lg Map - vs Longbow, Vindicators - Defeat Hero Group x4 7.20 = ( Level 50 ) = Light and Darkness @6 minutes /5 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie Med Map - vs Paragon Police - Defeat Boss <C> Med Map - vs Longbow, Peacebringers - Defeat Archvillain 7.21 = ( Level 50 ) = Alone in the Darque @8 minutes /8 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Cap au DIable - Med Map - vs Nemesis, Arachnos - Rescue - Glow (random) <O> Grandville - Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Huge Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu - Rescue <C> 7.22 = ( Level 50 ) = Ancient History @8 minutes /5 Merits -----> 37.5 M/H Starts In: Grandville Mercy Island - Talk to NPC <MT> Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC <C> <TT> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie (random) 7.23 = ( Level 50 ) = Escaped! @5 minutes /5 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Crey - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Crey, Independent - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Crey, Independent - Defeat Boss Group 7.24 = ( Level 50 ) = Snake Fest @16 minutes /15 Merits -----> 56.25 M/H Starts In: Grandville Mercy Island - Talk to NPC <MT> Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat All <O> <LRT> Mercy Island - Talk to NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Snakes - Defeat Boss Group <B> Grandville - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Crey - Escort >BASE< Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Crey, Snakes - Defeat Boss Group <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC <LRT> Mercy Island - Med Map - vs Snakes - Defeat Archvillain Group 7.25 = ( Level 50 ) = Indigo Hunt @7 minutes /7 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Longbow - Timed (1:15:00) - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss Group <C> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Archvillain 7.26 = ( Level 50 ) = Crimson Hunt @7 minutes /7 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Malta - Defeat Boss Group <LRT> St. Martial - vs Knives of Artemis - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Archvillain (fleeing?) 7.27 = ( Level 50 ) = The Code Merlin @11 minutes /10 Merits -----> 54.54 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Crey - Glowie - Defeat All Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x2 - Defeat All <C> Lg Map - vs Crey, Circle of Thorns - Defeat Archvillain 7.28 = ( Level 50 ) = Vigilante Justice @13 minutes /12 Merits -----> 55.38 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Council - Glowie Lg Map - vs Arachnos, Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Glowie - Defeat Hero <C> Med Map - vs Scrapyarders, Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat Boss Room Med Map - vs Crey, Longbow, Vindicators - Glowie x2 - Defeat Hero Lg Map - vs Longbow, Vindicators - Defeat Hero Med Map - vs Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat Hero 7.29 = ( Level 50 ) = Von Grun's Science @9 minutes /7 Merits -----> 46.66 M/H Starts In: Grandville St. Martial - Sm Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All <O> <MT> St. Martial - Sm Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All <O> <TT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat Elite Boss 7.30 = ( Level 50 ) = The Great Grun Gathering @15 minutes /8 Merits -----> 32 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Council - Glowie Talk to NPC <LRT> Cap au Diable - Lg Map - vs Malta - Defeat Boss Group x2 (keys) - Glowie x5 <B> Mercy Island - Talk to NPC <O> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Glowie (in Laboratory) - Find Mission Exit <C> 7.31 = ( Level 50 ) = Von Grun's Lament @10 minutes /5 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Destroy Object x15 <O> Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x4 <B> Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth, Independent - Defeat Archvillain 7.32 = ( Level 50 ) = Von Grun's Redemption @30 minutes /20 Merits -----> 40 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth, Longbow, Paragon Police - Escort x2 <O> <MT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Defeat All <O> <TT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x3 - Escort Ally <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Devouring Earth - Glowie x3 - Defeat All 7.37 = ( Level 50 ) = The Conference of Evil @30 minutes /22 Merits -----> 44 M/H Starts In: Grandville Port Oakes - Lg Map - vs Nemesis, Family - Escort (guarded by Archvillain) <O> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Longbow, Paragon Police - Escort Ally (Elite Boss) <C> <MT> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Archvillain <TT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Archvillain <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Council - Defeat Archvillain - Find Mission Exit <B> Grandville - Huge Map - vs Longbow, Nemesis - Defeat All 7.38 = ( Level 50 ) = Armor Wars ( Black Scorpion, Ch 1 ) @19 minutes /13 Merits -----> 41.05 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Crey - Destroy Object x3 - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Crey - Glowie - Defeat Boss Group <C> Med Map - vs Crey, Arachnoids - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Malta, Crey - Escort NPC to Object Talk to NPC <MT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Malta - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss Group (anywhere on map) Lg Map - vs Malta, Crey, Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain 7.39 = ( Level 50 ) = Chink in the Armor ( Black Scorpion, Ch 2 ) @16 minutes /13 Merits -----> 48.75 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss <O> Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Cap au Diable - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss <LRT> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Ghosts - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos - Escort Ally ( +Archvillain ) <TT> Mercy Island - vs Arachnos - Glowie x5 - Defeat Archvillain Group 7.40 = ( Level 50 ) = The Destiny Raids ( Black Scorpion, Ch 3 ) @28 minutes /13 Merits -----> 27.86 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x6 - Defeat Boss Group <O> Lg Map - vs Longbow - Destroy Flyers (Grounded) x30 - Defeat Flyers x12 - Destroy Object x2 (1 per Guard Tower) <C> <MT> Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Longbow - Glowie x4 - Destroy Object x4 ( left & center buildings ) <LRT> Grandville - Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group <TT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie x2 ( far north cave ) <B> Grandville - Med Map - vs Nemesis - Destroy Elite Boss Objects x4 7.41 = ( Level 50 ) = Time After Time ( Black Scorpion, Ch 4 ) @15 minutes /13 Merits -----> 52 M/H Starts In: Grandville Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss Group Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x4 <MT> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Malta, Arachnos - Rescue Ally - Defeat Elite Boss Group <B> Nerva Archipelago - Talk to NPC <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Talk to NPC 7.42 = ( Level 50 ) = Killer Instinct ( Captain Mako, Ch 1 ) @15 minutes /13 Merits -----> 52 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Longbow - Timed (1:15:00) - Rescue Ally x2 - Defeat Elite Boss Group <O> Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All <C> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All <MT> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Knives of Artemis - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group Sm Map - vs Knives of Artemis, Longbow - Defeat Elite Boss 7.43 = ( Level 50 ) = The Perfect Killing Machine ( Captain Mako, Ch 2 ) @14 minutes /13 Merits -----> 55.71 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sharkhead Isle - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss x3 <O> <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <C> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss <B> Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie (boss room - random) <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC <TT> Sharkhead Isle - Lg Map - vs Coralax, Arachnos - Defeat Boss x4 - Glowie (Wall) - Defeat Archvillain x2 7.44 = ( Level 50 ) = Iron Fist ( Captain Mako, Ch 3 ) @15 minutes /13 Merits -----> 52 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sharkhead Isle - Sm Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group <O> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Paragon Police - Defeat Boss Group x3 (1 on rooftops) <C> Lg Map - vs Crey - Defeat Boss Group x4 Lg Map - vs Malta - Destroy Object x5 Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat Boss Group x5 7.45 = ( Level 50 ) = Time After Time ( Captain Mako, Ch 4 ) @15 minutes /13 Merits -----> ?? M/H Starts In: Grandville Talk to NPC Tiny Map - vs Arachnos, Arachnoids - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC Talk to NPC <C> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Group Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie (random) Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Rogue Arachnos, Nemesis, Circle of Thorns, Council - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss Group x2 (non-Arachnos) <LRT> Nerva Archipelago - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC 7.46 = ( Level 50 ) = Mystic Mayhem ( Ghost Widow, Ch 1 ) @25 minutes /13 Merits -----> 31.2 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All (3 Allies present) <O> Med Map - vs Longbow - Escort Ally <C> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie x3 <LRT> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Crey - Glowie x2 Talk to NPC <TT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC <B> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Glowie - Defeat Hero 7.47 = ( Level 50 ) = Life and Death ( Ghost Widow, Ch 2 ) @17 minutes /13 Merits -----> 45.88 M/H Starts In: Grandville Cap au Diable - Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns ( or anywhere ) <O> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie <C> <B> Grandville - Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x3 - Defeat All ( ambushes not required ) Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie Talk to NPC <LRT> Mercy Island - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs CIrcle of Thorns, Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain 7.48 = ( Level 50 ) = Operation DESTINY Files ( Ghost Widow, Ch 3 ) @26 minutes /13 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort <O> Lg Map - vs Paragon Police - Escort ( in SERAPH ) <C> <MT> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Council - Escort <LRT> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Malta - Escort Sm Map - vs Longbow - Defeat All ( has 3 Allies ) Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Freedom Phalanx - Glowie ( random - key ) - Escort ( +Hero ) 7.49 = ( Level 50 ) = Time After Time ( Ghost Widow, Ch 4 ) @15 minutes /13 Merits -----> 52 M/H Starts In: Grandville Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Talk to NPC <C> <LRT> Cap au Diable - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss Room <B> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Ghosts - Glowie - Find Mission Exit <O> Nerva Archipelago - Talk to NPC <MT> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Talk to NPC 7.50 = ( Level 50 ) = A Wind Called Serafina ( Sciracco, Ch 1 ) @28 minutes /13 Merits -----> 27.85 M/H Starts In: Grandville Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x2 <O> Talk to NPC <C> <MT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat All Med Map - vs Nemesis, Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Group Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Group <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Malta, Knives of Artemis - Escort Ally (Elite Boss) Lg Map - vs Arachnos, Legacy Chain - Defeat Archvillain Group 7.51 = ( Level 50 ) = The Hammer of the World ( Sciracco, Ch 2 ) @20 minutes /13 Merits -----> 39 M/H Starts In: Grandville Sm Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Longbow, WISDOM - Rescue Ally - Defeat Hero <O> Talk to NPC <C> Sm Map - vs Longbow, WISDOM - Defeat Hero <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Huge Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Soldiers of Rularuu - Defeat Boss x4 <LRT> Grandville - Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat All Sm Map - vs Carnies, Vindicators - Defeat Hero Group Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain <TT> Nerva Archipelago - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Ritual Group x4 - Defeat Archvillain <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC 7.52 = ( Level 50 ) = The Sprit City of Hequat ( Sciracco, Ch 3 ) @24 minutes /13 Merits -----> 32.5 M/H Starts In: Grandville St. Martial - Med Map - vs Carnies - Escort <O> <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie (random desk) - Escort Ally <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Destroy Object x2 <O> Grandville - Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Boss Group <B> Nerva Archipelago - Talk to NPC <TT> St. Martial - Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue - Defeat Boss Group x4 <LRT> Grandville - Huge Map - vs Arachnos, Mu - Destroy Object - Defeat Archvillain 7.54 = ( Level 50 ) = Time After Time ( Sciracco, Ch 4 ) @14 minutes /13 Merits -----> 55.71 M/H Starts In: Grandville Tiny Map - vs Arachnos, Rogue Arachnos - Glowie - Defeat Elite Boss Group Talk to NPC <C> Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss >BASE< Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC >FERRY< St. Martial - Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x4 <O> Grandville - Lg Map - vs Ghosts, Arachnos, Circle of Thorns - Rescue Ally - Defeat Elite Boss Group <LRT> Nerva Archipelago - Talk to NPC <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain Talk to NPC 11.02 = ( Level 50 ) = Ouroboros Initiation @8 minutes /10 Merits -----> 75 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs 5th Column - Glowie (random) Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Longbow, Prisoners, Security Guards - Defeat 25 Longbow - Defeat Boss Group x2 Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Shivans - Rescue Ally - Destroy Object Talk to NPC 11.07 = ( Level 50 ) = Trading Places @17 minutes / 17 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Lg Map - vs Longbow, Vindicators - Escort Ally to Object ( +Hero ) Med Map - vs Arachnos, Vindicators - Defeat Hero Group Lg Map - vs Longbow, Vindicators, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat 50 Longbow - Defeat Hero x12 12.04 = ( Level 50 ) = Midnight's Hand @8 minutes /15 Merits -----> 112.5 M/H Starts In: Cap Au Diable Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Group x4 Lg Map - vs Rikti, Lost - Defeat Ritual Group x6 - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group <C> Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Rikti - Defeat Boss Group x2 13.07 = ( Level 50 ) = Power From the Past @9 minutes /3 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Cimerora Med Map - vs Cimerorans - Glowie - Defeat Boss <LRT> St. Martial - Med Map - vs Longbow - Escort Ally ( Archvillain ) <C> <MT> Cimerora - Med Map - vs Cimerorans - Destroy Object - Defeat All 13.08 = ( Level 50 ) = Politics, Cimeroran Style @33 minutes /8 Merits -----> 14.54 M/H Starts In: Cimerora Grandville - Lg Map - vs Longbow - Escort <O> Cimerora - Med Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors - Defeat 25 Traitors - Escort Ally to Location - Escort NPC to Location - Talk to <C> Defeat 20 Cimeroran Traitors Sm Map - vs Cimeorans - Defeat All <LRT> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Crey, Family - Glowie - Defeat All Talk to NPC <O> Cimerora - Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors - Defeat All Talk to NPC 24.11 = ( Level 50 ) = Criminals of War @12 minutes /6 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: St. Martial (Call Contact) Lg Map - vs Vanguard - Defeat Boss x3 - Interact Object - Defeat Elite Boss Group x2 - Interact Prone NPC <C> Lg Map - vs Vanguard, IDF - Defeat Guard Group x4 - Rescue - Talk to x2 Huge Map - vs Vanguard - Rescue x3 - Rescue Ally - Defeat Elite Boss Group Talk to NPC 24.12 = ( Level 50 ) = Sweeps Week: HeroName vs the Rogue Isles @18 minutes /6 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: St. Martial (Call Contact) Huge Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue x3 - Glowie x3 <C> Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, New Praetorians - Destroy Object - Glowie - Defeat 30 Police - Defeat Hero Lg Map - vs Carnies, Shadow Simulacrum - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Boss Lg Map - vs Hero Hunters, Family - Destroy All (Cars) - Defeat All Huge Map - vs Family, Syndicate, Awakened - Defeat Guard Group x3 - Defeat Archvillain 24.13 = ( Level 50 ) = The End of a Yin @18 minutes /6 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: St. Martial (Call Contact) Huge Map - vs Awakened - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Destroy Object x2 - Talk to - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Room <C> Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x6 Lg Map - vs Awakened - Defeat Boss Group x5 - Defeat Hero Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Awakened - Glowie x5 - Defeat Boss Group x5 - Defeat Hero x2 - Interact Prone NPC Med Map - vs ??? - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain EITHER (7 Arcs) Spoiler 10.01 = ( Level 50 ) = Welcome to the Vanguard ( Vanguard, Ch 1.1 ) @11 minutes /15 Merits -----> 81.81 M/H Starts In: Rikti War Zone Talk to NPC Defeat 10 Rikti Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally x2 - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally x3 Lg Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Boss Group Huge Map - vs Rikti - Destroy Object x4 - Rescue x3 Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally x2 - Defeat Boss Group 10.02 = ( Level 50 ) = The Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker ( Vanguard, Ch 1.2 ) @7 minutes /5 Merits -----> 42.8 M/H Starts In: Rikti War Zone Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Nemesis - Escort <O> Med Map - vs Rikti - Escort <C> Talk to NPC <MT> Lg Map - vs Rikti - (Timed 1:00:00) - Glowie x4 10.03 = ( Level 50 ) = Dreams of Peace and Acts of War ( Vanguard, Ch 2 ) @20 minutes /15 Merits -----> 45 M/H Starts In: Rikti War Zone Sm Map - vs Nemesis - Glowie - Rescue Ally <MT> Sm Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue x4 - Defeat Boss x2 - Rescue Ally x2 (recommend Allies last) <C> Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally x2 - Defeat Boss Group Lg Map - vs Rikti - Rescue x2 - Rescue Ally x2 - Destroy Object x10 Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Rikti - Escort NPC to Object - Defeat Boss Group Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally - Defeat Boss <TT> Lg Map - vs Rikti - Defeat Archvillain 10.04 = ( Level 50 ) = The Red and the Black ( Vanguard, Ch 3 ) @18 minutes /23 Merits -----> 76.66 M/H Starts In: Rikti War Zone Sm Map - vs Vanguard - Escort - Defeat Boss Group <O> <MT> Med Map - vs Vanguard - Rescue Ally - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Group <C> Med Map - vs Vanguard - Escort Ally - Defeat Boss Group x2 Med Map - vs Vanguard, Longbow - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Med Map - vs Longbow - Glowie x3 Lg Map - vs Vanguard, Longbow, Rikti - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss - Defeat Boss Group x2 - Defeat Archvillain 10.05 = ( Level 50 ) = The Horror of War ( Vanguard, Ch 4 ) @26 minutes /30 Merits -----> 69.23 M/H Note: +20 Bonus Merits first time completing all 4 Chapters Starts In: Rikti War Zone <MT> Sm Map - vs Nemesis - Escort Ally <O> Med Map - vs Nemesis - Rescue Ally - Glowie - Defeat Boss x2 <C> Lg Map - vs Nemesis, Freedom Phalanx - Glowie - Defeat Hero x2 - Find Mission Exit <B> Med Map - vs Arachnos, Nemesis - Rescue - Defend Object x4 (at least 1) - Defeat Archvillain <TT> Med Map - vs Rikti - Rescue Ally - Defeat Ambush x5(?) Lg Map - vs Rikti, Nemesis - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Archvillain x2 19.03 = ( Level 50 ) = Power Overwhelming @11 minutes /6 Merits -----> 32.73 M/H Starts In: Ouroboros Tiny Map - vs N/A - Talk to <LRT> Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC <O> Ouroboros - Med Map - vs Council, Incarnate Wannabe - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to <B> Rikti War Zone - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Rikti, Crey, Vanguard Sword - Defeat Archvillain x2 - Talk to Talk to NPC <O> Ouroboros - Sm Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors, Time Echoes - Defeat Elite Boss - Glowie 27.04 = ( Level 50 ) = Glory and Dark Tidings @19 minutes /40 Merits -----> 126.32 M/H Note: Also Includes Incarnate Rewards Table Starts In: Cimerora Sm Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors, Nictus - Destroy Object - Defeat Elite Boss Group - Glowie (random) <MT> Lg Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors, Nictus, Ravenna Conclave - Destroy Object - Defeat Ambush - Defeat Boss Sm Map - vs Nictus, Ravenna Conclave - (Depowered / No Run) - Glowie x2 - Talk to - Defeat Elite Boss Group x2 Med Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors, Nictus - Defeat Elite Boss - Destroy Object - Defeat Archvillain Talk to NPC <TT> Lg Map - vs Ravenna Conclave, Nictus - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Elite Boss x2 - Defeat Archvillain x3 *** SPECIAL ARCS *** HERO (11 Arcs) Spoiler 21.23 = ( Level 20 ) = Blind Faith (Who Will Die, Ch 1) @6 minutes /20 Merits -----> 200 M/H (1x per week) @6 minutes /5 Merits -----> 50 M/H Starts In: Skyway City Sm Map - vs Lost, Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss - Find Mission Exit <O> Sm Map - vs Minions of Igneous, Lost - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss <C> Sm Map - vs Lost, Circle of Thorns, Minions of Igneous, Rogue's Gallery - Defeat Boss Group - Defeat Elite Boss Group 21.25 = ( Level 30 ) = Forever Bound ( Who Will Die, Ch 2 ) @11 minutes /20 Merits -----> 109.09 M/H (1x per week) @11 minutes /5 Merits -----> 27.27 M/H Starts In: Talos Island Sm Map - vs Rulu Shin - Defeat Guard Group x2 - Rescue - Defeat Ambush x4 Med Map - vs Rulu Shin - Defeat Guards Group - Glowie x3 - Talk to (Watcher/Fruit/Palace) - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Security Guards, Rulu Shin - Interact Object (Middle) - Defeat Ambush - Defeat Elite Boss Group 21.27 = ( Level 40 ) = Bear Any Burden ( Who Will Die, Ch. 3 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H (1x per week) @15 minutes /5 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Tiny Map - vs Rogue Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss - Defeat Ambush x3 - Talk to Med Map - vs Rogue Arachnos, Arachnoid - Escort NPC to Object - Defend NPC Med Map - vs Rogue Arachnos - Destroy Object x4 - Defeat Archvillain x2 - Glowie x4 - Defeat Elite Boss 21.29 = ( Level 40 ) = Masterpiece ( Who Will Die, Ch. 4 ) @18 minutes /20 Merits -----> 66.64 M/H (1x per week) @18 minutes /5 Merits -----> 16.66 M/H Starts In: Brickstown Med Map - vs Longbow, Paragon Police, Freedom Phalanx - Talk to x3 - Interact Object - Defeat Hero Group Lg Map - vs Family - Escort - Talk to x2 - Defeat Ambush x3 - Defeat Boss Med Map - vs Malaise Nightmares, Rikti - Defeat Ambush x7 - Interact Prone NPC - Talk to 21.31 = ( Level 50 ) = The Face of All Men ( Who Will Die, Ch. 5 ) @13 minutes /20 Merits -----> 92.2 M/H (1x per week) @13 minutes /5 Merits -----> 23.05 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Sm Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu, Arachnos - Talk to - Defeat ArchVillain x5 Lg Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu, Arachnos - Defeat Elite Boss x3 - Defeat Guard Group x3 - Glowie x3 Med Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Elite Boss - Interact NPC 21.33 = ( Level 50 ) = The Last Piece ( Who Will Die, Ch. 6 ) @22 minutes /20 Merits -----> 54.54 M/H (1x per week) @22 minutes /5 Merits -----> 13.63 M/H Starts In: Peregrine Island Lg Map - vs Carnival of Shadows, Malta Operatives - Rescue Ally - Defeat Ambush x5 - Talk to Med Map - vs Paragon Police, Nemesis - Talk to - Defeat Boss Group x5 - Defeat Guard Group x8 Huge Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Soldiers of Rularuu - Escort NPC to Object - Glowie x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Group - Talk to 23.08 = ( Level 50 ) = Powers At Play ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 1 ) @12 minutes /20 Merits -----> 100 M/H (1x per week) @12 minutes /5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Tiny Map - vs Clockwork - Talk to x2 - Defeat Ambush <C> Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Clockwork - Talk to x2 - Defeat ArchVillain Med Map - vs Trolls - Rescue x2 - Interact NPC x2 - Defeat Elite Boss Med Map - vs Freakshow, Talons of Vengeance - Talk to x2 - Defeat ArchVillain 23.10 = ( Level 50 ) = Experts in the Field ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 2 ) @17 minutes /20 Merits -----> 70.58 M/H (1x per week) @17 minutes /5 Merits -----> 17.65 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park King's Row - Med Map - vs Unknown, Shivans - Defeat Elite Boss x3 - Talk to <C> <O> Ouroboros - Talk to Talk to Med Map - vs Cimeroran Traitors - Defeat ArchVillain - Talk to Independence Port - Med Map - vs Warriors - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Talk to x2 - Rescue - Escort - Defeat ArchVillain - Defeat Elite Boss x2 <MT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Archvillain - Talk to 23.12 = ( Level 50 ) = First to the Mill ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 3 ) @12 minutes /20 Merits -----> 100 M/H (1x per week) @12 minutes /5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Founder's Falls Atlas Park - Lg Map - vs Sky Raiders, Warriors - Talk to x2 - Defeat Elite Boss x4 <C> Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Malta Operatives, Arachnos - Interact Object x3 - Defeat ArchVillain Talk to NPC <TT> Brickstown - vs Warriors, Vanguard Shield, Pandora's Might - Defeat Boss - Destroy Object - Defeat Hero - Defeat Ambush x3 23.14 = ( Level 50 ) = The Price for Fire ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 4 ) @12 minutes /20 Merits -----> 100 M/H (1x per week) @12 minutes /5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Tiny Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat ArchVillain - Talk to <C> <LRT> Steel Canyon - Sm Map - vs Arachnos, Pandora's Might - Defeat ArchVillain Sm Map - vs Pandora's Might, Incarnate Automaton - Talk to - Defeat Ambush x9 - Defeat Boss <B> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC 23.16 = ( Level 50 ) = Brass Tuesday ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 5 ) @17 minutes /20 Merits -----> 70.58 M/H (1x per week) @17 minutes /5 Merits -----> 17.65 M/H Starts In: Steel Canyon Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Incarnate Automaton - Defeat Guard Group x4 - Defeat Boss x4 Talk to NPC Sm Map - vs Nemesis, Incarnate Automaton - Interact Object x2 >BASE< <MT> Med Map - vs Incarnate Automaton - Defeat Giant Monster - Talk to <O> Ouroboros - Talk to NPC VILLAIN (11 Arcs) Spoiler 21.24 = ( Level 20 ) = One Life, One Goal (Who Will Die, Ch 1) @6 minutes /5 Merits -----> 50 M/H @6 minutes /20 Merits -----> 200 M/H (1x per week) Starts In: Cap Au Diable Sm Map - vs Lost, Circle of Thorns - Talk to - Find Mission Exit <O> Sm Map - vs Paragon Police, Minions of Igneous, Lost - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss <C> Sm Map - vs Lost, Longbow, Heroes - Defeat Elite Boss Group - Defeat Hero Ambush x3 21.26 = ( Level 34 ) = Forever Bound ( Who Will Die, Pt 2 ) @9 minutes /20 Merits -----> 133.33 M/H (1x per week) @9 minutes /5 Merits -----> 33.33 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Sm Map - vs Rulu Shin - Defeat Guard Group - Interact Object Med Map - vs Rulu Shin - Defeat Guards Group - Glowie x3 - Talk to (Watcher/Fruit/Palace) - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Security Guards, Rulu Shin - Destroy Object - Defeat Elite Boss - Defeat Ambush - Defeat Elite Boss Group 21.28 = ( Level 40 ) = Bear Any Burden ( Who Will Die, Ch. 3 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H (1x per week) @15 minutes /5 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Lg Map - vs Longbow, Freedom Phalanx - Interact Object - Defeat Hero Group - Escort NPC to Location Lg Map - vs Longbow, Paragon Heroes - Escort NPC to Object - Defeat Ambush x2 - Defeat Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Longbow, Shining Stars, Freedom Phalanx - Glowie x3 - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Hero 21.30 = ( Level 40 ) = Masterpiece ( Who Will Die, Ch. 4 ) @18 minutes /20 Merits -----> 66.64 M/H (1x per week) @18 minutes /5 Merits -----> 16.66 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Lg Map - vs Demon Hunter, Family, Nemesis, Arachnos, RIP, Council, Sky Raiders - Rescue - Talk to - Defeat Ambush x6 <MT> Lg Map - vs Hydra, Longbow, Shining Stars, Paragon Police, Freedom Phalanx - Interact Object x2 - Defeat Hero Group <C> <TT> Lg Map - vs Guardian Images, Rikti - Defeat Ambush x6 - Interact Prone NPC - Defeat Boss - Talk to 21.32 = ( Level 50 ) = The Face of All Men ( Who Will Die, Ch. 5 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H (1x per week) @15 minutes /5 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Port Oakes Sm Map - vs Longbow, Independent, Vindicators, Soldiers of Rularuu - Defeat Hero x5 Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu, Freedom Phalanx, Longbow - Defeat Hero x3 - Defeat Enemy Group x3 - Glowie x3 Lg Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu, Ex-Midnighter - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Elite Boss 21.34 = ( Level 50 ) = The Last Piece ( Who Will Die, Ch. 6 ) @11 minutes /20 Merits -----> 109.09 M/H (1x per week) @11 minutes /5 Merits -----> 27.27 M/H Starts In: Grandville Lg Map - vs Malta - Rescue Ally x4 - Talk to Lg Map - vs Nemesis, Paragon Police, Independent - Defeat Hero Group - Rescue Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Soldiers of Rularuu - Glowie x4 - Defeat Elite Boss 23.09 = ( Level 50 ) = Venture Militarism ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 1 ) @10 minutes /20 Merits -----> 100 M/H (1x per week) @10 minutes /5 Merits -----> 25 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Med Map - vs Sky Raiders - Defeat Enemy Group x8 - Talk to - Defeat Elite Boss Group <C> Lg Map - vs Sky Raiders - Defeat Archvillain - Talk to Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Talons of Vengeance - Defeat Archvillain - Talk to 23.11 = ( Level 50 ) = Experts in the Field ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 2 ) @15 minutes /20 Merits -----> 80 M/H (1x per week) @15 minutes /5 Merits -----> 20 M/H Starts In: Nerva Archipelago Cap au Diable - Med Map - vs Unknown, Sky Raiders, Shivans - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to <C> <O> Ouroboros - Talk to NPC Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Cimerorans - Defeat Hero - Talk to <LRT> Port Oakes - Med Map - vs Warriors - Defeat Elite Boss - Talk to <MT> Nerva Archipelago - Sm Map - vs Arachnos - Rescue - Talk to x3 - Escort - Defeat Elite Boss x2 - Defeat Archvillain <TT> Cap au Diable - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns, Vanguard Shield - Defeat Hero - Defeat Archvillain 23.13 = ( Level 50 ) = Devil Take the Hindmost ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 3 ) @12 minutes /20 Merits -----> 120 M/H (1x per week) @12 minutes /5 Merits -----> 30 M/H Starts In: St. Martial Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC <C> Med Map - vs Malta, Arachnos - Interact Object x3 - Defeat ArchVillain - Talk to Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Paragon Police, Shining Stars, Freedom Phalanx - Defeat Boss Group x3 - Defeat Boss x3 - Defeat Hero Sm Map - vs Freedom Phalanx, Sky Raiders, Pandora's Might - Talk to x5 - Defeat Hero - Destroy Object - Defeat Ambush x3 23.15 = ( Level 50 ) = The Price for Fire ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 4 ) @16 minutes /20 Merits -----> 75 M/H (1x per week) @16 minutes /5 Merits -----> 18.75 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Nerva Archipelago - Me Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Transport x2 - Rescue - Talk to <O> Grandville - Talk to NPC Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain <TT> Port Oakes - Sm Map - vs Pandora's Might, Incarnate Automaton - Defeat Ambush x9 - Defeat Boss <B> Sharkhead Isle - Talk to NPC 23.17 = ( Level 50 ) = Brass Tuesday ( Pandora's Box, Ch. 5 ) @20 minutes /20 Merits -----> 60 M/H (1x per week) @20 minutes /5 Merits -----> 15 M/H Starts In: Sharkhead Isle Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat Archvillain x3 - Talk to x2 Talk to NPC <MT> Port Oakes - Sm Map - vs Nemesis, Incarnate Automaton - Interact Object x2 <O> Sharkhead Isle - Med Map - vs Incarnate Automaton - Defeat Giant Monster - Talk to <O> Ouroboros - Talk to NPC EITHER (1 Arcs) Spoiler 21.35 = ( Level 50 ) = To Something Greater ( Who Will Die, Ch. 7 ) @25 minutes /20 Merits -----> 48 M/H (1x per week) @25 minutes /5 Merits -----> 12 M/H Starts In: Rikti War Zone Med Map - vs Arachnos - Defeat ArchVillain group - Talk to <C> Huge Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu - Rescue Ally - Defeat Elite Boss group - Talk to Lg Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu - Interact Object - Glowie - Defeat Ambush x5 Talk to NPC Tiny Map - vs Soldiers of Rularuu - Defeat Guard Group x4 - Destroy Object x3 - Defeat Elite Boss Tiny Map - vs Freedom Phalanx - Interact Object - Defeat Hero ***** ARCHIVED ARCS ***** HERO (12 Arcs) Spoiler 0.40 = ( Level 15 ) = New Recruits @63 minutes /66 Merits -----> 62.85 M/H Starts In: N/A (old Positron TF) Sm Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <C> <MT> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Room - Escort x2 Lg Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Defeat Boss Room - Glowie (in Boss Room) <B> Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <TT> Skyway City - Lg Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <B> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Clockwork - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room <B> King's Row - Talk to NPC Atlas Park - Talk to NPC Steel Canyon - Talk to NPC Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Vahzilok - Glowie x2 - Defeat Boss Room <B> Perez Park - Zone Click x3 Med Map - vs Vahzilok, Clockwork - Defeat All <MT> Skyway City - Med Map - vs Vahzilok, Circle of Thorns - Defeat All <B> Perez Park - vs Vahzilok, Clockwork, Circle of Thorns - Defeat All 0.41 = ( Level 25 ) = Clamor and Destruction @45 minutes /50 Merits -----> 66.66 M/H Starts In: N/A (old Sister Psyche TF) Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat All <MT> King's Row - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Rescue - Defeat Boss Room Talos Island - Talk to NPC Board Transit - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss Group Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Destroy Object - Defeat Boss Group Med Map - vs Freakshow, Council - Defeat All Talk to NPC <TT> Steel Canyon - Med Map - vs Council - Glowie (Council Desk) - Defeat All <B> Talos Island - Lg Map - vs Freakshow, Council - Escort to Object - Defeat All Zone Click x5 King's Row - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie Skyway City - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Glowie Lg Map - vs Freakshow - Destroy Object - Rescue x5 - Defeat Elite Boss Room 3.16 = ( Level 34 ) = A Mind in Danger @35 minutes /10 Merits -----> 17.14 M/H Starts In: N/A (old Calvin Scott TF) Founder's Falls - Lg Map - vs Council - Defeat All <C> <MT> Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Rikti - Glowie - Defeat All >MONO< Atlas Park - Talk to NPC >BASE< Crey's Folly (or anywhere) - Defeat 10 Crey Defeat 10 Nemesis (anywhere) <LRT> Founder's Falls (or anywhere) - Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns <O> Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <B> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Circle of Thorns - Glowie - Defeat Boss Room >BASE< Atlas Park - Talk to NPC <O> Independence Port - Med Map - vs Freakshow - Defeat Boss Group <B> Terra Volta (or anywhere) - Defeat 30 Freakshow <LRT> Brickstown - Med Map - vs Freakshow, Archvillains - Defeat Archvillain Room (note: may not be in same room) 1.08 = ( Level 45 ) = The Praetorian War @65 minutes /72 Merits -----> 66.46 M/H Starts In: N/A Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie x4 - Defeat Boss Room <C> Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Lg Map - ( Timed 10:00 ) - Glowie x4 Lg Map - vs Crazed - Glowie x5 - Rescue Med Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat All Lg Map - vs Psychic Clockwork - Defeat All <TT> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Praetorians, Carnies - Defeat All <MT> Kings Row - Lg Map - vs Carnies - Defeat All <B> - Peregrine Island - Med Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain Room (AV escapes) Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie x4 <O> Ouroboros - Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat All ( +Archvillain ) Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Praetorians - ( Timed 1:00:00 ) - vs Praetorians - Defeat All ( +Archvillain ) Med Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat All ( + Archvillain x2 ) 1.09 = ( Level 45 ) = The Clockwork King's Psychic Signal @2 minutes /0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: N/A Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Psychic Clockwork - Defeat Archvillain Group <C> 1.10 = ( Level 45 ) = The Hydra Dimension @13 minutes /12 Merits -----> 55.38 M/H Starts In: N/A Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Hydra - Defeat All <C> <LRT> Brickstown - Talk to NPC <B> Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Hydra, Rikti - Glowie x3 - Defeat All 1.15 = ( Level 50 ) = A Hero's Hero @55 minutes /60 Merits -----> 65.45 M/H Starts In: N/A Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain Med Map - vs Praetorians - (Timed 1:00:00) - Defeat All ( + Archvillian ) Med Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Room Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Room Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain Room Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Glowie x15 Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Rescue - Defeat Archvillain Room <TT> Board Transit - Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Rescue x9 Talk to NPC Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Rescue Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat All ( + Archvillain x2 ) Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat All ( + Archvillain x2 ) Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat All ( + Archvillain x2 ) Lg Map - vs Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain Group 1.16 = ( Level 50 ) = The Marauder's Cell @2 minutes /3 Merits -----> 90 M/H Starts In: N/A Brickstown - Lg Map - vs Imperial Defense Force, Praetorians - Glowie - Defeat Archvillain 1.17 = ( Level 50 ) = Black Shroud Dimension @2 minutes /2 Merits -----> 60 M/H Starts In: N/A Peregrine Island - Lg Map - vs Warworks, Praetorians - Defeat Archvillain Group 2.05 = ( Level 50 ) = The Aura of Power @5 minutes /0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Talk to NPC >BASE< Crey's Folly - Defeat 15 Freakshow (or anywhere) Defeat 15 Rikti (or anywhere) Defeat 15 Devouring Earth (or anywhere) <O> Talk to NPC 11.08 = ( Level 50 ) = Manticore's Wedding Woes @3 minutes /0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: N/A Atlas Park - Med Map - vs Arachnos - Glowie x7 16.01 = ( Level 50 ) = Omega Team Memorial @7 minutes /0 Merits -----> 0 M/H Starts In: Atlas Park Talk to NPC >MONO< Skyway City ( South ) - Talk to NPC >MONO< Independence Port - Talk to NPC <O> Atlas Park - Tiny Map - vs Rikti - Glowie - Talk to <MT> Perez Park - Sm Map - vs Rikti - Defeat All Edited August 1 by SupaFreak Updated for "Troubled Times" Vigilante Arc I missed 2
SupaFreak Posted February 1 Author Posted February 1 (edited) TOPIC: Hero Arcs 21.02 -> 21.04 OBSERVATION: The three arcs appear to all be linked to an overall arc that's broken up through 3 contacts - still culminating to @25 minutes+ for 3 Merits. I do believe there's a 20 Reward Merit bonus at the end for first time doing it which through normal gameplay is good but makes all 3 terrible for Ouroboros replay value. As intended? *shrug* CONCERN: Is it possible for the player to out level the 2nd or 3rd contact through doing other contacts? If so, then player is to never receive any Merits from first contact unless they finish the arc via Ouroboros. FEEDBACK: I think it would be better to award 21.02 with 6 Merits / 21.03 with 6 Merits / 21.04 with 12 Merits if the target max M/H is to be @60. Whether or not the bonus was to stay is irrelevant, because it's only awarded once. Dream Doctor's arc (50) is broken into two sections with a Reward Table at the mid-point, so it's not like this is unheard of. Edited February 1 by SupaFreak Better layout
SupaFreak Posted February 1 Author Posted February 1 (edited) TOPIC: Villain Arc 21.12 OBSERVATION: The amount of travel time required within this arc. CONCERN: Sure, travel powers are available at level 4 now but having played all Hero & Villain 1-9 Arc in 48 hours, the travel time commitment required this early in the game is likely not very pleasant for a newcomer. FEEDBACK: I really feel the doors for missions 6 & 12 should have no chance of being on the opposite side of the Mercy Island map. Edited February 1 by SupaFreak Better wording in Concern segment
SupaFreak Posted February 1 Author Posted February 1 TOPIC: Villain Arcs 21.05 & 21.06 OBSERVATION: The two arcs appear to be linked to an overall arc that's broken up through 2 contacts - still culminating to @14 minutes+ for 3 Merits. I do not recall being awarded any bonus upon completion of the two as Hero arcs 21.02 -> 21.04 did. CONCERN: The need to do 21.06 to be rewarded for 21.05, especially this early in the game for a new player. FEEDBACK: Same as feedback for Hero arcs 21.02 -> 21.04. Merits should be awarded at the end of each segment of the 2-part arc.
SupaFreak Posted February 3 Author Posted February 3 Condensed intro information to be pure bullet-point Updated layout of main post to have 1 Spoiler per Morality/Range instead of per Story Arc
SupaFreak Posted February 7 Author Posted February 7 TOPIC: Hero Arcs 21.09 thru 21.12 & Villain Arcs 21.12 thru 21.14 OBSERVATION: Both "The Shining Stars" & "The Hearts of Darkness" arcs are both severely imbalanced in regard to the time required to playthrough vs. Reward Merits compared to a vast majority of other arcs. The argument can be made you get 20 Bonus Merits for completing all 3, but I counter-argue that with a comparison to The Hollows which also awards 20 for completing all 4 of its arcs in approximately the same 60-70 minute time-frame if they are sped through. The Hollows (@65 mins) The Shining Stars (@63 mins) The Hearts of Darkness (@67 mins) 7 3 3 18 3 3 10 3 3 30 Total = 65 Total = 9 Total = 9 Then, I came across this over the weekend of a player returning to the game and casually playing through some of the arcs/missions mentioned up to this point... Observed at the following Timestamps of the video: Timestamp Merits 43 mins - enters game 1 hr 14 min - finishes "What Was Lost" 3 1 hr 47 min - finishes "No More Fears" 0 1 hr 49 min - introduced to Twinshot 1 hr 56 min - finishes first mission of "A New Day Dawning" So after 1 hour and 13 minutes of casually playing, he has a total of 3 Reward Merits. Will he return back to finish the trilogy to get those Bonus Merits from first arc that awarded 0 Merits? He'll likely reach level 9 before receiving the 3 Merits from "A New Day Dawning" if he finishes that. At that point, he's eligible for Positron Task Force with 6 Reward Merits (my guess). CONCERN: As stated in my original posting of main list - the argument be HC Devs for "Role Diversity Challenge" and the Prismatic Aether in Issue 27, Page 7 was hopefully to help new & returning players in funding their builds. I would think if Reward Merits were more balanced across all levels, that challenge wouldn't be necessary. FEEDBACK: A loose example of what a balanced Merit Reward system IF Story Arcs based on a 60/hr (on speed runs) would look like in the above scenario: Timestamp Merits 43 mins - enters game 1 hr 14 min - finishes "What Was Lost" 7 1 hr 47 min - finishes "No More Fears" 6 1 hr 49 min - introduced to Twinshot 1 hr 56 min - finishes first mission of "A New Day Dawning" So after 1 hour and 13 minutes of casually playing, he would have a total of 13 Reward Merits. It would not matter as much if he did not return to get the Bonus Merits from the first arc over three contacts. If he were to receive @22 Merits for "A New Day Dawning", he would then be at 39 Merits and well on his way to funding his build with the ability to purchase 1 (nearly 2) of the 20 Reward Merit Recipes. And if Reward Merits are ever rebalanced in this manner, I would think the cost for Recipes, etc would need to increase to offset the new influx with the first Recipe tier costing @30-40 instead. Anyways, there's no real suggestion from me with this Topic - mainly showcasing the disparity in Reward Merits for story arcs. I don't blame the disparity on HC & what (if anything) is ever done about this huge endeavor is not in my hands. I'll continue updating the main post as time allows. PEACE!
SupaFreak Posted February 9 Author Posted February 9 (edited) Milestone 1 - 100 Story Arcs Completed TOPIC: When did Paragon Studios stop balancing Merits properly back on Live? OBSERVATION: Issue 13 (Power and Responsibility) is when Reward Merits were introduced. I'm about 1/3 through 20-24 and it still appears the target was 60 M/H with modern day "teleporter" abilities. At least for Heroes. For Villains it appears to be down to @35 or so and for Praetorians it's even worse. I have yet to do numbers tracking for Villains or Praetorians 20-24, but hopefully will have those done over the weekend. After Issue 13, it seems that any research into how fast a Story Arc could be done went out the window and a flat "6 for all arcs" - "9 for all arcs" - "3 for all arcs" approach was taken. Got to thinking after posting this reply.... the Villain numbers on Reward Merits pre-Going Rogue are likely skewed due to the fact Stalkers weren't present on Hero-side at the time and the Hero arcs were actually closer to Villain numbers before then. Most likely Scrapper / Blaster capabilities to speed Stealth/Kill Arcs aren't on par with Stalkers and their numbers were comparable. Of course, there's been the introduction of LRT and TT since Live to help speed up the legacy Hero arcs as well. CONCERN: As a player of almost exclusively Hero characters, I can't help but wonder if Villain & Praetorian players know subconsciously that something is off on their ability to "fund their builds" there by doing Story Arcs or not. The numbers aren't lying and both are disadvantaged in the Story Arc category compared to Heroes. I gladly welcome any player to see if the ratio of Merits/Hour when comparing the Moralities that I've posted are off or are pretty close to accurate. FEEDBACK: It seems a partial guideline for Merit distribution was done back in Issue 13 and quickly abandoned. The blanket "X merits for all arcs this Issue" is a flawed approach. Taking the "average time players do this arc in" IMO would also be flawed. An arc's numbers could be greatly skewed by players taking the time to read the story details or AFK making pineapple pizza while playing, etc, Then you set the Merits too high and along come the speedsters raking in the Merits. If an in-game system can't be created easily or just isn't possible - you may have to fall back on a consistent AT built for speed/stealth/DPS such as I'm doing to set the standard per arc. That way when I log on my pokey Controller who can only earn 40/hr vs Stalker's 60/hr - at least my Controller's 40/hr should stay reliable. It's not that different than what the A/E Fire Def/Res builds do and the advantage those characters have over other builds in "fire farms". Edited February 10 by SupaFreak Different Layout / Wording 1
MsSmart Posted February 10 Posted February 10 Not quite with you in its entirely... Would help to have a written criteria, on what really goes into determining the number of merits given as a reward. For example, number of missions should be worth something, did you fought an EB or AV in the mission (1 merit per defeated EB/AV would make sense); are the AVs ultra special (over the top) with special powers like Lord Recluse in LRSF comes to mind should be worth at least 5 merits; is the mission tricky have a strange maze to go through or process, etc. So by using my partial above, you do a 10 mission story arc, 8 of those, since you soloed it, had EBs, at the end there was tricked-out EB (next to immune to holds like Director X in Tin Mage, thus 8 ebs, or 8 merits, a tricked out eb +5 merits and thus 13 merits. This is an illustration, not a must be like Sue
SupaFreak Posted February 10 Author Posted February 10 (edited) 2 hours ago, MsSmart said: Not quite with you in its entirely... Would help to have a written criteria, on what really goes into determining the number of merits given as a reward. For example, number of missions should be worth something, did you fought an EB or AV in the mission (1 merit per defeated EB/AV would make sense); are the AVs ultra special (over the top) with special powers like Lord Recluse in LRSF comes to mind should be worth at least 5 merits; is the mission tricky have a strange maze to go through or process, etc. So by using my partial above, you do a 10 mission story arc, 8 of those, since you soloed it, had EBs, at the end there was tricked-out EB (next to immune to holds like Director X in Tin Mage, thus 8 ebs, or 8 merits, a tricked out eb +5 merits and thus 13 merits. This is an illustration, not a must be like Sue This whole project is just me trying to showcase the imbalance of Merit distribution in today's City of Heroes using 1 Stalker character doing them all solo on minimum settings. Went with minimum settings since Merit rewards don't change due to difficulty settings. Ultimately, I would like to see the Story Arcs balanced better using some sort of guideline - be it in-game method or raw focused feedback method such as this. There are soooo many factors to determine the time put into playing through any given arc. Time it takes to travel to mission or "fed ex / talk to", the size of the map, the types and amount of objectives required, cut-scenes, etc. Can't really go off enemy difficulty too much because some builds are going to have no trouble surviving their damage while others are. As of right now, no encounter in a mission I've done has been able to drop me below 50% health - so none of the AVs I'm fighting as EBs are all that challenging to warrant being a factor in Reward Merits... YET. And to be honest, at minimum settings... I doubt any will be. Edited February 10 by SupaFreak Better wording
SupaFreak Posted February 11 Author Posted February 11 Milestone 2 - Level 25 Okay, number crunchers - here's the data for each alignment up to level 25 as performed by Stalker character mentioned in OP Hero (- old Posi TF) Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 36 48 52 Total Merits 525 470 368 Total Minutes 445 476 582 Avg Merits per Arc 14.58 9.79 7.07 Avg Merits per Min & Hour 1.18 / 70.8 0.99 / 58.8 0.63 / 37.8 So, not only do Heroes have a lot more teaming options for TFs, etc but they're already way ahead in Merit acquisition for their time spent doing Story Arcs. 1 Merit buys 2 Enhancement Unslotters which currently sells for @100k each on the AH - therefore each Merit is technically worth @200k AH value According to my math, that would mean Heroes doing exclusively Story Arcs at this point have an average of: 2.4 million INF per hour advantage over Villains 6.6 million INF per hour advantage over Praetorians. Am I doing my math wrong? Is it past time to re-evaluate Merit Distribution to help spread out the player population some? *shrug* I'll keep on pumping the speed Arcs out in the meantime and see how the second half goes. PEACE!
SupaFreak Posted February 18 Author Posted February 18 Milestone 3 - 200 Story Arcs Completed / Tracked "Lost and Found" marked the 200th Arc I've completed in this task I've taken on, but currently sitting at 204 with hopes of finishing Villain Arcs for 30-34 after work today. Once I do complete the Villain Arcs for that range, I will post another chart for everything up to that point with a chart similar to my previous Milestone update. On the original post at the top is now a chart showcasing the Top 10 Rewarding Arcs up to this point in case anyone is interested in testing my results out against theirs. PEACE!
SupaFreak Posted February 18 Author Posted February 18 Personal Tracking ===> Total Time (including old TFs) = 2852 minutes / 47.53 hours Levels 25-34 Stats Hero - old Psyche & Scott TFs Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 33 30 8 Total Merits 656 398 72 Total Minutes 667 409 130 Avg Merits per Arc 19.87 13.26 9 Avg Mins per Arc 20.21 13.63 16.25 Avg Merits per Min & Hour 0.98 / 58.8 0.97 / 58.2 0.55 / 33 Levels 1-34 Stats Hero -old TFs Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 69 78 60 Total Merits 1181 868 440 Total Minutes 1112 885 712 Avg Merits per Arc 17.11 11.12 7.33 Avg Mins per Arc 16.11 11.34 11.86 Avg Merits per Min & Hour 1.06 / 63.6 0.98 / 58.8 0.61 / 36.6
Cyclone Jack Posted February 19 Posted February 19 This is good stuff! Keep at it! 🙂 Hopefully this will gain some traction and we'll see Merit distribution bumped up a bit for Villains, and bumped up a lot for Praetorians. 1
SupaFreak Posted February 21 Author Posted February 21 Issue 27, Page 7 - Villain Arcs added for 20-24 & 25-29 Note: In-Game Flashback does not include the ( parentheses ) or notify they are part of the whole Striga experience... maybe that'll change.
SupaFreak Posted February 25 Author Posted February 25 (edited) Milestone 4 - Only Level 50 Arcs Remain Moved: old Hero Arcs that are no longer active in the game to an Archive category. Moved: both Hero & Villain versions of Who Will Die into Special Arcs category. Reasoning: I don't think it's fair to factor their numbers into the Merit distribution charts below. Note: Numbers in parentheses are one-time (bonus merits) awarded for either completing mission first time or series of arcs and are not factored into the averages. LEVELS 1-9 Hero Villain Total Arcs 6 13 Total Merits 12 (+20) 81 Avg. Merits per Arc 2 6 Approximate Minutes 60 184 Avg. Minutes per Arc 10 14 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.2 / 12 0.43 / 26 Total Door Missions 10 31 Avg. Doors per Arc 1.7 2.4 Avg. Merits per Door 1.2 2.6 LEVELS 10-14 Hero Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 6 13 16 Total Merits 71 (+20) 116 64 Avg. Merits per Arc 12 9 4 Approximate Minutes 92 184 154 Avg. Minutes per Arc 15 14 10 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.8 / 48 0.6 / 36 0.4 / 24 Total Door Missions 16 38 47 Avg. Doors per Arc 2.6 2.9 2.9 Avg. Merits per Door 4.4 3.1 1.4 LEVELS 15-19 Hero Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 10 8 20 Total Merits 168 (+20) 124 (+20) 148 Avg. Merits per Arc 17 16 7 Approximate Minutes 183 156 226 Avg. Minutes per Arc 18 20 11 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 0.8 / 48 0.7 / 42 Total Door Missions 36 34 70 Avg. Doors per Arc 3.6 4.3 3.5 Avg. Merits per Door 4.7 3.6 2.1 LEVELS 20-24 Hero Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 13 16 16 Total Merits 176 (+20) 154 112 Avg. Merits per Arc 14 10 7 Approximate Minutes 164 157 202 Avg. Minutes per Arc 13 10 13 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 1.0 / 60 0.6 / 36 Total Door Missions 48 55 67 Avg. Doors per Arc 3.7 3.4 4.2 Avg. Merits per Door 3.7 2.8 1.7 LEVELS 25-29 Hero Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 20 17 8 Total Merits 345 (+40) 184 (+20) 72 Avg. Merits per Arc 17 11 9 Approximate Minutes 401 238 150 Avg. Minutes per Arc 20 14 19 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 0.8 / 48 0.5 / 30 Total Door Missions 95 72 30 Avg. Doors per Arc 4.8 4.2 3.8 Avg. Merits per Door 3.6 2.6 2.4 LEVELS 30-34 Hero Villain Total Arcs 12 14 Total Merits 306 (+20) 156 Avg. Merits per Arc 26 11 Approximate Minutes 281 190 Avg. Minutes per Arc 23 14 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 1.1 / 66 0.8 / 48 Total Door Missions 58 48 Avg. Doors per Arc 4.8 3.4 Avg. Merits per Door 5.3 3.3 LEVELS 35-39 Hero Villain Either Praetorian Total Arcs 10 16 1 5 Total Merits 233 168 17 45 Avg. Merits per Arc 23 11 17 9 Approximate Minutes 252 193 16 99 Avg. Minutes per Arc 25 12 16 20 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 0.9 / 54 1.0 / 60 0.5 /30 Total Door Missions 50 55 4 26 Avg. Doors per Arc 5 3.4 4 5.2 Avg. Merits per Door 4.7 3.1 4.3 1.7 LEVELS 40-49 Hero Villain Total Arcs 8 17 Total Merits 333 151 Avg. Merits per Arc 42 9 Approximate Minutes 301 177 Avg. Minutes per Arc 38 11 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 1.1 / 55 0.9 / 54 Total Door Missions 77 52 Avg. Doors per Arc 9.6 3.1 Avg. Merits per Door 4.3 2.9 PRE-LEVEL 50 TOTALS Hero Villain Praetorian Total Arcs 85 114 65 Total Merits 1644 (+140) 1279 (+40) 441 Avg. Merits per Arc 19 11 7 Approximate Minutes 1734 1479 831 Avg. Minutes per Arc 20 13 13 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 0.9 / 54 0.5 / 30 Total Door Missions 390 385 240 Avg. Doors per Arc 4.6 3.3 3.7 Avg. Merits per Door 4.2 3.3 1.8 Factoring in the Special & Archived Arcs - that is a total of 278 Story Arcs & 4,365 minutes (72.75 hours) of playing said Arcs since February 1st when I started this endeavor. That being said, I'm going to be taking a small break before casually continuing on with the massive list of level 50 Arcs to track. PEACE! Edited February 25 by SupaFreak Added Door Mission stats
JasperStone Posted February 25 Posted February 25 I had doubts about your project simply because I mostly do flashbacks for the badge missions. Buuuuuuuttt.... If I was going to them for merits, this certainly is valuable. I wonder about getting this to the Wiki once you are done. I am not sure the information is there in this format. Forums - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research" Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet.
SupaFreak Posted February 25 Author Posted February 25 1 hour ago, JasperStone said: I had doubts about your project simply because I mostly do flashbacks for the badge missions. Merits are the only reason I personally do Flashbacks. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. 1 hour ago, JasperStone said: I wonder about getting this to the Wiki once you are done. I am not sure the information is there in this format. The wife was suggesting adding to Wiki once complete. Honestly, I wouldn't even know how to go about that. I'm pretty familiar with Map sizes on Architect Entertainment but can't say with 100% certainty that what I call "Large Map" aligns with the category in the A/E Editor. I just hope I'm close to 90% of that part of the data because I really don't want to redo any arcs to see if they are 100% accurate. 1
JasperStone Posted February 25 Posted February 25 (edited) I think there is one guy who does run the Wiki.. not sure who. Well done. I now see the value of doing Flashbacks for the merits too. 🙂 Edited February 25 by JasperStone added supportive statement 1 Forums - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research" Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet.
SupaFreak Posted February 28 Author Posted February 28 (edited) Began tracking Hero arcs for level 50. Note that I will NOT be tracking Dark Astoria arcs because they do not award Merits and instead have an Incarnate Reward Table. Also note that I will not be tracking Personal Stories for they only award Badges which is not the focus of this endeavor. Unless Villains have outdated Arcs on Flashback, I believe I'm done with the Archived Arcs for now. If you're sure of a listed Arc that is no longer offered by contacts and needs moved to Archive category, please let me know. Thanks! Edited February 28 by SupaFreak Fixed bad grammar
SupaFreak Posted February 29 Author Posted February 29 Milestone 5 - 300 Story Arcs Completed / Tracked Actually hit the milestone last night but failed to realize it until this morning when I counted that I was at 303. Down to the final 66 which I'm sure will be complete by the end of the weekend at the rate I'm going. There's a lot of upcoming Villain Arcs I've never done before so looking forward to those. Other than that, I'll just say there's a lot of newer arcs I recently played that would awesome to do in a team setting but no way I'll be forming for them because of the dismal Merit count. Anyways, will post a final chart for 50 and Grand Total when complete. PEACE!
SupaFreak Posted March 4 Author Posted March 4 (edited) Note the totals below do not include Special (Who Will Die / Pandora's Box) or Archived Arcs Level 50 Hero Villain Either Total Arcs 14 39 7 Total Merits 330 423 134 (+20) Avg. Merits per Arc 24 11 19 Approximate Minutes 376 604 112 Avg. Minutes per Arc 27 15 16 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.8 / 48 0.7 / 42 1.1 / 66 Total Door Missions 91 173 35 Avg. Doors per Arc 6.5 4.4 5 Avg. Merits per Door 3.6 2.4 3.8 Levels 1-50 Totals Hero Villain Praetor Either Total Arcs 99 153 65 8 Total Merits 1974 (+140) 1702 (+40) 441 151 (+20) Avg. Merits per Arc 20 11 7 19 Approximate Minutes 2110 2083 831 128 Avg. Minutes per Arc 21 14 13 16 Avg. Merits per Minute & Hour 0.9 / 54 0.8 / 48 0.5 / 30 1.1 / 66 Total Door Missions 481 558 240 39 Avg. Doors per Arc 4.9 3.6 3.7 4.9 Avg. Merits per Door 4.1 3.1 1.8 3.8 Edited March 4 by SupaFreak Had the Vanguard Arc Bonus in Hero/Villain instead of Either
SupaFreak Posted June 10 Author Posted June 10 Milestone 6 - All Story Arcs and Special Arcs are now Completed / Tracked Gave my Stalker a few months off, but decided to get this project wrapped up this weekend. Will update if new Arcs get added or Reward Merit distribution ever changes. PEACE! 1
SupaFreak Posted July 21 Author Posted July 21 Updated to include Issue 28's new arc for Heroes 40-49. Pending no changes in structure or rewards, will not be updating when Live.
Glacier Peak Posted July 21 Posted July 21 Dr. Stribbling's story arc 'Troubled Times' can be completed in 6 minutes (once you get the hang of the dialog choices) and awards 20 Reward Merits upon completion (without diminishing returns). That's 200 Reward Merits per hour if you want to chase those Merits. 1 I lead weekly Indom Badge Runs / A newer giant monster guide by Glacier Peak / A tour of Pocket D easter eggs! / Arena All-Star Accolade Guide! Best Post Ever....
SupaFreak Posted July 22 Author Posted July 22 On 7/20/2024 at 10:28 PM, Glacier Peak said: Dr. Stribbling's story arc 'Troubled Times' can be completed in 6 minutes (once you get the hang of the dialog choices) and awards 20 Reward Merits upon completion (without diminishing returns). That's 200 Reward Merits per hour if you want to chase those Merits. Much appreciated. Gonna look into that shortly.
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