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When using the button to go to the previous random costume, the colors of the next one are used.


The Ninja power... Ninja Reflexes? A starting one. Maybe not that one, but one of the early Ninja defense powers. Customizing, there is an option there for no FX, but on the screen a flash still happens. Probably in the game too. I noticed this for other power sets, that effects are not always properly suppressed.


The request is to allow combinations of details that are currently locked away in different categories. For example, Full Masks, which look fairly indistinguishable from no masks at all, have crowns in one of the detail menus, but no hair. They have something like a few varieties of hair in a different menu, not very convincing, including a plain low mohawk. If I want a more impressive mohawk, I can go to Normal instead, but there crowns are missing. Some other details are available to both. I ask that you combine these additions. They don't take up the same places on the model, and in any case, if there ends up to be clipping, it's our problem. Weapons already clip with capes. It is the same with many other body parts. Inexplicably not all coloring and patterns are available everywhere (e. g. if you put a skirt with tights on a woman, the tights are limited to a single color).


While I'm at it: there needs to be a None option for Ears.


Also a version of the Banished Pantheon aura that fumes overhead instead of around the character. I thought this aura would be interesting to walk around in, but I can't see a thing from inside.




I actually use the random/previous colour change to my advantage. If by some happy occurrence I manage to get a decent costume but hate the colours, I will just click random->previous and repeat until I hit on colours that work well.




It would be nice do have a Undo though, for say when you mis-click and match all you colours, done that more than once and have had to redo work. Granted, I try to save often.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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