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  On 3/10/2024 at 1:26 PM, ccrob00 said:

What is a solid synergetic secondary that I should role with Arsenal Control?


Really anything goes, but I personally really like Trick Arrow.  Lots of debuffs that go really well with all the control that arsenal offers. You can get some crazy stacking of -ToHit between  flash arrow and smoke canister (which has the fabulous secondary of confuse).  Solo I like to drop smoke canister, then trigger the confuse with poison gas arrow (which does a little damage so I get xp and adds in -defense to make them more capable of hitting each other while confused).  Of course the obvious /traps will work too.  Pretty much ever arsenal I saw opening day /traps.


But that being said other than /sonic I don't think anything wouldn't pair well with it.  I've made a lot of pairings so far (only one I haven't made yet is /rad, which I suspect will be awesome).  Lately I've been running arsenal/dark.


I love the Tri-cannon.  The taunt is really nice and the damage is respectable.

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I agree with Trick Arrow.  I've also found /Dark and /Cold to be excellent pairings.  All bring an AoE slow which helps keep things in your Arse patches as well as add more debuff and damage.

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Im doing Trick Arrow as well. The ability to stack To Hit Debuffs, AoE Hold Debufss, Single Target Holds, Proc the heck out of the Holds, Ice Patch/Oil Slick.. burn em while they flip flop around was too good to pass up.. the only thing missing is an AoE Immobilize. 


i hate to follow the crowd but i am also working on a AR/TA troller and it plays so differently from other trollers that i have had. in the biography i called it a recon unit, and on a team it is exactly that. i run ahead with cloaking device, drop flash arrow and smoke canister on the group ahead, when the rest of the team catches up and engages, i drop the other control powers, debuffing etc, on the group. i work on some of the bosses with arcane bolt, which i happily learned works with containment and can proc for 3x damage. when the rest are mopping up, i run ahead and find the next group. i've played no other troller like this and it makes for a really interesting solo and team combo. tear gas is a hoot, everyone vomits! 😄


  On 3/10/2024 at 3:25 PM, Onlyasandwich said:

Now I want to build an arse/ta myself! If only you could launch arrows from a gun. 


i asked for exactly the same thing!

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"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat

"Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre"

(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب”

(Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz

Posted (edited)

Really enjoying my Arsenal/Storm/Ice.  With so much knockdown and slows you don’t miss an AOE Immobilize, the extra damage from procced out Freezing Rain, Tornado, Lightning Storm and Ice Storm plus procced out Enflame, all while getting out almost everything double to triple thanks to sustained +Recharge in excess of 250% is pure carnage.  One of the higher DPS controller builds I’ve played.

Edited by Crysis
  On 3/10/2024 at 3:37 PM, Ridiculous Girl said:

AR/TA troller


Well here I go - spun one up!


Something pretty interesting to consider is the Frozen blast immob proc in sleep grenade. It has a 90% chance for mag 3 immob on the entire spawn! This gives us the missing piece for aoe immob, while keeping the fantastic procciness and utility of sleep grenade. I'm not sure if mids is counting this per initial impact or over the duration, however. Both cases are very nice, but even better if it's immediate.


I'd like to find a way to work in Entangling arrow, mostly for the ST debuff, but I'm pretty attached to my other power choices.


Fun stuff going on here:

  • Great acc against +3's, even without accounting for acid arrow/oil slick debuffs and siphon insight procs.
  • Enough recharge to get you moving along. One strength of Arse/TA is that you have bucketloads of aoe controls, so the pressure is taken off of single powers. You'll always have something powerful ready to shoot.
  • Modest recharge resistance.
  • Lots o' procs! Sleep grenade, acid arrow, flash bang, and ball lightning all do very respectable DPA, and are a worthy damage rotation on their own.
  • A strong ST attach chain. Proccy Tranqilizer, Cryo, and Ice Arrow are not only great damage, but layer very useful control effects as you go. Tranquilizer has some subtle impacts on mob AI, and can really slow down AV's attacks due to disruption of their patterns from the sleep, even discounting the time they actually spend asleep.
  • Modest resists, with Surge of Power to back you up when needed. Surge is just another tool in your belt when controls just aren't going to keep you alive on their own. You don't need it to last forever, as it gives you time to lay down a field of crazy debuffs and controls, and wait for them to come back up in a pinch.


As with all my TA characters, I start with an okay layer of range defense and leave it at that. Here we have not only Flash Arrow, but also Smoke Canister when it's up to floor enemy hit chance.


In practice, I might find Power Sink unnecessary - we'll see. If so, I can swap it in for Entangling Arrow. The real issue here is keeping every power within easy keybind range! This may be the most "Piano" build I've ever put together in CoH. Basically everything is a clicky.


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Trick Arrow if you wanna play in faster groups since you don't need to use your whole kit for each pull. Yet watching everything get locked down due to tear gas and an emp arrow is a thing of beauty. You'll have a tool for every problem yet from my testing the build can be a bit hot yet that's because of my building faults.

Traps if you want to play slow BUT Traps is a bit more hungry for slots. So I would skip the beacon and the drones. Especially the drones since Flashbang is just a more consistent source of stun. This is the one build I would play with the mines due to so much chaos you can get away with setting up at some foe's feet. As I said it's hungry for slots so something is gonna be lacking imo it was the mines I just dropped 2 dam/acc hami's and called it a day.

Force Field is just safe, you can make that pet truly untouchable while having very consistent debuffs from Dampening Field being around 30sec due to Hasten and build itself. Just super safe, Dampening Field honestly carries the safety aspect of the build it's the 2nd power with 6 slots in FF. It's fairly cheap, has very high recharge, flexible power choices and slotting

Dark because Fade, hell even Black Hole could finally be used. Then you now have 2 really strong stuns. Dark on Troller is oppressively defensive you can slot it pretty much the same way it makes the offensive side look good.

Sonic is only interesting for putting both fields on the Bot and letting it run wild. It's already tough, it's gonna be tougher. Yet FF is just better

Time, amazing your bot shouldn't die, hell you shouldn't die. It's tied with Dark and TA with how useful the whole kit is. You can keep the bot buff with Temporal Selection, you have strong snares the AOE can hold which syncs with Tear Gas.

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