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Character was reset...due to copywritten costume? WTF?

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On 4/11/2024 at 5:31 PM, Niizzy said:

Since when Homecoming have these shenanigans? I have characters inspired by Sabretooth, Psylocke and a lot of others well know characters, even their names is the same and nothing ever happened, now I made a complete Gambit replica and was proud as hell, having a lot of fun but when I logged into the game I saw the character was completely reset and received an email to not replicate the costume again because its copywritten???


Is this the consequences of the NcSoft thing already?


Someone from the costume police brigade reported you.  These are the rules and there's no changing them, so best to work within them and enjoy. 

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On 4/17/2024 at 2:43 PM, Scarlet Shocker said:

Suffocated Mule sounds like an interesting character choice!

Ancient computer nerd test:


Your investments into Artifical Dumbness have paid off.  You win $600!

Edited by Haijinx
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On 4/17/2024 at 8:34 PM, Techwright said:


Looks like he'd go through a lot of drum heads in his career, and I do mean "through" them.



If you're in the knacker and tanning business, absolutely.


ain't no fucker tanning my knacker!



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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Honestly? I like what some people have made much more than official trademarked characters.


One that always stuck with me, I'm remembering from a while ago, so details are fuzzy, but the character was named "Scotch Drinking Samauri." But the character wasn't the person at all, but the sword. The story goes is that the sword was a Greater Sky Demon from the 3rd heaven or something (reminded me of Monkey King style of story) and was upset at all the evil going on in the world. But it was forbidden from interfering in mankind "directly." So, instead it took the form of a sword, so that he still might help heroes, having different "wielders" from time to time. The current wielder of the sword, wasn't even Japanese at all, but was something else. (Can't recall precisely.) The current wielder was more or less some homeless guy - flip flops, cargo shorts, wife beater, Hawaiian shirt, and was willing to do what the sword asked of him, so long as he got Scotch in the process. The only reason why he called himself a Samauri, was because the sword was a Katana.


So the TLDR is that his character was a Sky Demon in the form of a sword, wielded by different people. The current one was some scotch drinking homeless guy.


I just thought it was just a funny and original story. And the character was pretty funny to interact with. And yes, the player did play both the sky demon, and the homeless guy.

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honestly does not take much effort to not infringe, change a few colors around, maybe put something new in the costume, and woolah hambit and shyclops. Does not infringe and you can chalk it up to a homage character.

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5 hours ago, Ashford said:

honestly does not take much effort to not infringe, change a few colors around, maybe put something new in the costume, and woolah hambit and shyclops. Does not infringe and you can chalk it up to a homage character.


Hmmmm, a 0 eyed character named noclops with dark blast. Dark/ninja Blaster probably. 


Why dark blast? Because the look of the Eyeless is fear. 

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