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Trickshooter's Crystallization Powerset Suggestion!

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This set started with me trying to conceptualize an Earth-based support set. In fact, before I came up with the name, theme and powers, that's all I had in my spreadsheet; a tab labeled "Earth-based support set" because I wasn't sure where to even start. Inspiration came from thinking about the DE Quartz and CoT Crystals and so I went with a crystal theme to avoid just another brown icon/brown texture earth set. I would expect it to have customization for stone, magma and crystal versions like other Earth sets, however. Just for parity. And I doubt the icons would stay purple, as they don't match any other Earth set, but they're pretty at least!


I think most of it is straightforward, except the tier 9, Shatter, so I've tried to provide some information for how it works at the bottom of the post (if you're willing to read that far).


All numbers below are for Defenders. Thank you!


You can grow and shape minerals in to magnificent crystal structures. Summon resonating crystals that buff allies or trap and pelt foes with crystal shards, then shatter all of them in a destructive blast. Like other Earth powers, Crystallization can reduce a target's Defense. Some powers can only work on the ground.


CrystalShielding.png.8c6a26dccf174001474660766af9bbac.png Crystal Shielding

You encrust your allies in various crystals that reduce Smashing and Lethal damage and refract Energy and Negative Energy attacks away.


Click AoE Ally +Res(Smash, Lethal) +Def(Energy, Negative)


+20% Res(Smashing)
+20% Res(Lethal)
+15% Def(Energy)
+15% Def(Negative)

Recharge: 2s
Duration: 240s

Endurance: 7.8
Animation: 1.17s (Ice Shield)



VolatileFragment.png.037525c9d12be052c1d7529c56938b66.png Volatile Fragment

Hurl a volatile crystal fragment at a targeted foe that explodes with such force that they will be knocked down and have reduced Resistances and Defense.


Click ST Foe Knockdown, -Res(All), -Defense


0.67 Knockback
-20% Resistance
-12.5% Defense
Grant Power Crystallized for 30s


Recharge: 16s
Duration: 30s

Endurance: 8.528
Animation: 1.2s (Fire Blast)



Shards.png.78fd9ccb573887345f45fada7c4eb0f6.png Crystalline Shards

Fire a burst of crystal shards in a cone in front of you, pelting enemies with lethal damage over time, and reducing their Defense, Movement and Recharge Speeds.


Click Cone Foe Minor DoT(Lethal), -Defense, -Speed, -Recharge


3.615 Damage(Lethal) every 2.0s
-12.5% Defense
-25% Recharge
-25% Speed
Grant Power Crystallized for 20s


Recharge: 30s
Duration: 20s

Endurance: 10.4
Animation: 2.0s (Dart Burst)



CrystalofPower.png.b737af697728b600f8fbd1e5ac45738a.png Crystal of Strength

Summon a glowing red crystal that resonates power to you and your allies! Crystal of Strength will improve Damage and ToHit chance for all nearby. Crystal of Strength can only be placed on the ground.


Click Location (Summon Crystallization_Ruby) Ally +Damage(All), +ToHit


+30% Damage(All) every 1s
+12.5% ToHit every 1s


Recharge: 90s
Duration: 60s

Endurance: 13
Animation:  1.87s (Steamy Mist)



DiamondDust.png.0eb84e6e7d67ae0ec1fc69fd4a77c59e.png Diamond Dust

Surround yourself with a swirling cloud of sparkling crystal particles that reduce nearby foes' defense and chance to hit, as well as reducing their ability to use Stealth powers.


Toggle PBAoE Foe -Defense, -ToHit, -Stealth


-12.5% Defense
-12.5% ToHit
-1000 feet StealthRadius


Recharge: 10s
Duration: N/A

Endurance: 0.52/s
Animation: 1.07s (Irradiate)



CrystalofVigor.png.f79203de256f2697acf3c3b2a6226016.png Crystal of Vigor

Summon a glowing green crystal that resonates power to you and your allies! Crystal of Vigor will improve Regeneration and provide some Damage Absorption for all nearby. Crystal of Vigor can only be placed on the ground.


Click Location (Summon Crystallization_Emerald) Ally +Regen, +Absorb


+150% Regeneration every 1s
+5% Absorb every 1s


Recharge: 90s
Duration: 60s

Endurance: 13
Animation: 1.87s (Steamy Mist)



OnyxGrasp.png.02dad4186798e1ec09b786b76974ed6b.png Onyx Grasp

Trap a single foe in black crystal that holds them in place. This crystal will absorb their strength, reducing their damage and increasing the endurance cost of their powers.


Click ST Foe Hold (Mag3), -Damage, -EnduranceDiscount


11.92s Hold (Mag 3)
-20% Damage(All)
-29.8% EnduranceDiscount
Grant Power Crystallized for 20s


Recharge: 18s
Duration: 20s

Endurance: 8.528
Animation: 1.93s (Siphon Power)



CrystalofStamina.png.728aa6aadca37b61cb2a77d3a4a41067.png Crystal of Stamina

Summon a glowing blue crystal that resonates power to you and your allies! Crystal of Stamina will improve Recovery and protect those nearby from Endurance Drain and Recovery debuffs. Crystal of Stamina can only be placed on the ground.


Click Location (Summon Crystallization_Sapphire) Ally +Recovery, +Res(End, Rec)


+100% Recovery every 1s
+43.25% Res(Endurance) every 1s
+43.25% Res(Recovery) every 1s


Recharge: 90s
Duration: 60s

Endurance: 13
Animation: 1.87s (Steamy Mist)



Shatter.png.b9e3179c84838b14f1fdb663455ed530.png Shatter

Shatter all your nearby crystals! Your Crystals of Strength, Vigor and Stamina will release a final wave of their buffs that extend the duration on nearby allies. Nearby foes will instead be knocked down, take energy and lethal damage, and suffer opposing debuffs for each crystal type. Foes under the effects of Onyx Grasp, Shards or Volatile Fragment when you activate Shatter will suffer additional lethal damage over time.


Click PBAoE Shatter Crystals, Special


0.67 Knockback

7.23 Damage(Lethal) every 1s for 4.5s if targets owns Crystallized


1.0 points of Grant Boosted Power to Crystallization_Ruby


Apply "Silent Kill" to Self (after 0.5s delay)
18.07 Damage(Lethal)
18.07 Damage(Energy)
-30% Damage(All) for 60s
-12.5% ToHit for 60s

Apply "Grant Power" to Crystallization_Ruby


30% Damage(All) for 60s
12.5% ToHit for 60s


1.0 points of Grant Boosted Power to Crystallization_Emerald


Apply "Silent Kill" to Self (after 0.5s delay)
18.07 Damage(Lethal)
18.07 Damage(Energy)
-150% Regeneration for 60s

Apply "Grant Power" to Crystallization_Emerald


150% Regeneration for 60s
15% Absorb for 60s


 1.0 points of Grant Boosted Power to Crystallization_Sapphire


Apply "Silent Kill" to Self (after 0.5s delay)
18.07 Damage(Lethal)
18.07 Damage(Energy)
-100% Recovery for 60s
-43.25% Res(Endurance) for 60s
-43.25% Res(Recovery) for 60s

Apply "Grant Power" to Crystallization_Sapphire


100% Recovery for 60s
43.25% Res(Endurance) for 60s 
43.25% Res(Recovery) for 60s


Recharge: 300s
Duration: 60s

Endurance: 26
Animation: 3.0s (Overgrowth)


Notes for Shatter:
1. The power will be greyed out if you have no crystals out. You don't want to accidentally use a 300s recharge power when it will only do a little bit of damage without the crystals.


2. When Shatter is activated, the crystals are given versions of their buffs to radiate that last for 60s (rather than ticking every 1s). These buffs will inherit the slotting in the crystal powers, so it will be the same amount as the buffs lost when the crystals are destroyed. I expect some people will only ever want to summon the 3 crystals and then immediately shatter them for 60s of mobile versions of the buffs, and I'm fine with that. It costs 65 endurance to do so, and I feel that's a fine penalty to use them that way, if you really want.


3. When Shatter is activated, the crystals each do scale 1 damage (half lethal, half energy) in an AoE around them to enemies. Shatter will be enhanceable for damage and that will increase the damage they do. The crystals also radiate debuffs that do the opposite effect of the buffs, but not necessarily the same value, as -ToHit is the only really enhanceable debuff among them.

Edited by Trickshooter
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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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Looks like some of powers are inspired by Circle of Thorns maps, so these can easily be made because these crystals are already in the game. Also it seems to be one of few support sets, that cannot heal players directly (except for sharreting emerald, but that cannot be done quickly & repeatedly).


On 7/26/2024 at 11:32 PM, Trickshooter said:
Apply "Silent Kill" to Self (after 0.5s delay)
18.07 Damage(Lethal)
18.07 Damage(Energy)
-100% Recovery for 60s
-43.25% Res(Endurance) for 60s
-43.25% Res(Recovery) for 60s


Speaking about this "-43.25%" resistance to Endurance and Recovery - is this even allowed? Won't any numbers go infinite or divide something by zero if the enemy scores -100% resistance? l know this is problem for Mez Resistances, so these cannot go negative at any circumstances. Formula for these is like MezDuration=MezDurationBase/(1+MezResistance) and if mez resistance goes to -1 or lower, this produces erratic result, & even maybe can crash mapserver because of division by zero error. Formula for endurance drain otoh, seems like EndDrained=EndDrainedBase*(1-min(EndRes,0.95)), so maybe will just multiply, but still it might produce unintended effects if there's no -RESISTANCE for any of effects in the game.


Or it's already in Sentinals?


Edited by Purrfekshawn

To keep this game safe, We have to give it to the world.

Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

Arc ID #21066 - Archvillain Beatdown - Past Edition!

Letz now talk about existing Incarnate Lore Pets:


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3 hours ago, Purrfekshawn said:

Speaking about this "-43.25%" resistance to Endurance and Recovery - is this even allowed?


It works in Acid Arrow since the TA revamp, so I assume it shouldn't produce any issues.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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