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Posted (edited)

I'm making a flowchart for the game because there are a ton of contacts and story arcs in City of Heroes, City of Villains, and Praetoria and it can get pretty confusing for new and old players alike on what's available and how to get there.

The Homecoming wiki is obviously a massive resource for helping but there are also a ton of outdated pages with old information back from when the game was Live so I figured opening the project to community input would go a long way of circling back to the wiki and updating any old information.

While I would love to open the project to direct input, I really can't figure out how to do that, but in the meantime I'd appreciate anyone who wants to help with suggestions or sees inaccurate information and knows what the fix is.


Full resolution link here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6oep6atp01qs1suu35l0b/City-of-Heroes.drawio.png?rlkey=adt9v2at2ruq413ylzs9l4l0l&dl=0

Edited by Mathew322
Updated chart
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Bring a world of color to the monuments of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles!
Colorized Monuments Mod

One of the first things I need to know is if anyone knows what the current contact chain for Shadowstar is, the wiki still says she directs you to Kip Cantorum but he's not a contact anymore and I don't think her page has really been updated since she was moved from Galaxy City. At the moment I just linked her up with Sunstorm's contact chain which has a chance of being wrong.

Bring a world of color to the monuments of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles!
Colorized Monuments Mod
On 12/6/2024 at 10:29 PM, Mathew322 said:

One of the first things I need to know is if anyone knows what the current contact chain for Shadowstar is, the wiki still says she directs you to Kip Cantorum but he's not a contact anymore and I don't think her page has really been updated since she was moved from Galaxy City. At the moment I just linked her up with Sunstorm's contact chain which has a chance of being wrong.


The contact chain for Shadowstar is pretty much just Shadowstar. She's the contact for the Warshade side of the Kheldian War arc, which is unique to the Khelds (and pretty much becomes the same arc by... level 20 I think? I'd have to double check, it's definitely the same arc series by the time you hit Winslowe's Cosmotron in Striga.)


Saying she links up with Sunstorm's contact chain isn't *wrong* per se, as the arcs do merge, as mentioned, into the single Kheldian war arc. You don't change who you report to, though.


Otherwise, the only contacts I see on my lowbie are the standard Atlas contacts (matthew habashy/officer fields or the other one /aaron theiry/twinshot.)

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