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About Mathew322

  • Birthday 03/22/1994

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  1. Badge hunting isn't exclusively find every badge, for some players that also have a focus on Role-Playing, thematic consistency, and aesthetics, they could very well play multiple characters with different alignments and only pursue the contacts, missions, badges, and more for that alignment, a Villain Badge Hunter for instance is just as legitimate as an Every Badge Hunter. Unfortunately not, the only similar connection point is the one for Pocket D, of which Cap au Diable and Grandville are the only non-Pocket D Villain zones.
  2. Ah, well for starters I wasn't aware those were linked threads, it's been a long times since I've been a regular on forum software and I assumed they were simply screenshots. Now onto the matter at hand, while you bring up a valid point, Patrol XP is a victimless is an entirely victimless feature, you can't directly level with it and every benefit it offers for other features like XP and Debt subtract from it. Furthermore, if the only reason that you dislike Patrol XP is that you believe it's unearned for being logged off then that has about as much weight as any other feature that runs while you're logged off of which there are many of them. It frankly sounds like you've been yelling into the void for months hoping for an agreeable outcome but no one else seems to be reciprocating such a desire and anyone else who dislikes Patrol XP just does things like Turn off XP Gain so they can work through the game content at their own pace.
  3. I just don't see an actual reason, like why do you want to turn off Patrol XP in the first place? It seems like you have a personal vendetta against the feature but you won't explain why you believe there should be a change in the first place and you've been complaining about it for 6+ months, why do you not like Patrol XP?
  4. Well now that is an exceptional suggestion indeed! Columns solve all the same issues Tables would but with a lot simpler coding!
  5. Lunar is entirely correct, Patrol XP doesn't even do a lot benefit the player besides paying off Dept while you're logged off, paying off Dept when you die, and converting to 50% extra regular XP when you gain XP, if you're looking to increase the difficulty of the game in some way then just turn off XP Gain, that's what I do.
  6. Those are two different things though, if you were asked to make a poll about how players would feel about a feature, you can't frame it in a way that asks players if they would be against that feature, it's misleading.
  7. This poll question is fundamentally flawed because it presupposes the option to turn off Patrol XP is being added, has already been added, or is in talks of being added and that the majority opinion appears to be for it. Instead of asking, "Are you against an option to turn off patrol xp in City of Heroes?" which has the issues mentioned above, it should be asking, "Are you for an option to turn off patrol xp in City of Heroes?" because it's an idea that is being suggested to gauge public opinion. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a dishonest question but it's not framed appropriately.
  8. As a fan of exploration badges, the new Party Animal badge is a great addition to the game and encourages players to travel to Pocket D, Studio 55, and the Paragon Dance Party. But while Pocket D connects to five different Hero zones, five different Villain zones, and Studio 55 which connects to Imperial City and the rest of Praetoria, the Paragon Dance Party only connects to three Hero zones which requires pure villains to change their alignment in order to even go there to get the Party Animal badge. This is why I'm suggesting adding 1 or possibly 2 Villain connection points to the Paragon Dance Party which currently only connects to Steel Canyon (10-19), Independence Port (10-19), and Talos Island (10-19), those suggestions being mainly Cap au Diable (10-19), and possibly Sharkhead Isle (20-30). I believe a manhole entrance would be the most thematically appropriate object for these points and the spots inside the Paragon Dance Party that would work the best would be on either side of the portable toilets or down the narrow space in the seating area. I believe the most appropriate area to put the other end of the connection point would be the Haven neighborhood in Cap au Diable because it's the most lively area in Cap au Diable and there are many alleyways to place it in, or optionally the Port Recluse neighborhood in Sharkhead Isle which already has a connection to Portal D while Cap au Diable does not. The big benefit of doing this besides allowing pure villains to get the Party Animal badge would allow players to use the Paragon Dance Party as a social space for costume contests that don't need a space as huge as Echo Plaza, don't want to use a space as NPC/Object crowded as Pocket D, or a space as player crowded as Atlas Plaza.
  9. This coding error is still a thing as of Issue 27, Page 6, the progress bars for these contacts do not fill up all the way like they're intended to do so which is absolutely a bug regardless of how small an issue it sounds like.
  10. Well these are just basic tables, not the collapsible kind, so searching with shortcuts should work perfectly fine as any standard wiki layout.
  11. I think if being squished is a concern, vertical and horizontal are going to have the same issue, though the advantage of horizontal would be that it would be harder to press the wrong link on mobile.
  12. So the other day I took it upon myself to create the pages for the seven PvP accolade powers because they didn't exist before and I couldn't help but notice afterwards that the Temporary Powers page and other similar long-list pages are quite long. Below I've used tables to demonstrate a way they could be shortened and wanted to see what other people thought about it.
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