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Posted (edited)

One could suggest employing high level verbal sparing or a quick wit paired with tongue n cheek sarcasm to fend off those wielding pitchforks and torches.



As a further reference:

Necromancy - Time Manipulation

Mastermind - Necromancy - Time Manipulation.mxd




Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

1 hour ago, Troo said:


Oh jeez, I wouldn't put too much faith in that.  That individual focuses on quantity over quality, and the title "random builds" seems to apply in that the builds look like they were derived from the throwing "spaghetti against the wall" process - chuck in a bunch of random sets and powers and whatever sticks is the final product.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Uncle Shags said:

Oh jeez, I wouldn't put too much faith in that.  That individual focuses on quantity over quality, and the title "random builds" seems to apply in that the builds look like they were derived from the throwing "spaghetti against the wall" process - chuck in a bunch of random sets and powers and whatever sticks is the final product.


-chuckles-  Never fails.  Always gotta have the haters.   Also that build of mine he provided isn't noodles tossed around, it's an older build but still quite solid., maybe look at it before you shove your foot in your mouth.  I've decided I'm sick & tired of amount of hate, shit, stupidity, misinformation, jealousy, etc.. directed at me.


I made that post to help a community and for my personal fun, yet folks love to go out of their way to be a dick to me for it.  Well I must be doing something right, I believe it's most viewed player post and possibly most posts on a player post. Lots of DL's of my builds, lots of requests. If you don't like em, that's fine.  But you don't need to go out your way to be a dick about it.  Course you must one the "cool" kids that has to do that, like some compulsion.  I can understand compulsion, living with OCD, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression.  I understand it, but I don't go out my way to disparage others, least I do my best not to.


So 2025, is me not putting up with "Cool Kid Club" that loves to throw shit at me for no other reason then, they think that's how they get to be cool. If I recall, you already had your posts removed & warned from my build post, for being antagonistic.



Edited by JJDrakken
  • Microphone 3



I just asked for help.
It worked!

And is my build in any way viable? Something that can work, probly in teams? In solo mode it is demanding but with inspirations manageable (endurance)

19 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:

Did you share a build somewhere? I'd be happy to review.


Necro and time are top tier sets, so it's hard to go wrong.

How to share build pls? Newbie, still dripping womb liquids.



Being a critic but not a contributor is lame, so here's a build I threw together.  I'm not a MM guy and have never played Necro, so there's no doubt some mistakes (I couldn't fit sovereign unique in for instance), but this one I think hits the marks pretty well:


Perma Chrono Shift, Farsight, and Hasten.

Soft capped Melee and Ranged Defense.  It's just shy on aoe, but with Agility Incarnate you'd softcap that too.

50-64% SLENFC resistance.

Endurance seems manageable (+4.1/-1.87).

-Recharge at 217%.


It's got no travel power, but you could drop something and pick up SJ if you want.


Mastermind (Necromancy - Time Manipulation).mbd


At the moment, lvl 36, it's like this. Dont't know which other pool I'll add.
And Sorcery is a bit useless in general(?!?), but flight has translocation, can get you out of graphics glitch and looks beautiful, the flight, not the translocation(I know, probly wasted power pool choice)

There are 2-3 more abilities in Time that can be useful, buffs on teammates and debuffs on enemies.


20 minutes ago, Uncle Shags said:

Being a critic but not a contributor is lame, so here's a build I threw together.  I'm not a MM guy and have never played Necro, so there's no doubt some mistakes (I couldn't fit sovereign unique in for instance), but this one I think hits the marks pretty well:


Perma Chrono Shift, Farsight, and Hasten.

Soft capped Melee and Ranged Defense.  It's just shy on aoe, but with Agility Incarnate you'd softcap that too.

50-64% SLENFC resistance.

Endurance seems manageable (+4.1/-1.87).

-Recharge at 217%.


It's got no travel power, but you could drop something and pick up SJ if you want.


Mastermind (Necromancy - Time Manipulation).mbd 40.78 kB · 3 downloads


1. You didn't soft cap melee for one. 


2, You lack the recipe set to add to more resist to the pets. With the 3 recipe pet sets that which in turn offer +35% Resistance bonus for your pets.


3. Lack of Hover for a Mastermind(Unless it's a Trap MM) is detrimental.  They need to be able to see everything going on.  When you got a mess of pets and mobs, it's hard to do that without hover.


4. As someone who played MM's since the day they came out. When Red came out, I know a thing or 3 about em, lol.  Them, Spiders, & Controllers where my responsibilities.


5. Entomb set in that power doesn't proc that much(my own experience) and honestly Basilisk Gaze is more cost effective and it's proc far more useful.


6. I see your building for Recharge, but honestly you went overboard.  Majority MMs do not need haste, let alone perma-haste.   Main goal with time when it comes to recharge is to have Farsight perma and on Auto-fire. (Again experiences with the set and with pets).  


7. Since you'll be in melee majority time, cuz you got a melee based set. (Though hovering above some). Black Scorpion will suffice and you can cover a lot issues that will happen.


8. The Web Immob will make Zeds happy, so they don't chase everything down, even if the mob is slowed. By not having to see your pets scattered to the four winds and staying in the area, thus Farsight is more useful.


9. You legit don't need 6 slotted tactics with Gaus.  First off, MM's have the dead lowest personal dmg output. That build ain't going do much for you.  Having 1 attack or so with Zeds is specifically to spawn a ghost and maybe do some tiny dmg with said attack.


10. I feel Healing is better for Chrono with Zeds then Endurance.  Zeds get smashed hard enough as is, even with your recipe bonus of +35% resist. More healing will always be a better option for them. You can supplement your own endo issues with Alpha Cardiac(left tree) and if need be Hybrid Support.


11. I get your trying make the MM survivable, less dmg with resist armors can do so.  But so can just not getting hit and if you do, Bodyguard will spread it out and your time heals willl cover it. Not to mention less attacks incoming do to slow effects.

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Posted (edited)

A good start here may be to examine power selection, as it looks like you're still feeling out how these sets play, and settling into some of the conventions of how to slot powers on a fundamental level.


In Necro, you are highly encouraged to take every single power. Previously it was easy to skip a few of the blasts, but now that they proc a temporary summon (1 per blast), they are much more powerful. If I were to skip one, it would probably be Dark Blast, though I take them all. 


Similar story for your secondary. There are very few skips in time.

  • Absolute core powers include Temporal Mending, Farsight, Slowed Response, and Chrono Shift.
  • Good powers that you probably don't want to skip without excellent reason include Time's juncture, Temporal Selection, and Time Stop.
  • Time Crawl isn't a bad little debuff, but is the easiest skip in the set.


There's a lot more to be said about how to actually slot these powers of course. Rather than pick every detail here, I would suggest taking a look at some of the builds out there and understanding the targets folks typically shoot for, and how they usually enhance these powers.


On a broad note - the Medicine pool is generally quite weak. You would normally only consider taking it on a character that lacks heals, and really needs to heal something. Even then, it's not a great use of resources more often than not. The heals are weak, expensive, and interruptible. Time already has a good heal, and plenty of defensive powers to keep your pets safe.


You don't have to limit yourself to looking at Necro/time specifically. Review how folks use these sets in other combos and steal ideas that you like. Pay close attention to what they focus on in enhancing their powers though, and use this to inform how you enhance your own. 


There is a pinned post with a variety of /Time combos here, though the slotting from the Necro end of things is a bit dated, as it was before the major updates. The slotting on Time should be relatively portable. This post has a more recent discussion with some decent builds that use time.


Necro is a very popular primary, so you'll see quite a few threads to review builds. Here and here are some good examples. They key here is your friendly forum search!


It may be hard to evaluate what build is good and what is silly, of course! Review the discourse and check out a variety of builds to decide for yourself, but most importantly play your character and test things out for yourself. 


From where you currently are, the most important elements that determine your success will be:

  • Power choice, and enhancing the most useful elements of those powers.
  • Your ability to control your pets, ideally implementing some basic key binds or macros. You don't need to implement a complicated array, but having one for attack (aggressive mode), attack (defensive mode), follow (defensive mode), and a goto bind of some kind for your pets is a game changer.
  • More experience! There are a lot of little things you can do with how you position yourself and fuff around with the AI that will help you survive in this game. Not some sort of genius complicated hack of course. Simple things like knowing what power to open with, when to pull vs dive in, how to use line of site to your advantage, when and how to hide, jousting, etc. There are resources in the forums for some of these, but they are best learned through play.
  • Make sure you understand the limits of Enhancement Diversification (ED). Link here.

After you have this in hand and have saved a bag of influence, you can upgrade to an IO set build! There's a world of optimization to play with. Influence is easy to come by in this game, but it may take a bit to get your first pile going unless a kind stranger dumps some on you.


Here is more or less how I would approach this build if putting it together for my own purposes, with my own bankroll.



Mastermind (Necromancy - Time Manipulation).mbd

Note that Power Boost is uniquely strong here. Normally it is only a temporary buff. However, it can buff click powers, and the click power retains this stronger value for its full duration. Power Boost+Farsight = loads of defense and tohit for you and your minions/team. As a result, this build is not only able to softcap defense to all minions, but also Smashing, Lethal, and Ranged defense for yourself. It also includes some important features like knockback protection, max hit chance against +3's, and proc optimized attacks.


Again, I don't know that starting with this type of build would make much sense. Even if you have the bankroll, part of the joy of this game (at least for some of us), is understanding why we make these choices, and further optimizing them towards our goals! At minimum, the power choices and enhancement totals can guide you in some way.



Edited by Onlyasandwich
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5 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

A good start here may be to examine power selection, as it looks like you're still feeling out how these sets play, and settling into some of the conventions of how to slot powers on a fundamental level.


In Necro, you are highly encouraged to take every single power. Previously it was easy to skip a few of the blasts, but now that they proc a temporary summon (1 per blast), they are much more powerful. If I were to skip one, it would probably be Dark Blast, though I take them all. 


Similar story for your secondary. There are very few skips in time.

  • Absolute core powers include Temporal Mending, Farsight, Slowed Response, and Chrono Shift.
  • Good powers that you probably don't want to skip without excellent reason include Time's juncture, Temporal Selection, and Time Stop.
  • Time Crawl isn't a bad little debuff, but is the easiest skip in the set.


There's a lot more to be said about how to actually slot these powers of course. Rather than pick every detail here, I would suggest taking a look at some of the builds out there and understanding the targets folks typically shoot for, and how they usually enhance these powers.


On a broad note - the Medicine pool is generally quite weak. You would normally only consider taking it on a character that lacks heals, and really needs to heal something. Even then, it's not a great use of resources more often than not. The heals are weak, expensive, and interruptible. Time already has a good heal, and plenty of defensive powers to keep your pets safe.


You don't have to limit yourself to looking at Necro/time specifically. Review how folks use these sets in other combos and steal ideas that you like. Pay close attention to what they focus on in enhancing their powers though, and use this to inform how you enhance your own. 


There is a pinned post with a variety of /Time combos here, though the slotting from the Necro end of things is a bit dated, as it was before the major updates. The slotting on Time should be relatively portable. This post has a more recent discussion with some decent builds that use time.


Necro is a very popular primary, so you'll see quite a few threads to review builds. Here and here are some good examples. They key here is your friendly forum search!


It may be hard to evaluate what build is good and what is silly, of course! Review the discourse and check out a variety of builds to decide for yourself, but most importantly play your character and test things out for yourself. 


From where you currently are, the most important elements that determine your success will be:

  • Power choice, and enhancing the most useful elements of those powers.
  • Your ability to control your pets, ideally implementing some basic key binds or macros. You don't need to implement a complicated array, but having one for attack (aggressive mode), attack (defensive mode), follow (defensive mode), and a goto bind of some kind for your pets is a game changer.
  • More experience! There are a lot of little things you can do with how you position yourself and fuff around with the AI that will help you survive in this game. Not some sort of genius complicated hack of course. Simple things like knowing what power to open with, when to pull vs dive in, how to use line of site to your advantage, when and how to hide, jousting, etc. There are resources in the forums for some of these, but they are best learned through play.
  • Make sure you understand the limits of Enhancement Diversification (ED). Link here.

After you have this in hand and have saved a bag of influence, you can upgrade to an IO set build! There's a world of optimization to play with. Influence is easy to come by in this game, but it may take a bit to get your first pile going unless a kind stranger dumps some on you.


Here is more or less how I would approach this build if putting it together for my own purposes, with my own bankroll.



Mastermind (Necromancy - Time Manipulation).mbd 41.35 kB · 0 downloads

Note that Power Boost is uniquely strong here. Normally it is only a temporary buff. However, it can buff click powers, and the click power retains this stronger value for its full duration. Power Boost+Farsight = loads of defense and tohit for you and your minions/team. As a result, this build is not only able to softcap defense to all minions, but also Smashing, Lethal, and Ranged defense for yourself. It also includes some important features like knockback protection, max hit chance against +3's, and proc optimized attacks.


Again, I don't know that starting with this type of build would make much sense. Even if you have the bankroll, part of the joy of this game (at least for some of us), is understanding why we make these choices, and further optimizing them towards our goals! At minimum, the power choices and enhancement totals can guide you in some way.



Much to unpack here, tnx for another educated response.

I'm too used to the rigid archetypes in WOW fashion, this is something new to me.

And the depth of gameplay is Lovecraftian!


On 1/19/2025 at 4:41 AM, Dr Nemo said:

I have a Necro/Time/Healing MM and I get beaten to the crowd when I Nosferatu.


His autohit aura is tough for melee henchmen. Running on Single Origins/dual Origins I'd turn the difficulty down to -1 to make it easier. Time's juncture has a -damage component to it. You don't need to be right next to him to debuff him, stay on the edges where you aura just touches him, I believe Time's juncture has a greater radius than his autohit aura so you should find a sweet spot where you can debuff him but his aura can't hurt you. You can also feed your henchmen orange inspirations to increase their resistance and supplement that with temporal mending.


On enhancements I'd try to get outfitted with single origins as soon as possible, better yet you can invest in similar invention origins for a bit more upfront cost, but with the benefit you don't need to upgrade them every 5 levels.


Your build also can use a rework. I don't see any accuracy enhancements in your minions, I'd slot at least one.  You also slot very little endurance reduction, I'd put at least on in time's juncture.  Also, drop the medicine pool, it's not necessary. Proper positioning will do far more for your survival than spamming heals.


There's also no shame in asking for help. Envoy of shadows is another one that has an autohit aura that can be difficult for you.

Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


I am the Inner Circle!

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