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On the Homecoming wiki, it says the easiest way to file a bug report while in-game is to pull up the petition window, then click on the button 'Send Bug Report'.  The wiki even has a helpful picture.


My petition window has no such button as you can see below.


Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.


Click the petition type appropriate to what is being reported. If it is a technical bug, choose technical issues. If it is an exploit, choose exploits.

1 hour ago, Ironblade said:

On the Homecoming wiki, it says the easiest way to file a bug report while in-game is to pull up the petition window, then click on the button 'Send Bug Report'.  The wiki even has a helpful picture.

other than filing a bug report here, like you have done above, you can file a support ticket, like in the picture. once filed you will get email notification, and after a GM will respond by a second email that they recieved the ticket. in those two emails, there is a button link to "view support request" and if you follow it, it will take you to the game forums where you can add additional information if needed. 


but the in-game reporting system is generally for bugs that need some sort of immediate resolution, if possible.


i have done this myself, usually because it is a pressing issue of being stuck or having a mission bug preventing completion. but later i usually have filed a more complete report under bug reports here where they are publically visible to everyone. a detailed bug report with screenshots and as much information as possible. 🙂

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14 hours ago, Ironblade said:

On the Homecoming wiki, it says the easiest way to file a bug report while in-game is to pull up the petition window, then click on the button 'Send Bug Report'.  The wiki even has a helpful picture.


My petition window has no such button as you can see below.


The wiki needs updating.  The bug option was removed, bug reports are to be reported here on the forums unless it's an exploit and then you use the Exploits and Cheating option.

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