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WP/SS Brute - Building to get rid of Rage


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Since Rage now sucks thanks to the addition of the well thought out, really fantastic -DEF crash that utterly ruins the set (yes, sarcasm), any suggestions for a build that doesn't include Rage?


Really wanted to enjoy the build I had on live - however it seems like the change to Rage is not changing.  Any thoughts or build advice?  Or just re-roll as something else?



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If Rage must have a defense crash - which isn't totally unreasonable; it kind of dominated the meta before shutdown - then it either needs to be a lot smaller, or resistable. If you're something like /SR, -20% unresistable def means basically taking away your entire secondary, which is ridiculous.


Rant aside, Rage isn't unusable, but you can't put it on auto anymore. In tough missions you may not get to use it at all, but in a strong team or with multiple brutes/tanks, you can still use it a lot. I don't think that's a *good* place for the set to be, but it's not utterly ruined.

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I am going to start a toon today and solo every story arc with a SS /will. Rite.  This change does not affect my decision at all.  Most of my gaming will be solo.  2 minutes is an eternity to finish the objective room in most missions.  If it gets ugly there is always the candy tray


I will of course be doing all Blue TF as well. As pointed out the crash ina team is. It as bad.  If I truly am Tanking for a TF (rare) then that means I have 7 other damage and support crew with no other Brutes or Tanks.  I will be fine forgoing Rage for a few minutes then

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Might try /Bio


During the rage -Def switch to Bio's defensive mode,  this will directly counter a small part of rage's -Def while also giving you increased hit points, higher resistances and increased absorbs to help counter the rage. When -Def from rage is over switch back to offensive mode.

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