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Control Core Hybrid useless?


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So I was picking out Incarnates for my Ice Blaster, and I saw Control Core powers have a chance to add +1 magnitude to control powers. I thought, great, that'll let me hold bosses in just one Freeze Ray when it goes off! Except, not? Every time I've seen the telltale "CONTROL!" text above and enemy boss while running the toggle, the boss will act held for about a split second, and then resume attacking as normal. Does the +1 mag control effect just not work? If not, the only other thing the Core Control branch offers is the bonus damage to controlled enemies, and I could just run Radial Assault Hybrid and get bonus damage procs all the time, with no conditions.

Edited by Vanden
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Playing my Dominator, I used that power to great advantage.  Since I typically open with a stun/hold on a mob, then an immobilize, they are primed for that extra damage!  So, one good AOE, and annihilation ensues.

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But, I'm doing that extra damage to everybody I have held, and the Incarnate fire attack does a lot of damage, even without it.  So, the extra boost means a lot of minions just fall, and everyone else doesn't have much left.

What was no more, is REBORN!

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