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Laura Lockheart's Defend the UNSF Base Mission


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is bugged, seems there a key that suppose to be dropped by the something that will let you through a door at the end. I have run it multiple times defeating everything inside up to that door, still no key.


Interesting I can not call Laura on her cell to complete or drop the mission since she been kidnapped.


This is on Merry Mayhem on Everylast


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Same here, she is inside the mission, you can't call her or anything, and as you go through it you need a key that never drops to finish the mission. There is no way to get past here, I've tried it twice now. Killed everyone, clicked on everything, no blinkies... just can't get past it.

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Ok... this is way way worse than I thought...

The mission is with Laura Lockhart, and as soon as you take it, she is gone, and you can't call her or find her. She is inside the mission at this point. When you go inside, it starts off like normal but you run into a door that can't be opened without a key, and it never drops. SHe is on the other side of that door somewhere. When you leave the mission, you discover that the Abandon button is grayed out. You can't abandon the mission, nor can you call her to complete it (the once every 3 days auto-complete option), and you can't finish it. It is seemingly impossible to get rid of this mission. I may forever have this mission stuck in my queue taking up space from my available missions! With no way to report a bug, I'm not sure what to do but post here. The missions is "Defend the UNSF Base", the contact is Laura Lockhart. It is in Steel Canyon.

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Ok... this is way way worse than I thought...

The mission is with Laura Lockhart, and as soon as you take it, she is gone, and you can't call her or find her. She is inside the mission at this point. When you go inside, it starts off like normal but you run into a door that can't be opened without a key, and it never drops. SHe is on the other side of that door somewhere. When you leave the mission, you discover that the Abandon button is grayed out. You can't abandon the mission, nor can you call her to complete it (the once every 3 days auto-complete option), and you can't finish it. It is seemingly impossible to get rid of this mission. I may forever have this mission stuck in my queue taking up space from my available missions! With no way to report a bug, I'm not sure what to do but post here. The missions is "Defend the UNSF Base", the contact is Laura Lockhart. It is in Steel Canyon.





somewhere in the mission (one of the bigger rooms) there will be bodies, one of them is Lauras. You need to click on her to get the key/code which allows you to use a console later on and then open the final door.

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Youre right, found the body on one of the upper floors. At one point theres a message from one of the council, they are three together and Laura is lying at their feet. Finally ended the mish after the third try.  Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later

I can confirm, this mission is indeed not broken, just really easy to miss the next step. There is a point where you run into some villains talking about executing someone, that is where she is located. She isn't a glowie, she doesn't make noise or anything. But she is selectable, so look for a selectable body. I know it is a spoiler, but thanks for the help. Hope no one else runs into that problem, or if they do they see this thread. GLHF

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  • 2 weeks later



somewhere in the mission (one of the bigger rooms) there will be bodies, one of them is Lauras. You need to click on her to get the key/code which allows you to use a console later on and then open the final door.


Thanks Venture, it's a month later and this mission is still just a vague... too bad they couldn't have made her body a glowy so we could find her... :(

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If you're stuck where I think you are, you first need to click on Laura to check on her, then you need to click on the console nearby to talk to Leon, then the door unlocks.


It's not obvious that she is one of the bodies cluttering the mission... after several levels, I stopped inspecting bodies on the first floor... :(

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Also if you're a badge hunter and always felt Laura got a raw deal... do the arc in Ouro and look around more than you might normally. Pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to any clues that pop up during the ouro versions missions and you just might find a way to give Laura a better ending.



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