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Assault Rifle Improvements Needed


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Assault Rifle has several issues that I really hope to see addressed..

1) Assault Rifle is the only blasting set without Aim or an equivalent. Aim is a necessary power for a blasting set.

2) Full Auto has a 10 target maximum. Full Auto is the only blaster final tier power that does not hit 16 targets. Archery had a buff to animation time and they added 5 seconds to the recharge. This power should have a 16 target maximum, take half as long to animate and add 5 seconds to the recharge and match the damage that Rain of Arrows does. Additionally this power deserves a much wider cone.

3) These issues, combined with the fact that it is mostly lethal/smashing damage (Most resisted) make Assault Rifle a subpar choice which is really a shame for such a cool powerset. 


Bonus 4) One could argue that ignite is the unique power about assault rifle. The DPA of this attack is not very impressive, the DOT nature makes it challenging unless enemies are immobilized, and enemies scatter the very moment this power is dropped. Either a Damage buff, a substantial size of AOE buff, or some combination of both should be made.


Love the work that ya'll are doing. This set would be great with these adjustments or adjustments of ya'lls choosing but definitely needs to be looked at.

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12 hours ago, Rambolazer said:


3) These issues, combined with the fact that it is mostly lethal/smashing damage (Most resisted) make Assault Rifle a subpar choice which is really a shame for such a cool powerset. 


I wish AR had a Swap Ammo power like Dual Pistols.

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