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Hi everyone,


I noticed sometimes when I use Transfusion on Kinetics to heal that I don't get healed.  Not every time, and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong? Is it not having an enemy near enough or something?


Is there a bind I can use to target nearest enemy, then activate Transfusion?


Thanks for the help.


Transfusion has a native Accuracy bonus on the base power, but the power is NOT auto-hit.  This means that there is an accuracy check, and if it misses ... well ... no healing around your $Target.  Either slot Accuracy enhancements and/or the Accurate Healing set(s) into Transfusion to counter this problem.  Also bear in mind that the Heal AoE is going to be a 20ft radius around your $Target, not around you, so if you're more than 20ft away ... you're out of range of the Heal effect.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


To add to that, a lot of Kinetics effects really want you to be up close and personal with your targets. Particularly as you enter the 30s, you'll want to be close not just for Transfusion, but also for Transference and Fulcrum Shift.


Just accuracy isn't going to do it against tougher mobs, you need +to hit, not just with Transference, but many of kin's powers.  Get tactics if you don't already have it, and find and slot a kismet +accuracy (actually +to hit) in a defense power asap.  


Bear in mind also, that in spite of all that, powers with a tohit check ALWAYS have at least a 5% chance to miss.  Sometimes you're just gonna have to faceplant when that transfusion misses. :classic_sad:

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