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GM Capocollo

Retired Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Capocollo

  1. It's the natural ebb and flow of online games.  Past the honeymoon period where everybody wants to play all the time, some people get bored and find something else to do, and not every person who considers themselves an active player is logging in every day.


    For the record, over the past week, we've been consistently hitting a little over 5,500 people online at US primetime.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, Some Random User said:

    Since you have the numbers, in the staff opinion, how much should a build cost? Does the staff want players to fund their builds through conversion-speculation?

    You can have the numbers, too.  1 merit's worth the AH price of 3 enhancement converters, or 1/5 of a enhancement booster, or 1/20 of a enhancement catalyst, whichever one's highest.  That sets the soft cap on enhancement prices.


    As for the total price, that's too general a question to answer satisfyingly.  There's a lot of build possibilities between "solely lv.50 SOs" and "purple 50+5s and Luck of the Gambler in every slot that can bear them", and you definitely don't need to be closer to the latter to play at lv.50.

    • Do you use firewall software?  Did you set up an exception for homecoming.exe, or tell the software to allow homecoming.exe access to the internet?
    • Are you playing on a public network in a place like a mall or a school?
    • What are the results if you do the following:
      • Right click on the Start menu and choose "Run"
      • Type "cmd" and click OK
      • In the Command Prompt, type "ping hc-db-excelsior.homecomingservers.com" and press Enter
  3. In the Windows file system, the folders themselves are always "read-only" -- it prevents a program from trying to modify the folder itself and screwing up the file system. Permissions are what matter; check this in the Security tab in the folder's properties.  Your current user account needs to allow write permissions.


    The SSD shouldn't matter, unless you've moved it from another computer and the folder permissions are still locked to the user on the previous computer.


    It looks like you're not having the same problem as the OP of this thread, though.  Could you post a screenshot of the Binds tab in the game Options window showing what you've got bound to the Screenshot (TGA) function?

  4. There are already two systems in place that are keeping inflation in check:


    • The fungibility of raw materials and finished goods: Enhancement converters mean that if there's suddenly a run on one specific popular IO, sellers will be encouraged to use enhancement converters to turn less-valuable enhancements into the in-demand one, and eventually this'll bring the price back down towards its long-term equilibrium again.  (This also keeps unpopular enhancements from becoming worthless in comparison, since even if they're very niche or of questionable utility, they can still be used as fodder to make something more valuable.)  It's also not possible for one person to corner a specific enhancement salvage necessary to create an in-demand IO because of the seeding system.
    • The merit vendor: Everything available on the auction house has a soft price cap set at the virtual value of the merits required to buy it from the merit vendor.  If it'd be cheaper to buy the enhancement directly from the merit vendor rather than turn those merits into inf and buy it from the auction house, people will avail themselves of the former instead of buying from other players.
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  5. 32 minutes ago, ed_anger said:

    1. have players join supergroups by global name

    2. players can join as many supergroups as they like

    3. you can set supergroup title per character, the same way you select badge titles


    work for your RP needs?


    This is a fine proposal -- Guild Wars 2 works like this and it's pretty nice -- but it's not possible with the current codebase, full stop.  It can't happen barring some miraculous infrastructure refactoring that completely rebuilds the way the server and its data are structured from the ground up, so I don't really see the purpose in arguing with people about it any further.

  6. Alignment Merits are no longer rewarded by any content in the game, and the Fort Trident and Crucible vendors no longer sell anything.  The Alignment Merits only remain in-game as a way to more efficiently move merits between your characters.  Everything that was available from BOTLER and Trashcan is now sold at standard Reward Merit vendors.

  7. 3 hours ago, Shenanigunner said:

    I appreciate the effort and the maintenance and moderation effort and absolutely everything that's gone into Homecoming... but could we go back to a somewhat tighter, easier-to-navigate and -read theme/style/layout for the forum?

    It's not really something we can "go back" to, since the old theme is pretty tightly integrated with Simple Machines Forum, the previous forums software.  IPB has its own set of defaults that'd require a lot of work on a custom theme to mold into something resembling SMF.


    We've been adjusting the current theme to find a nice balance between IPB's preference for wide-open margins everywhere and SMF's extremely text-dense style.  (Posts used to have a much larger minimum height, paragraphs had a full extra linewidth of space between them, avatars were something like 200x200.  It had a whole lot of unused space.)  I don't think we're ever going to get back to the platonic ideal of the SMF layout, but we are trying to find a nice balance between information density and concerns like platform-agnostic design and ease of use/accessibility.

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