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GM Capocollo

Retired Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Capocollo

  1. 14 hours ago, Some Random User said:

    Those internal conversations are opaque to me.

    That is why they're internal.  The devs/admins need to decide whether it's something worth pursuing before they throw open the gates to wider feedback; there's no point in getting people involved before there's even a ground plan established.


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  2. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


    Don't say anything, the community wonders why everything is so quiet, and if the deal goes through, people get angry that they weren't told about it and didn't have a chance to weigh in.

    Say something vague and people invent all kinds of dismal scenarios about what they think is actually happening

    Explain it in depth and get a thousand internet lawyers picking apart every single jot and tittle, and potentially sour the deal in the process, or subject some poor guy at NCsoft to a lot of hate mail.

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  3. I'm not privy to any of the negotiations, so I don't know anything about 1 or 2.

    For 3, I think it's just a simple desire not to get people's hopes up or provide grist for the game of telephone if a particular plan falls through or gets modified.  In an environment like this, any kind of speculation or prediction from the people in charge gets taken as a promise.

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  4. Quería dejaros saber que hay al menos un GM que habla español.  Si tenéis una pregunta que no podéis o queréis entregar a los GMes en inglés, yo puedo ayudaros en español.  (Aun así, todavía usad la sistema "Support" y no me mandéis una mensaje ni en Discord ni en los forums, porque tengo que traducir y explicar las peticiones para los GMs no hispanohablantes.)



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    Titan Icon and Paragon Chat are not developed or supported by Homecoming: Titan Icon's costume list is slightly different than Homecoming's, and Paragon Chat does not communicate with the Homecoming servers.  If you're looking for support or help with using them, go to https://cohtitan.com.

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  6. 8 hours ago, Jeuraud said:

    The Named Lt is why people who use Def as protection, build to keep at the softcap, and everybody else is constantly talking about getting to softcap if possible. That Lt should have never happened in a Lev 10 +0 Paper Mission, but it did, and it's not the first time I've faced this situation. That's just one of the quirks of CoH.


    Now you all go on and preach Statistics, rationalizing CoH's RNG-Attack sequence; I have almost 42 years of professional Training and Experience with Troubleshooting (Military and Civilian), that tells me otherwise.



    You're doing a lot of extrapolating from a sample size of n = 1.  Probabilities aren't guarantees: just because something is rare doesn't mean it's impossible.


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