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  1. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Other actions like jumping for example effect the tail’s animation. I really don’t see why an emote couldn’t do the same. Your reasoning as to why it “can’t” be done feel a little bit… shortsighted to me…
  2. I think animated tails should also have special emotes. Like dog tail wag, etc. i’d like tails to be a little more expressive than simply moving back and forth automatically.
  3. We need a multicolored baseball cap with a propeller on top (animated of course)
  4. This would accomplish what, exactly? Lol
  5. I love the idea of having blue end recovery numbers. Seconded!
  6. Azari


    I feel like spines/invuln/psi would be better than spines/regen
  7. I would do axe/ninjitsu/psi mastery
  8. I still want to get that undefined costume on some character... just because I never see anyone actually use it
  9. I’ve always found that boosters sell faster than converters
  10. And if you do happen to run into a dev, nobody will ever believe you. You’ll be labeled as crazy.
  11. Snake hole? What? Can you provide a /loc for where exactly I stand to get in there? I tried a few things and none worked.
  12. It's annoying that there's such a cool little area there but it is impossible to get into. WTF
  13. My idea yes. He should spawn in the water somewhere. I suggest near the upper left corner of the map. Lowbies basically never venture over there and it’s close to the islands where the DE monsters are.
  14. What if destroying enough DE monsters on the tempest quay islands caused a hami to spawn in the ocean somewhere near the island? 😄 that would give people a reason to kill those monsters!
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