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  1. Bump. Tail emotes must be possible.
  2. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Other actions like jumping for example effect the tail’s animation. I really don’t see why an emote couldn’t do the same. Your reasoning as to why it “can’t” be done feel a little bit… shortsighted to me…
  3. I think animated tails should also have special emotes. Like dog tail wag, etc. i’d like tails to be a little more expressive than simply moving back and forth automatically.
  4. We need a multicolored baseball cap with a propeller on top (animated of course)
  5. This would accomplish what, exactly? Lol
  6. I love the idea of having blue end recovery numbers. Seconded!
  7. Azari


    I feel like spines/invuln/psi would be better than spines/regen
  8. I would do axe/ninjitsu/psi mastery
  9. I still want to get that undefined costume on some character... just because I never see anyone actually use it
  10. I’ve always found that boosters sell faster than converters
  11. And if you do happen to run into a dev, nobody will ever believe you. You’ll be labeled as crazy.
  12. i'm talking about this area
  13. Snake hole? What? Can you provide a /loc for where exactly I stand to get in there? I tried a few things and none worked.
  14. It's annoying that there's such a cool little area there but it is impossible to get into. WTF
  15. My idea yes. He should spawn in the water somewhere. I suggest near the upper left corner of the map. Lowbies basically never venture over there and it’s close to the islands where the DE monsters are.
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