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  1. I just want to say that the prohibition against real world crime doesn't mean "Burglary is a thing that happens in the real world, so you can't depict villains stealing things." It means you can't use the content to discuss, plan, etc actual real world crimes being committed right now.
  2. This kind of feels like one of those things that was only ever designed to be slow to squeeze more subscription money out of you, and that players have conditioned themselves into thinking was a good thing all along. The rush to end game is often because endgame has the best or most interesting content, and because it's something to use that powerful character you spent time building on instead of just dumping them the moment they reach the Apex of their abilities. A game with a poor end game almost punishes you for caring about getting up there at all. I also feel like a quick leveling process is just more friendly to new players in general. If you've picked up the game 6 years late you no longer have an insurmountable wall to catch up to all those new people who have been playing it since open beta. Leveling can still be important to learn a character, but it shouldn't really be a slow agonizing grind to get to max level.
  3. So I've known about this for years, and only now bothered to write up something about it. In AE, the Devouring Earth only spawn in big rock-monster centric groups, as depicted This is a screenshot from a test mission, using the normal Devouring Earth faction on the Eden map. Everywhere on this map, they spawned as rock monsters with Devoured bosses. At first, I thought the behavior was just an AE-centric quirk. Then today, I started running through the Vernon von Grun arc for the first time in a while. This has been pretty common here. Interestingly, in this particular mission there are actually two factions of Devouring Earth fighting each other. One of them spawns with a variety of monsters as it should, and the other is all rocky bois. A previous mission did have all rocks everywhere, though. I'm not sure what's going on, but it feels unintentional.
  4. Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? Okay, actual question: For anyone who's interested in answering, be it gameplay, story, etc: What parts of Homecoming's development of City of Heroes do you approve of? Which do you not, or would do differently if it was you in charge?
  5. You need at least one person at each banner, yeah. To make them vulnerable enemies have to die at each banner simultaneously (People will say things about the circle, that's just aesthetics) If you're not getting badge credit for banner kills it's because your team hasn't contributed enough damage for one reason or another to get the credit. If people are jumping around not paying attention to the organization or what order banners need to be killed or killing banners before everyone is there, then you have problems.
  6. Hero Corps' emblem was added to costumes a few pages ago, but apparently shields missed out. If it could be added there, that would be very appreciated!
  7. Is this thread still followed? Zone/Mission: ASF_M2_Smelting_Cauldron_generic Position: [-835.9 24.0 157.3] In an AE mission, this happened on two teams- Objective spawns, presumably, inside this crate somehwere
  8. This is something I've been mulling on for a while. Homecoming has added a lot of story arcs at this point, and of them only the Piecemeal storylines have not been Rogue/Vigilante locked. (And the Aeon SF technically I guess, but it's a TF) Can we cool down on that in the future? I know like 99.99% of characters are rogue/vigilante anyway, and the shades of grey etc etc is intoxicating area to explore, but there's quite a few pure blue or pure red characters who are locked out of the new content unless they get a vigilante/rogue buddy to start the storylines for them. I feel like you can still put vigilante/rogue options in a storyline without forcing people to be a mid alignment to do the quest at all.
  9. Whoa, it's certainly gotten a lot hotter in here! Congratulations! Check your global for an email from @VicePresidentDSG!
  10. I've drafted and deleted so many versions of this post that if I don't just ditch the cutesy gimmicks I had planned it's never going to happen. We can all agree that Jack In Irons is a very handsome guy. I mean, look at him. The ideal male body, you've gotta love it. But the height of attractiveness is comfort, and we just never get to see Jack comfortable because his throne is just one of his spawn points, and it's pretty rare. I hereby offer a bounty for anyone who can post, in this thread, a picture of themselves standing near Jack in his throne, to the tune of ten million influence! Easy money, if you can be blessed enough to see Jack in the height of comfort. There are some rules, of course! 1) Jack must be resting in his throne! If he's standing, it doesn't count! I don't know if he spawned there and you accidentally aggroed him, or if you stole him away from his righteous conflict against that jerk Eochai and lured him all the way to the throne! So, if he's standing, your picture is void! 2) Your character must be in the screenshot! There are pictures online of Jack in his throne, and while I trust nobody would try to pass off a google screenshot as their own, I feel this is reasonable 2) One payout per account, please; Give more people the chance to enjoy our big boy's presence! Include your global handle with your screenshot so I know where to send the cash, also. 3) Patience, please! If you post and you don't immediately see an email, it might just mean I'm too in awe of your screenshot to be able to send your proper money right now. Or I'm at work. Or it's been like ten months since I made this post and I've just stopped checking. Happy hunting!
  11. I appreciate the condescension, but I do know what I am talking about.
  12. So, I'm not sure how I'm possibly going to give any good documentation for this, but. I have been leaving a character sitting at various boats and ferries in the Rogue Isles to try to get her Smuggler credit for days. My progress was at 93% and would not continue. I was in the proper volume as far as I'm aware- the little icon to tell you about the Smuggler day job was popping up in them as I was logging off and back in, but credit was not being awarded. As a test just now, I went back to the first boat I used- The one by the quartermaster in Nerva Archipelago. A quick test showed some progress accumulating. Only here- I don't have a full list of boats but I tried the ferries at least in Mercy and Port Oakes, leaving the character parked there for entire workdays, and they did not progress things any. Logging out for a few minutes here progressed it from 92.80~% to 92.95%. I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but there's some shenanigans afoot
  13. Very minor, but the Arachnos Agent badge has been displaying the wrong text *at least* for about as long as I've known about the badge on Homecoming. This is the text for Cannon Fodder, the blueside version of the same badge, which is working correctly for the record. According to Paragon Wiki, the correct text for villains should be "Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job. Logging out in an Arachnos Base will grant you an Experience bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time. "
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  14. The best place to get your Nemesis kills is a nemesis invasion. Do Pandora's Box arc 5 (If you want you can form a team to do this quicker and get bonus kills), then form a league wherever the invasion spawns. One invasion can get you all three Nemesis badges easy.
  15. It's really easy? You're only outleveling the arcs if you're going out of your way to maximize EXP. Turn off your double EXP and play them at x1 and you're generally going to be hunting for missions between each arc to hit the minimum level for the next one. If you don't want to do that, be prepared to have a wiki open for the level ranges and shut off EXP before you outlevel the next contact.
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