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Dev Unitas

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  1. Welcome home, BABs! Honored to have you with us. Hope we can do you and your old team's work the justice it deserves.
  2. If those were ever used, they would never be as rewards for 4*. As it stands, I'd say it's highly unlikely they will ever be used, based on conversations I've had with the powers devs. Not speaking for them there, just my personal thinking.
  3. It's not my content, but in the case of those three things, my understanding is that ITF has no special 'secret' fight, while the other two do. It's not 4* that gets you those rewards, its the special fights that are exclusive to 4* but not required. In other words, if something cool like that were added to ITF, it'd likely only happen if a new hidden encounter gets added to ITF.
  4. Maybe we'll use it later on at some stage, but it was suggested!
  5. They're pretty fun! Welcome to Fort Trident 🙂
  6. Should be true of Ukon Grai! It's a change to the Colossal power and how it applies to Giant Monsters that have it. If you check the Giant Monster with a power analyzer (or the Entity search on CoD) and it's benefiting from Colossal, it is affected by this health scaling.
  7. As someone else who plays on Everlasting predominantly, while that definitely does happen, it's not the only way it can happen, even in PUGs, and individuals in groups should encourage the selection of a specific tank, who players pay attention to the direction of. Regarding MMs on a more general level, I can't say anything regarding hypothetical changes to them because I'm simply not a Powers Dev, it's not the area I work in. I can say that we are aware of their particular set of issues, though.
  8. Separately from the Lusca stuff I wanted to confirm that the damage ticks for the Pumpkin Patch will be getting a minor reduction for players and significant reduction for pets in an upcoming patch.
  9. After assessing the power with my co-devs, I'd say Tentacle Smash is WAI in terms of how hard it's hitting and its general behaviour. In this case, the tank of the team should be facing the tentacles away, communicating that they're the tank, and people who are going to complain about group fly should have it disabled via Null (and that's their fault if they haven't). From what information you've given me there's also the possibility that the issues you're having are actually to do with Lusca's head shooting ink (which was retuned during the GM sweep), not the tentacles, could you clarify if that is being considered?
  10. Tentacle Smash is a cone, so positioning your bots appropriately will generally be a core focus for fighting Lusca. If that's proving much too difficult I can take another look at her damage, but the Tentacle Smash is correctly following formula last time I checked.
  11. Current solo difficulty across the board is WAI (unless there are some exceptions that are particularly easy to solo, still). Team testing was where we were lacking.
  12. Is this in the context of team play, or attempts to solo her?
  13. A good portion of the GM rebalancing was my work, including Eochai, and I'm sorry that people have been having a hard time in this case. While Pumpkin Patch existed before the rebalancing, it went through a number of iterations during beta, and unfortunately (but not unexpectedly due to the nature of beta testing open-world content) not enough testing was done on the final iteration for us to hear this particular feedback sooner. The power will be looked at. No promises regarding specific changes, but it'll be looked at and some minor adjustments will likely be made. In terms of where the new GM tuning is meant to sit, they're meant to have some teeth. A standard team shouldn't be surprised if ~1-3 players drop during the fight, depending on the GM. In this case, the patch is very lethal, yes, but it's also not particularly large. Recommended play to deal with it includes playing more spread out from your teammates to minimize losses. That said, I recognize the difficulties with Masterminds and other pet users. It will be taken into consideration.
  14. Absolutely agree that it's a matter of opinion. Personally I've always adored Redside for its abundance of Arachnos (love the costume design for Arachnos on a primal level) and the interesting, unique tone the setting has. Can't say there's many video-game cities that replicate the feel of the Rogue Isles! That said, been enjoying this thread folks, thanks for the discussion so far. Mostly been expected sentiments, but definitely the sort of conversation worth having. As expected, people's perspectives on Redside and its flaws/lack thereof are often fairly opinionated (not in a negative way), quite diverse, but typically sharing certain similar talking points. Even as a fan of the Rogue Isles and the levelling experience to be had there, I can't say I'd even disagree with many of the gripes people lob at it. Even the distaste for the 'gloom', fair enough. Certainly not an atmosphere for everyone, and I don't think it really needs to be. Anyways, carry on! Just felt like musing since I haven't chimed in for... dang, 9 pages! Good stuff!
  15. These are the exact sort of things to post in --> here <--- if it's a new bug to page 7, otherwise ---> here! <--- If the thread for them already exists, post your own information in that thread - if not, it's worth making a new one for each separate issue.
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