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Posts posted by Greycat

  1. Yeah. Kind of  have to add my voice to the "While AOE holds should have recharge looked at, Seeds isn't the yardstick to use." (And for me, mass confusion > seeds simply for the lack of aggro on MC. Granted, this is offset a bit on Seeds side by either being on a dom and having attacks that early, or being on a team for other players to absorb some aggro, but still.)

  2. You *can* play at below -1. People have outleveled missions that were causing them problems since issue 0.


    You could also, technically, set mobs to -2 by setting it at -1 and taking an Ultimate inspiration for a level boost, I suppose. (Well, several, depending on how long the mission was.)

    10 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    But that is me, and it is clear that there are many people who want things to be easier.


    There's ... easier, and then there's "I want to feel more powerful," thus guides on capping defense, recharge, etc. The two are *not* the same.  I mean, take - say - an MMA fighter. He's put into a cage match with ten other guys, more or less equally skilled. If he defeats them, he feels powerful. Now drop him into a cage with a bunch of ten year olds. He'll still manage to defeat them, but probably (hopefully!) not feel as good about it.


    (Fwiw, neither really apply to me personally. I don't tend to (intentionally) cap or perma things because I *want* more of an element of risk - winning through that way is satisfying to me in a way that "I'm untouchable and can nuke things every three seconds without ever being hit" isn't.)

  3. 2 hours ago, Player2 said:

    I dislike confusion and the controversy its use in teams creates, so I watch controllers and if they confuse any enemies, those enemies become my primary target.  Don't confuse it unless you want me to kill it first.



    Sounds like a good way to get kicked off teams, if noticed.  Better rule to follow - "Don't be a dick."


    If I'm confusing something that would buff the other side, typically I'd rather have it buff *me.*  If you're killing that first, as far as I'm concerned, you're working to actively harm the team.

  4. Two little things that I think would be nice for macros:


    1. The ability to email them.

    They show up on the tray like items. Wouldn't it be great if - say - someone in help said "I can't find the last X!" and you could drag your "Find" macro to email, send it to them and say "Put this in your tray, right click it, and change the last word - 'hostage' - to whatever you're trying to find?"  Even if these were only able to be emailed to an account, it'd be helpful. 


    Obviously these wouldn't leave *your* tray when you do it.


    2. A macro window.

    Yes, there's pophelp. Yes, you can make a tray and stick them in it. But there's no real "macro management window." If you delete them from your tray, they're gone... but they're not, as respeccing proves, since they show right back up then in the middle of all the temp powers and other things.


    So how about a macro window? One that, like the powers window, you can drag macros from and onto your tray (or, with suggestion 1, into email.) Or easily edit in one spot. Or perma-delete.

  5. 5 hours ago, Black Talon said:

    Greycat, my thanks.  Whatever the behind-the-curtains in-story story of the 5th Column/Council split, it's really nothing more than, at best, a matter of passing interest for me.  My friends and relatives and I - Back In The Day - would discuss how the Devs' possible rationale for switching things around was political correctness; I'd argue that, although, yes, the 5th Column does use a number of Germanic titles and military references, this is nothing more than a hold-over from their wanna-be-improved-Nazis image; the group was, is, and always will be indentifiably American, and clearly white-supremacist on top of that.  I don't recall seeing a single African American, Asian American, Indigenous or any other non-Western Caucasian group represented in their membership in the eight-plus years I was playing the game.



    (Bit of in-game and IRL history incoming....)


    As I'm recalling, technically they're an *Italian* group. Not American in origin, though obviously they're using American recruits now and would have been for half a century plus, given their role in WWII in-game. And Italy makes sense. Birthplace of fascism (the fasces being an Italian symbol, a bundle of rods with an axe blade which was a symbol of power and authority, and Mussolini being an inspiration for other Fascist movements - Mussolini's "fasces" (at that time more a group or movement, and not the only one referred to as a fasces) being formed... eh, during or just after WWI. Reasonably sure I recall it as pre-1920, with the actual Fascist party forming afterward (20s.)

    Whether this is to avoid the "They're nazis" bit or not... *shrug.* As I'll mention once in a while in game, nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis. All good for face-punching in game, though. So they do fit *that* role in game perfectly. :)

    And yes, they'd be... as much as this term causes cringing... "racially pure." Fascists are far-right, typically anti-"liberal democracy," pro single strong leader, anti-Marxist and often focus on (among other things) a 'master race.' I also wouldn't expect to see female members, as they *tend* to lean towards "men doing manly things, women doing womenly things - typically at the home, to support them." Doesn't mean there won't be women *agreeing* and supporting this, but you're not usually going to see them fighting.

    (As an aide, Arachnos also started out as an Italian organization. I don't recall off the top of my head if they had any ties to the 5th column organization or not. I don't believe so. Just that Recluse took over from the Weaver. I rather expect more mob-boss style.)   

    Oh. Also, as far as "going underground," well - that *is* what a Fifth Column is. A hidden group of saboteurs, spies and the like, meant to undermine an organization (or army or nation or whathaveyou.) So... yeah, makes sense. It's actually odd for them to be *visible,* given the name - then again, Malta's a super-secret organization as well, just a rumor, right... except for the thousands of thousands of guys, plus giant stompy robots, that you defeat during the game. One of those things whose premise really works better in PnP than in MMO. :)

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  6. On 7/3/2021 at 1:09 AM, Black Talon said:

    The reason I'm going into this is because the "Council" seemed, to me, to be simply a generic bad-guy group with no real set of identifying concepts, aside from "We're going to take over the world.  Why?  'Cuz."  If Homecoming has indeed brought back this association of monstrous pseudo-beliefs, I'll be as happy as anyone else to throw the gloves aside and say, "Time to clean house and knock down a few columns."  Although some insight into not just when it happened but why would be kind of nice as well.


    They were removed in issue 3. Which is also when Kheldians were introduced.

    Running through the Kheld story arcs, you'll find Nictus (Arakhn and Requiem) pulling a lot of strings, even before the split. (Arakhn and the Center were leading things - there's 1-2 Kheld arcs where you see messages between them,) and Arakhn inducted Requiem into the Path of the Dark.)


    Plus in... I think it's one of the Ouro arcs, I'm drawing a blank - there's a bit about the 5th going underground and waiting to emerge again, as I recall.


    So... basic power grab, difference in goals, that sort of thing.

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  7. Kinetic melee is ... odd. Could never get into it. (In part due to look, in part due to sound... I can't help but call it Nascar melee.)




    Not sure about beam rifle. I've got one or two, it's just ... eh. Not really connecting with the character.

  8. Sonic's not bad.. but, yeah, the sound effects can be offputting.... "Resonant puke," "Dog howl" and the like - I mean, sure, you can tell what power's being used, but still. Imagine that with dual pistols. *Bang* *Zoink* "Wawawa* *sad trombone* as you shoot...

    • Haha 1
  9. Some characters exist as a bio before I hit the character creator.

    Some have been around since live and .... need more than the editor's limit.

    Some are just mess-around, this-sounds-like-fun characters (or utility characters, like base builders) that don't need one.

    Some have one I just haven't written up yet.


    Really depends on the character. *shrug*

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  10. Yes, this happened back on live. And there were some complaints about it back on live, since they and the Council will fight each other, which makes "defeat X council" missions a bit more tedious.


    You'll also find references to (and missions with, directly or indirectly) their leader, the Center.

  11. 10 hours ago, Supertanker said:

    This isn't a needed change, but I thought it might be fun and maybe encourage people to play their characters more instead of get power-leveled.


    The people who want to get PLd will get PLd, even if you unlocked all primary and secondary powers at level 1. And it doesn't matter if they get PL'd or not, frankly.  Some don't want to play characters until they're "complete" at 50 and fully IOd, T4'd, etc. The people who want to play characters through lower levels for whatever reason (like me) are going to do so.


    Personally, I don't think it's needed. There are some powers that could be rearranged to be *available* earlier, but that's a powerset-by-powerset project.

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  12. Can't hop in game right now.  Can't say I've seen this - but does this also happen opening up the autosave above it?


    It should also be saved in your COH (or homecoming) directory as a .storyarc file - might want to attach it. I can't think of anything that would *do* that in the file but it couldn't hurt to see if someone else sees the same thing with the same file. (And the file itself would be there to examine.)

  13. Man, I'm all over the place. 

    Sometimes I'll have the *character,* but not really a costume and they'll end up in a generic looking thing or T-shirt and jeans.

    Sometimes I'll be doing soemthing else, see a piece and go "Ooh... I could use that for..." and end up with a new character.

    Soemtimes it all just comes up naturally.


    And ... while I don't think I have any unused costume files, some totally deserve that "clothes horse" badge. If they had an in-game walk in closet, it would be filled plus some.

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  14. If you're level 35+, you should get an arbiter (rein?) as a contact. He's standing right outside the big tower in Grandville. He'll have you look at the arbiter statues inside and pick one. You'll then have that patron as a contact. Do their first arc. You'll be awarded a badge. You can then use any of the patron power pools (... assuming you don't have an anciliary pool already picked, if you do, you'll need to respec.)


    If you're under 35, people will often advertise they're running the patron arcs, or are on the last mission or two of them. Join in. You can get the badge, but won't be able to pick the powers 'til 35. For Mu, it's Scirocco.

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  15. Just now, fftocool said:

    How to get to pocket d? I forgot....been 10 years


    1. On certain maps (Kings Row, Talos, Oakes, etc.) there'll be a dot that shows an entrance for pocket D - typically has a bunch of pinkish Pocket D "posters" around it.

    2. Go to a base portal, use either your own base if it has it set up or one of your server's transport-hub type bases (such as zone-8888 on Everlasting) to go to Pocket D.  (While there, once you change your alignment, go to the monkey fight club, go upstairs, snag the explore badge - think the one on the truck works, too - to add it as a destination for the long range teleporter.)

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  16. 2 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Part of being civil is also tolerating other people doing things that you don't like.


    This means not being the nosy person constantly peering out of the curtains and calling the police on those mean ole neighbor kids because they set up a lemonade stand. Or telling their parents when you overhear them using a "naughty" word. Or complaining because someone names their character Pig Benis.


    You all sound like the cranky old spinster aunt at the family reunion who makes annoyed faces every time she hears children laughing and having fun.


    Let the children have their fun!


    Given we don't have examples, I'd say you're making assumptions about the poster.


    Yes, they could be more annoyed at certain names that happen to hit some sore spot with them, and they could ignore them and "should let the kids have their fun."


    Or the kids could be spraying graffiti and leaving bags of dog crap on their property, in which case they have every right to complain.


    We don't have the information either way. No need to get judgey on the OP. If the OP thinks there's a problem, they should go to the GMs.

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